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Example sentences for "retaliatory"

Lexicographically close words:
retaliate; retaliated; retaliates; retaliating; retaliation; retard; retardation; retarded; retarding; retards
  1. The news of the outrage, spreading through the border States, inflamed the repressed feeling of the people to the highest degree, and formidable retaliatory expeditions were immediately contemplated.

  2. The most imperative need was a series of retaliatory measures to meet the burdensome navigation laws of England, to give American ships a fair field and no favors.

  3. He was accompanied by his friend Theseus, who carried off the princess Antiope, sister of Hippolyte, an incident which led to a retaliatory invasion of Attica, in which Antiope perished fighting by the side of Theseus.

  4. In former times they committed frequent raids upon the plains of Assam, and have been the object of more than one retaliatory expedition by the British government.

  5. In that case, the surrounding nations would adopt retaliatory measures, and become so many asylums for Jewish fugitives.

  6. In that case, the surrounding nations would of course adopt retaliatory measures, and resolve themselves into so many asylums for fugitive Israelitish servants.

  7. It is unnecessary to go into the general arguments for and against retaliatory duties.

  8. Professor Dietzel, in his very remarkable and exhaustive work on Retaliatory Duties, shows very clearly that the example of Tariff wars is highly contagious.

  9. For this purpose the two end teams play against the center team (but not against each other); and the center team also plays the ball in a retaliatory or aggressive game, trying to hit players on either of the end teams.

  10. There is no retaliatory play of the ball by the center players; they merely dodge it.

  11. There is no retaliatory play from the inner team.

  12. This session of the Legislature passed several laws of the very greatest public consequence, such as the act to authorize Congress to pass retaliatory trade laws against Great Britain (ib.

  13. The last resolution proposed to give Congress the power to pass retaliatory trade laws.

  14. Despite the severe blow administered by General Clark, the savages committed so many depredations that a retaliatory campaign was determined upon.

  15. Only one of the colony had been shot by Indians during the preceding winter, the band which did it having withdrawn before any retaliatory measures could be taken.

  16. The first was Colonel Byrd's invasion, and the other was the retaliatory invasion of the Indian country by the gallant Colonel Clark, and his attack upon the Shawanoe towns.

  17. Byrd's invasion created great excitement, and the proposed retaliatory measure of Colonel Clark was received with enthusiasm.

  18. But the retaliatory stroke was soon to come in the expedition against Louisbourg.

  19. Church’s conduct of the expedition, which had promised much and had been of heavy cost to the province, had not answered public expectation, and crossed the judgment of such as disapproved the making of retaliatory cruelties the object of war.

  20. The early years of the century were distinguished by the sharp retaliatory attacks of the Carolinians and the neighboring Spanish.

  21. The first organized retaliatory assault was the maritime expedition to the Bay of Fundy, led in 1704 by Col.

  22. Third--That a tariff can be used when necessary as a retaliatory weapon to make a breach in the tariff walls that other nations have erected.

  23. He pointed out that no country had ever aimed a retaliatory tariff at England; that tariffs in other countries were laid for domestic purposes and not out of antagonism to another country.

  24. It would be necessary, he contended, if a retaliatory policy was undertaken to first impose a high tariff all around and then offer to reduce it in special cases.

  25. He urged, also, partly as a retaliatory measure, and partly as a measure of self-protection, that the members of the Legislature wear only such clothes as were made by our own manufacturers.

  26. Vieques, Culébras, and la Mona became the places of rendezvous whence they started on their retaliatory expeditions, while their spies or their relatives on the main island kept them informed of what was passing.

  27. The English fleet made a retaliatory raid along the East Anglian coast, and captured sixteen ships at the mouth of the Stour, but was then defeated.

  28. By such retaliatory measures, it was hoped that New York might be compelled to rescind her odious enactment.

  29. It assures the maintenance of effective, retaliatory force as the principal deterrent to overt aggression.

  30. While retaliatory power is one strong deterrent to a would-be aggressor, another powerful deterrent is defensive power.

  31. There is no disposition among any of our people to promote prohibitory or retaliatory legislation.

  32. The most powerful deterrent to war in the world today lies in the retaliatory power of our Strategic Air Command and the aircraft of our Navy.

  33. Of the Extremists the "Red Legs" were the active wing, those who indulged in retaliatory and provocative outrages.

  34. It was at once retaliatory and precautionary and on a par with the instructions for the removal of the Acadians on the eve of the breaking out of the French and Indian War.

  35. They continually plundered and murdered the outlying Georgia settlers; and the militia, in their retaliatory expeditions, having no knowledge of who the murderers actually were, quite as often killed the innocent as the guilty.

  36. The rude militia officers began to lead their retaliatory parties into the Indian lands, and soon the innocent Indians suffered with the guilty, for the frontiersmen had no means of distinguishing between them.

  37. When once the whites fairly began to make retaliatory inroads they troubled themselves but little as to whether the Indians they assailed were or were not those who had wronged them.

  38. No Louisianian suffered in person or property from any retaliatory action of the Government; but lasting good was done by the abject failure of the plot and by the exhibition of unused strength by the American people.

  39. It was little wonder that a section of English opinion began to sigh for protected markets, for retaliatory tariffs to force down bars abroad, and for a revival of the old preference or monopoly in the markets of the colonies.

  40. In the evening Mr. Balfour declared himself in favour of a retaliatory tariff as a means of commercial bargaining with other nations, but said that a tax on food was not within the limits of practical politics.

  41. Naturally the Battalion came in for a good deal of the retaliatory fire of the enemy, but few casualties took place.

  42. The Battalion came in for some very heavy retaliatory shell fire.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retaliatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    balancing; changeable; compensating; compensatory; convertible; equal; equalizing; equivalent; even; implacable; interchangeable; interchanged; irreconcilable; mutual; offsetting; penitential; punitive; rancorous; reciprocal; reparative; retaliatory; retributive; returnable; spiteful; standard; transposed; unappeasable