Raising his eyes to heaven, he repeated the words of the penitential psalm: "Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord!
And when the queen made no answer, they went down again slowly to the garden, and kneeling one at the head, the other at the foot of the dead man, they began to recite penitential psalms in a low voice.
He showed the book he was reading while the mason excavated: it was the Seven Penitential Psalms.
In its quietude and silence, and in its penitential life, he found again peace and tranquillity of soul, and the gayety of his youth came back to him.
At the tables of the nobility he did not vary the least detail of his penitential abstinence, eating from only one dish, and never even tasting wine.
Ladybank Junction, stranded on its moor, used to have the name of a specially penitential waiting-place, which yet lent itself to romantic account in one of those Tales from Blackwood.
Always, when wife or daughter came to see him, they first prayed together, and I may say that the prayers were not short, for they included the Seven Penitential Psalms as well as other formal prayers.
Lasso's 'Penitential Psalms' are much simpler in style than this mass.
Captain Wilkes had just set him a glorious example of a disregard of neutral rights; and the seven days' penitentialpsalms had not yet been ordered to be written.
I wonder if Lord John Russell had a little fun in his eye, when he gave Mr. Seward just seven days for his penitential performance.
And so I listened to their penitential excuses, one by one, and restored them to duty, retaining one or two of the greatest culprits for trial by court-martial, as an example to the rest.
But you know," she said, smiling, "its strings will break if any one tries to play on them an accompaniment to Latin verses of penitential hymns.
In addition, once in awhile, the penitentialand funereal ceremony you saw three days ago.
The psalm usually appointed for penitential acts, being the 50th psalm in the Latin version.
Self- inflicted and voluntary corporal punishment, as penance, or otherwise; specifically, a penitential scourge.
An old man with silvery gray hair made his way to the bed, knelt down, took a prayer book from his pocket and, by the light of the candle, began to read the Penitential Psalms.
He produced hymns and songs, penitential prayers, psalms, and threnodies, filled with hope and longing for a blessed future.
Pepita did not wish to retire to a convent, nor did she incline to a penitential life.
Zimmern is of the opinion that the hymn may have been an evening prayer, but it seems more satisfactory to place it merely in the general category of penitential psalms, with a request for a sign that the deity has been appeased.
A penitential psalm with historical references; see also BOR I, 21-23.
The penitential psalms presuppose this belief as much as any other branch of the religious literature; they merely illustrate this belief in the purest form of which, in the course of its development, it was capable.
For such occasions many of thepenitential psalms which were discussed in a previous chapter[1586] were composed.
We may, therefore, assume that penitential psalms existed as early as 2000 B.
Even in thepenitential psalms, that merit the term 'sublime,' the penitent pours out his soul at the shrine of grace in order to be released from some misfortune that has come over him or that is impending.
This anonymity, therefore, which characterized the penitential psalms was not due to any advance in thought, but one can easily see how it led to such an advance.
Clothed in the penitential garment, he received judgment.
The uniform and indispensable condition of all miraculous cures, whether produced by prayer, imposition of hands, penitential castigation, or magic power, is faith.
In Theodore's Penitential of the seventh century, forty days' penance is prescribed for masturbation.
When Moses Ibn Ezra wrote penitential hymns, or Ibn Gebirol divine meditations, the Psalms were ever before them as an inspiration.
Degradation from Orders, and imprisonment with penitential discipline, seems to have been the usual mode of punishment.
The heretic was to abjure his heresies publicly, clad in penitential garments, and was then consigned to lifelong solitary confinement in a Dominican cloister, where he died in A.
Many young Americans who go abroad to study break down upon the very vehicle upon which they must depend in their ride to success through the indiscretions of overwork or wrong living.
There is a tendency with some teachers to magnify the importance of auxiliary studies and minimize the importance of essentials.
But he was apprised of their purpose by Poltrot, one of their number, and used the pretext of indisposition to excuse his absence from the penitential procession.
The ascetic impulse, which has seldom been far from the deepest religious feeling, derived comfort and the sense of atonement in penitential abstinence and preparation for the holy mysteries.
But he prayed with such contrition of heart and such vehement beating of the breast, and penitential tears, that his fellow-prisoners and all present were greatly astonished at his remorse.
When the parishioners had almost perished, so that the voice of the singer was heard no more, and the penitential hymns were no longer intoned by the chanter, they still called the remains of their congregation together at the hour of prayer.