Hostile bombardment of our front line, while our artillery retaliates on a trench running from Below to Desire Support Trench.
Our artilleryretaliates on Below Trench and hostile communications.
Heavy bombardment of our line west of Dyke Road while our artillery retaliates on Coulee and Below Trenches.
England retaliatesby refusing to surrender the western posts.
Formidable as it looks, it is not only harmless, but never retaliates when attacked, and remains perfectly quiet when taken in the hand.
Sometimes it thus retaliates on the jaguar, and seizing the fierce brute, drags it down below the surface, where it is soon drowned.
A North American Indian, injured by one white trader who escapes his vengeance, retaliates on the first European who falls within his power.
New England retaliatesby offering 20 pounds for every Indian prisoner under ten years of age, 40 pounds for every scalp of full-grown Indian.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retaliates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.