As to the Russian Government, it adhered strictly to the formula of May, ‘No annexations and no punitive indemnities.
The peasants brought to desperation come out in open rebellion; the landlords and Government authorities massacre them with punitive expeditions; factories and mines are closing down, workmen are threatened with starvation.
Under such a system it becomes almost impossible to individualise prisoners; there is no time for it; as a result, the influence of reformative agencies descends to a minimum and only the punitive side of justice comes home to the offender.
Punishment of this nature still remains punitive as it ought to do, but it is at the same time a kind of punishment from which something may be learned.
At a single look, Antony forgot forever the punitive object of his journey to Egypt; forgot that he was ruler of half the world, and that he had the cleverness and power to oust Octavius from the other half, and to rule it all.
Octavius, as master of Rome, headed the punitive army of invasion.
The attacks on Washington and Baltimore, the seizure of Alexandria, and the general conduct of operations in the Chesapeake, belong strictly to the punitive purpose which dictated British measures upon the seaboard.
Since punitive sterilization has as its immediate effect, whether as an end or as a means, sterility of the generative potency, it may well fall under the category of direct and hence also under condemnation of the Holy Office.
In the same context, punitive sterilization, whether as punishment for crime or as deterrent, was also declared to be unlawful.
Punitive justice is a moral virtue and hence should be characterized by moderation as to all its circumstances.
Theological opinion is still divided as to the liceity ofpunitive sterilization.
Thus, many regard laws that make betting illegal as preceptive under venial sin, while others regard them as punitive only.
The new rules thus introduced an element of discretionary exercise of punitive authority.
Then came the punitive expedition for the attack on Akassa that wiped off a few more of the population, so that to-day the Brassmen may be described as a vanishing people.
Upon the entry of the punitive expedition into Benin City in the month of February, 1897, Benin City still possessed one of these serpents in brass, not hanging from a tower, but laid upon the roof of one of the king's houses.
It was proposed at one time by some of the inhabitants, and again by Governor Stuyvesant, that negroes be armed with tomahawks and sent in punitive expeditions against the Indians, but nothing seems to have come of that.
Either we shall gladly accept the purging fire of the Spirit which burns sin out of us, or we shall have to meet the punitive fire which burns up us and our sins together.
The "Écho Belge," published in Amsterdam since the German occupation of Belgium, revealed that the punitive action by the German authorities was prompted by something other than an infringement of the regulations.
On the 9th a small punitive expedition was sent against the treacherous tribesmen, and four Arab villages were destroyed.
A punitive expedition sent out to attack the raiders marched through the night to Bir Mahadet only to find that the Turks had fled.
All these things taken together set up a strong current of opinion against any teaching of punitive energy in God.
The question for each of us is--How can we face that judicial and punitiveaction of that Divine Providence which works even here, and how can we face the judicial and punitive action in the future?
That it should form part of the penal resources of the Spanish Holy Office was therefore natural, although it lost its penitential aspect and became purely punitive and vindictive.
This indicates how completely the scourge had become punitive and how it was dissociated from the ancient discipline, but if such regulation existed it met with scant recognition.
We had set our faces against European conquest in the Americas, and therefore against any punitive expedition, likely to lead to permanent occupation.
We hated the water cure, punitive expeditions, and the endless controversies over the status of Filipinos under American law.
As another example of this same sort of thing, we may take the description of another object, a curious metal casket brought to Europe by a member of the Punitive Expedition.
Among the large number of carved works discovered at Benin by the British Punitive Expedition are a large number of huge and splendidly carved elephant tusks.
Society has been relying principally upon its punitive methods in dealing with the habitual criminal, and so long as a given offense was punished according to a given statute it felt that it had done its duty.
In time we have come to realize that our punitive methods not only do not tend to do away with recidivism, but enhance it.
The punitive expedition that we briefly describe in Chapter XXII.
Since the establishment of the European governments in Borneo, punitive expeditions have been necessary from time to time in order to put a stop to wanton raiding and killing.
Inglis describes the misery of the Serbian prisoners:-- ‘They had seen men go out to battle, conscious of the good work they had done for the Allies in driving back the Austrians in their first punitive expedition.
At the end of 1914, the Austrian Empire hurled its “punitive expedition” across the Danube--a punitive expedition that ended in the condign punishment of the invader.
Now, certainly, her purposes were punitive only, and her flowing sentences well turned to her desire.
The good lady easily saw that she had struck the right punitive note at last.
Take the case of a punitive expedition starting from Peshawer and proceeding to Kabul.
Once impress upon the Afghan the hopelessness of facing a mechanical punitive force and he will give up rendering such forces necessary.
The indication is strengthened by the circumstance that what precedes and what follows the account of the punitiveexpedition is outlined only.
The punitive authority of elementary school teachers is subject to the regulations of the education authority: that of poor law authorities to the regulation of the Home Office and the Local Government Board.