He maintains that it is the d in d-d, the reduplicate præterite of do.
There are good grounds for believing that in the word did we have a single instance of the old reduplicate præterite.
In the present English there is no undoubted perfect or reduplicate form.
The reduplicate form, in other words, the perfect tense, is current in none of the Gothic languages except the Mœso-Gothic.
The first is formed by a reduplication of the initial τ, and, consequently, may be called the reduplicate form.
Did from do is also considered to be a reduplicate form.
The same reasons, moreover, which induced the Master to reduplicate his lesson demands that we should also reduplicate ours: it is our part both in matter and in method to follow his steps.
The reduplicate form, in other words, the perfect tense, is current in none of the Gothic languages except the Moeso-Gothic.
In the Moeso-Gothic, however, there was a true reduplicate form; in other words, a perfect tense as well as an aorist.
The first is formed by a reduplication of the initial [tau], and, consequently, may be called the reduplicate form.
In the present English there is no undoubted perfect or reduplicate form.
He maintains that it is the d in d-d, the reduplicate praeterite of do.