Here were the Frenchmen ioifullie receiued of the Welsh rebels, [Sidenote: The suburbs of worcester burnt.
Wherevpon the earle of Northumberland, not thinking himselfe in suertie at Berwike, fled with the lord Berdolfe into Scotland, where they were receiued of Dauid lord Fleming.
King Henrie gentlie receiuedthose that were sent to him about this message, [Sidenote: Abr.
Sir Walter Clopton said then to the commons; If ye will take aduantage of the processe of the last parlement, take it, and ye shall be receiued therevnto.
My abode in Balsara was iust sixe moneths, during which time I receiued diuers letters from M.
Wilkinson, which by his long experience had receiued sufficient triall of Spanish inconsistencie and periurie, wished him in no case to put his life and libertie in hazard vpon a Spaniards othe.
But the great San Philip hauing receiued the lower tire of the Reuenge, discharged with crosse bar-shot, shifted her selfe with all diligence from her sides, vtterly misliking her first entertainement.
And incontinentlie herevpon was Cnute chosen andreceiued for absolute king of all the whole realme of England.
In which meane while, Edmund Ironside came to London, where he was ioifullie receiued of the citizens, and continuing there till the spring of the yéere, made himselfe strong against the enimies.
Duke Richard receiued his sister and his nephues verie ioifullie, and promised to aid his brother king Egelred in defense of his kingdome.
Christmas himselfe sailed into Normandie, and was of his brother in law ioifullie receiued & greatlie comforted in that his time of necessitie.
Which if it be true, a doubt may rise whether Swaine receiued anie aduertisement from Turkillus to mooue him the rather to inuade the realme: but such aduertisements might come from him before that he was accorded with Egelred.
Moreouer, whereas they wintered that yéere at Southampton, the king procured Aulafe king of the Norwegians to come vnto Andeuer (where at that time he lay) vpon pledges receiued of the king for his safe returne.
Which word was neuer yet receiued in our language for an English word.
Radegonde was she, that receiued the othes of their espousalles, and capitulated the articles of their secrete mariage.
And when he sawe the towne a farre of, he sent the guide backe againe, and went the same daye to offer his seruice to a certaine captaine of lighte horsemen, who receiued him into wages, and then he bought armour to serue his purpose.
The campe receiued Brutus with great ioye and triumphe, for that he had deliuered the citie of such a tyraunte.
From thence the twoo knightes went into England, and so perswaded the king, that they recouered his good will towardes his doughter: and sending for his sonne in lawe, hee receiued them both with great ioy and triumphe.
The knight Mendozza stale secretly awaye, and after that he had in the next village dressed certaine small woundes that he had receiued in the combat, he toke his way into Spain.
About the same time, king Henrie receiued the ambassadors that were sent to him from the French king, and had beene staied at Douer, till the Cornish rebels were vanquished and subdued.
Which earle (according to the kings letters) receiued him with three hundred horsses, all by torchlight, to the great admiration of the strangers.
And so did the Englishmen resort againe into the archdukes dominions, and were receiued into Antwerpe with generall procession: so glad was that towne of their returne.
In this verie season, Charles the French king receiued the ladie Anne of Britaine, as his pupill into his hands, and with great solemnitie hir espoused, hauing with hir in dower, the whole duchie of Britaine.
After them also folowed Anselme archbishop of Canturburie, Gerard archbishop of Yorke, & William the elect of Winchester, whom the pope receiued with a courteous kind of interteinement.
And furthermore, if any thing be appointed by the king or any other person to be vsed for the wealth of the realme, it shall not yet be receiued as law, till by authoritie of this assemblie it be established.
And as it came to passe, he tooke ship to saile this last iournie thither, euen the same daie in which he had afore time receiued the crowne.
The chéefest cause of their deposing, was, for that they hadreceiued their inuestitures at the kings hands.
In like maner king Henrie, hauing quieted his businesse in France, returned into England, where he was receiued and welcomed home with great ioy and triumph; but such publike reioising lasted not long with him.
And so he departed as he came, for no manreceiued him as legat, neither did he exercise anie legantine authoritie.
Andrews church, where he wasreceiued by the quier, the schollers, and all the people, for true and lawfull bishop.
This was doone after an old receiued custom of the people of Rome, to haue both subiects and kings vnder their rule and dominion, as who so shall note the acts and déeds of the Roman emperours from C.
Also they vsed to prepare for themselues a certeine kind of meate, of the which if they receiued but so much as amounted to the quantitie of a beane, they would thinke themselues satisfied, and féele neither hunger nor thirst.
And euery seuerall Captaine receiuedfrom the Generall certaine Articles of direction, for the better keeping of order and company together in the way, which Articles are as followeth.
Nicolo, whoreceiued him very ioyfully, for that he was his brother not onely in flesh and blood, but also in valour and good qualities.
Islanders haue warre with those of the maine, for many of them are sore wounded, which wounds they receiuedvpon the maine land, as by signes they gaue vs to vnderstand.
And one of our fleete named the Barke Dennis, being of an hundreth tunne burden, seeking way in amongst these yce, receiued such a blow with a rocke of yce that she sunke downe therewith in the sight of the whole fleete.
On Monday morning the 27 of May, aboord the Ayde we receiued all the Communion by the Minister of Grauesend, and prepared vs as good Christians towards God, and resolute men for all fortunes: and towards night we departed to Tilbery Hope.
And being in so good readinesse, the Generall with all the Captaines came to the Court, then lying at Greenwich, to take their leaue of her Maiestie, at whose hands they all receiued great encouragement, and gracious countenance.
And last the longcustome, which hath receiued the regiment of women.
And thus much at this time of our two vniuersities, in each of which I hauereceiued such degree as they have vouchsafed, rather of their fauour than my desert, to yeeld and bestow vpon me.
Would to God my knowledge were such, as that neither of them might haue cause to be ashamed of their pupill; or my power so great, that I might woorthilie requite them both for those manifold kindnesses that I haue receiued of them.
Yet I know, when Gods Bible was banished the Court, and Morte Arthure receiuedinto the Princes chamber.
Some write (which seemeth also to be confirmed by the Danish chronicles) that king Hardiknought in his life time had receiued this Edward into his court, and reteined him still in the same in most honorable wise.
In the seuenth yéere of whose reigne, which was after the incarnation 53, the Romans receiued a great ouerthrow in Britaine, where neither the lieutenant A.
These therefore fléeing their waies, Plautus receiuedpart of the people [Sidenote: Bodumni.
At their comming to London, they were most ioifullie receiued of Cassibellane, who at the same time had knowledge that the Romans were come on land, and had beaten such Britains backe as were appointed to resist their landing.
The king giuing good eare vnto the bishops wholesome admonition, promised at that present to become a Christian, if he might reuenge his injuries receiued at the hands of the Westsaxons.
But king Henrie died during the nonage of this Alexander, whereby he receiued not his homage, which by reason and law was respited vntill his full age of one and twentie yeares.
The one is grounded vpon a receiued custome: The other vpon an authoritie, which some thinkes infallible.
And in the meane time their bodies being senselesse, to conuay in their hande any stone or such like thing, which he makes them to imagine to haue receiued in such a place.
Sidenote: The king is receiued verie honorablie into the citie of Excester.
And though it may be obiected, that some haue receiued benefite hereby, yet these are not one of tenne.
Scarce she had this, but presently she told it to one of her maids: she to another of her fellowes, so that report was spread through the whole Citie, and went for currant vntill it receiued a checke: But all are not of this mould.
Which when =Anthonius= vnderstood, he staide, and enquiring of him what he was, receiued this answere.
Wherewith the Schultish was not offended: and when he would eyther descende into the pit, or come vp againe, blessing himselfe with the signe of the Crosse, he neuer receiued hurt.
And this straunge wonder is ioyfullyreceiued as a sure token of good lucke.
This Tower was high and strong, as I haue before declared, and stoode néere vnto the Spanyardes forte, whiche from that tower receiued muche hurt.
Garcia Holguin being a gladde man of his prysoner, tooke and carried him vnto Cortes who receiued him reuerently.
Nowe in this meane season they trymmed their shippes of the hurte receiued by the late tempest, & at the returne of the two ships and Vergantyne, they hoysed vp sailes and departed.
And vsing conuersation with our men, & seeing they receiued no hurte of them, they brought to the towne their wiues and children, which were no smal number.
Noble gentlemen, diuerse times I haue written vnto you, but as yet I neuer receiued answere, nor yet now doe I.
The fall of both of them, receiued in a vessel of Porphyrit stone, with two Receptories ioyning togither in the same vessel, seperated and distinct from the Nimph sixe foote, standing vppon a conuenient frame of flint stone.
In which place without any staying, the third woman came and receiued vs very gratiously, her name was Mnemosina, and shee calling vs, gaue vs free leaue to go in.
But you cannot haue leaue to enter in here through this Curtain, before you bee receiued of a vigilant and innocent Damosel that is the keeper of this doore, and she is called Cinosia.
I sir, she hath sent me to you to let you 35 Vnderstand she hath receiued your Letter, And let me tell you, she is one stands vpon her credit.
Sidenote: The ambassadorreceiued by the Vizir with all kindnesse.
Edward being somewhat mooued to compassion: came backe againe to the land, and receiued and stowed them in his owne ships, being the last that went aboord.
Whereupon he was soreceiued of all the people and crowned king.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "receiued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.