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Example sentences for "receiue"

Lexicographically close words:
receding; receipt; receipted; receipts; receit; receiued; receiueth; receiuing; receivable; receivd
  1. Peter at Westminster there to receiue his diademe; Hubert the archbishop of Canturburie being cheefe in authoritie and honour, both for his age and calling, spake these words or the like in substance before the whole assemblie, as followeth.

  2. On the next day, being Ascension eeue, he came to London there to receiue the crowne.

  3. Now king John being aduertised of that ouerthrow, was maruellouslie sad and sorrowfull for the chance, in so much that he would not receiue any meat in a whole daie after the newes thereof was brought vnto him.

  4. King John made answer heerevnto, that if his coosen the king of Scots would come vnto him, he should be assured to receiue at his hands all that was reason, as well in those demands, as in all other things.

  5. But for the Pardon, yee craue such particulars in it as Wee must be well aduised vpon, lest otherwise Wee giue you backe the double or triple of that Wee are to receiue by your entire Subsidie without Fifteens.

  6. Marchants to bestow such money as they receiue for their wares, in English commodities, or to pay the same vnto Englishmen, the Kings part of all forfeytures within Cornwall, is reserued to the Duke.

  7. Duchy, the first in England, and graced it with his sonne, the blacke Prince: for his heroicall vertues did rather bestow, then receiue estimation from whatsoeuer dignitie.

  8. And when you sitte in your regall seate, vsing the authoritie of life and death ouer your subiectes, do in no wise forget the fortune, wherin you were before you were made king, ne yet for what purpose you did receiue it.

  9. Neuerthelesse, he gaue them leaue to receiue the fruites and commodities of their reuenues.

  10. We be at your commaundement: sende hither commissioners, to receiue our weapons, our pledges and our citie, which standeth with the gates wide open.

  11. Strengthen your self then (madame) in the name of God, and make you ready to receiue death in the name of him that was not ashamed to indure it for you.

  12. I speake to him sometimes, said Timon, because I know that by his occasion, the Atheniens shall receiue great hurt and trouble.

  13. Not for that I will blame them that do reueale to theyr husbandes the assaults which they receiue of importunate suters, that doe assaie to deflower their Chastitie.

  14. France: and the said sergeant was two daies in the host before my lord would see him, or receiue his letters.

  15. Sidenote: The kings receiue a solemne oth to see the peace performed.

  16. And the Frenchmen right willingly receiue them into their lande, which seemeth very desolate for want of inhabitants.

  17. And there went to receiue him messieur prou Iohn prior of S.

  18. And continually the sayd lord kept him behinde the sayd repaires with his knights and men of succours, intentiuely ready and prepared to liue and die, and to receiue his enemies as they ought to bee receiued.

  19. Luke the euangelist next insuing; for so they might receiue all the whole reuenues of the realme due at the feast of saint Michaell next before the said feast of saint Luke.

  20. Wooduile & Edward Poinings receiue monie of the duke for the earles conduct and his companie.

  21. Whereupon I presented to his Lordship the names of the Prisoners in order, which were now to receiue their Iudgement.

  22. Whereupon Master Couell was commaunded by the Court in the afternoone to bring forth all the Prisoners that stood Conuicted, to receiue their Iudgment of Life and Death.

  23. And vnpossible it is that they shall either prosper or continue in this World, or receiue reward in the next, that are stained with so much innocent bloud.

  24. The names of the Prisoners at the Barre to receiue their Judgement of Life and Death.

  25. About the second of Aprill last past, committed and sent them away to the Castle at Lancaster, there to remaine vntill the comming of the Kinges Maiesties Iustices of Assise, then to receiue their tryall.

  26. For he would not receiue the crowne at the hands of Stigand archbishop of Canturburie, bicause he was hated, and furthermore iudged to be a verie lewd person and a naughtie liuer.

  27. Good Duke receiue thy daughter, Hymen from Heauen brought her, Yea brought her hether.

  28. Inuest me in my motley: Giue me leaue To speake my minde, and I will through and through Cleanse the foule bodie of th' infected world, If they will patiently receiue my medicine Du.

  29. Howbeit to[2] gratifie him, he commanded his son Henrie to receiue that oth, for the which the king gaue him the earledome of Huntington to hold of him for euer.

  30. And I had no sooner set my foote vpon the steppe, to receiue the water, as it fell, but the pissing Boye lift vp his pricke, and cast sodeinlye so colde water vppon my face, that I had lyke at that instant to haue fallen backward.

  31. Wherefore let men that receiue of women authoritie, honor or office, be most assuredly persuaded, that in so mainteining that vsurped power, they declare them selues ennemies to God.

  32. The Psalmes they sing as wee doe, hauing no image, nor vsing any maner of idolatrie: their error is, that they beleeue not in Christ, nor yet receiue the New Testament.

  33. Istria, to the port of Rouigno, and the said day there came aboard of our ship the Perceuena of the shippe named Tamisari, for to receiue the rest of all the pilgrimes money, which was in all after the rate of 55.

  34. And how needfull is it to be aduertized, when they wil recouer their paiments, in what order they shal receiue their Ganza?

  35. Cairo containeth in circuit eighteene miles, being so inhabited and replenished with people, that almost it cannot receiue more; and therefore they haue begunne to builde newe houses without the citie and about the walles.

  36. Receiue it Lord therefore as it was ment, 485 For honor of your name and high descent.

  37. To whom the Infant thus, Faire Sir, what need 2 Good turnes be counted, as a seruile bond, To bind their doers, to receiue their meede?

  38. In which case the two verses ye leaue out are ready to receiue their concordes by the same distaunce or any other ye like better.

  39. Now furthermore ye are to note, that al monosyllables may receiue the sharp accent, but not so aptly one as another, as in this verse where they serue well to make him iambicque, but not trochaick.

  40. Which when the earle of Mellent had read, and vnderstood the effect, he asked what he was that durst receiue any such letters without the kings assent and commandement: [Sidenote: Samson bishop of Worcester.

  41. Sidenote: Stephan erle of Bullongne the first that offered to receiue the oth.

  42. Yea and how dreadful a thing it is, and how much to be auoided to receiue a cursse, vnder colour of a blessing," etc.

  43. That euerie archdeacon should at the least receiue the orders of a deacon.

  44. Thus it commeth often to passe, that those which receiue the greatest benefits, doo oftentimes soonest forget to be thankefull.

  45. Stay my Lord Legate, you shall first receiue The summe of money which I promised Should be deliuered to his Holinesse, For cloathing me in these graue Ornaments Legat.

  46. Resolue on this, thou shalt be fortunate, If thou receiue me for thy Warlike Mate Dolph.

  47. The person that we have appointed to receiue it is our worthy servant, Sir Jno.

  48. I’ll receiue her from you 255 As a new thing, by your owne ſtandard!

  49. But Pug, As the times are, who is it, will receiue you?

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "receiue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.