Pannes to make fyre in: Item, twoo rounde pannes of iron made six-square grate wise being uppon wheales to make fyre in.
If the loue of twoo persones is to be regarded, that meane to accomplishe the holy state of wedlock: for you knowe that his father in nobilitie farre excelled myne.
A litle whyle after Simphorosia vnderstanding of the deceits whiche the other twoo had done to Philenio, attempted to geue hym the thirde, whiche was not inferior to the other twayne.
And so accusing himselfe, he determined to followe after her, accompanied onelye with twoo pages.
The other twoohearing Andreuccio saye so, stepped vnto hym, saying: “Wilte thou not goe in?
When the wife and husbande sawe eche other, they imbraced like twoo that mette after suche troublesome aduentures.
Alerane was succoured with some clothes to couer his bodie, and releued with a litle summe of money, which being spent, thosetwoo kinges children were constrained to begge, and aske for God’s sake reliefe to sustaine their infortunate life.
From thence the twoo knightes went into England, and so perswaded the king, that they recouered his good will towardes his doughter: and sending for his sonne in lawe, hee receiued them both with great ioy and triumphe.
The other twooperceiuing the watche at hande, left Andreuccio in the pitte and ranne awaye.
The confession ended and the diamond receiued, the twoo friers retourned home to their conuent.
Call to thy remembraunce and consider, that when thou geuest the signe and watch worde of the battell, our twoo armies shall bee but a ridiculous spectacle to them.
Twoo retaliated the kindnesse with a present of Jewells; but I can't learn how much further the bargain proceeded; time must shew that.
The xvij^{th} Journey the duke of Norfolk gate Dammartyn and twoo other grete townes: and the dolphyn was that tyme at Jargowe, v leges biyonde Orliaunce.
That there be appointed one or twoo preachers for the voyadge, that God may be honoured, the people instructed, mutinies the better avoided, and obedience the better used, that the voyadge may have the better successe.
These are the trewe keyes andtwoo swordes which God hath put into prestes handes.
Moreover, the relation of David Ingram confirmeth the same; for, as he avowcheth and hath put it downe in writinge, he traveled twoo daies in the sighte of the North Sea.
Plate and Jewells belonging to the same guilde, videlicet, twoo Chalices, parcell guilte, waying 47 ounces.
The people taryed from twoo a clocke tyll three, from three to foure, styll askyng and criyng: Whan shall the plaie begyn?
As firste, when I sette the one foote in A, then with the other foote I doo make twoo arche lines, one in E, and an other in F.
Illustration] In the firste triangle E, whiche is a threlyke, and therfore hath all his angles sharpe, take anie twoo corners that you will, and you shall perceiue that they be lesser then ij.
If in annye triangle there bee twoo angles equall togither, then shall the sides, that lie against those angles, be equal also.
Then sette I the one foote of the compasse in B, and drawe twooarche lines F.
B, and is diuided firste into twoo equal partes in C, and then is there annexed to it an other portion whiche is B.
Illustration] Firste I haue sette for an exaumple twoo equall circles, that is A.
B, are thetwoo angles of this cantle, whereof the one is by D, and the other is by B.
But now the same cantle hathe two other angles, which be called the angles of that cantle, so the twoo angles made of the righte line D.
B, is equal to the two squares made of the same line with the twoopartes of itselfe, as with A.
Then sette I my compasse (whiche is opened according to the semidiameter of the said circle) fixing one foote in the end of euery semidiameter, and drawe with the other foote twoo arche lines, one on euery side.
And yet from either of those two poinctes are there drawen twoo lines equall togither, as A.
Fyrste deuide euery side of the quadrate into twoo equall partes, and so drawe two lynes betwene eche two contrary poinctes, and where those twoo lines doo crosse, there is the centre of the circle.
This done, hée leftetwoo hundreth Spanyardes and the Carreirs in the campe.
Cortes seing this broyle, he with certaine of his men went out at one dore, and an other Captayne at another, with eache of them twoo hundred men.
For, Alexander saied, that as the worlde can not bee gouer- ned with twoo Sunnes, neither the worlde can suffertwoo [Fol.
You maie as matter riseth, ioigne twoo notes together, as the reason of the argumente cometh in place, whiche Apthonius [Fol.
THeir aucthoritee and dignitee was equalle, in the common wealthe: For, at their twoo mouthes, Roome and Athenes was vpholed.
But the fame of these twoo Oratours, nei- ther the enuious nature can diminishe their praise, nor the ignoraunt be of them a arbitrator or iudge, so worthely hath all ages raised fame, and commendacion of their vertues.
And further he sayth he must geue hym twoolyuing thynges once a yeare.
He sayde, that Pictures made in wax wyll cause the partye (for whom it is made) to continue sycke twoo whole yeares ere the wax will be consumed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twoo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.