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Example sentences for "sixe"

Lexicographically close words:
sius; sive; siven; sivin; six; sixes; sixfold; sixpence; sixpences; sixpenny
  1. Her name was Euclelia, verie honourablie attended vppon with sixe young Women.

  2. The fall of both of them, receiued in a vessel of Porphyrit stone, with two Receptories ioyning togither in the same vessel, seperated and distinct from the Nimph sixe foote, standing vppon a conuenient frame of flint stone.

  3. This tryumphant Charriot, was pompously drawne with sixe fierce Vnicornes: their heades like Harts, reuerencing the chaste Diana.

  4. Shee had attending vpon her sixe Handmaydes, basely and slenderly apparrelled.

  5. Vpon one side there was placed a faire stone of pure white Marble foure cornered, half as long again as it was broad, which latitude as I supposed was some sixe foote.

  6. Betwixt the fruite and the leaues, there came vp sixe small Pypes, out of the whiche the water did spring vp through a small hole.

  7. This tryumphant Charyot, was drawen by sixe white Elephants, coupled two and two together, such as will hardly be found in Agesinua, nor among the Gandars of India.

  8. The 19 day we came to an anker at the Cape, in a roade fast by the Westermost side of two hils in 10 fadome of water where you may ride in fiue or sixe fadome, for the ground is faire, and alwayes you shall haue the winde off the shore.

  9. The 17 day we set saile from Cape Blanke, directing our course South and by East and South among, and so fell into a Baie to the Eastward of Cape Verde, about 16 leagues, and about sixe leagues from the shore.

  10. We remained in this place called Egrand, vntill the last day of April, in which time many of our men fell sicke: and sixe of them died.

  11. Whereupon two canoes full of men, with their bowes and arrowes shot at us after our sterne: in recompence whereof we discharged sixe muskets, and killed two or three of them.

  12. Fiue or sixe thousand, but very weake and vnseruiceable: the troopes are all scattered, and the Commanders verie poore rogues, vpon my reputation and credit, and as I hope to liue Int.

  13. Enter one of the Frenchmen, with fiue or sixe other souldiers in ambush.

  14. He blushes, and 'tis hit: Of sixe preceding Ancestors that Iemme Confer'd by testament to'th sequent issue Hath it beene owed and worne.

  15. As we were sharing, some sixe or seuen fresh men set vpon vs Falst.

  16. It was in a subsequent reign, that of Mary, that a proclamation was issued that no man should "weare his shoes above sixe inches square at the toes.

  17. But the other guides, namely the Comanians, which were giuen vs by Corrensa, brought vs from the last garde vnto the citie of Kiow, in the space of sixe dayes.

  18. And hauing stayed there fiue or sixe dayes, hee sent vs vnto his mother, vnder whome there was mainteyned a verie solemne and royall court.

  19. Our men followed them some fiue or sixe score, but no further.

  20. In all the coast wheresoeuer they digged they found fresh water: there they filled their vessels; and the procession being ended, embarked themselues, and going alwaies in sight of the shore they sailed sixe daies.

  21. And I haue solde an hundred cubits of broad cloth for fiue hundred and fiue hundred and fifty and sixe hundred reys the cubit.

  22. Besides the premisses send sixe yards of skarlet, parchment lace of diuers colours.

  23. Item, sixe or eight pieces of sayes for mantles for women, which is the most necessary thing that can be sent.

  24. But I solde mine for two and thirty and sixe and thirty reals the gallon.

  25. Sixe thousand of all maner of fish hooks Four dozen reames of paper.

  26. In such distresse and doubtfull ieopardy, When Britomart him saw, she ran a pace 8 Vnto his reskew, and with earnest cry, Bad those same sixe forbeare that single enimy.

  27. And so in the end, what wearied with firing, and vvhat hastened by some other respects, we were contented to accept of fiue and twentie thousand Duckets, of fiue shillings sixe pence the peece, for the ransome of the rest of the towne.

  28. Of which twentie thousand pounds (as I can iudge) will redound some sixe pound to the single share.

  29. This place of strength vvas furnished of sixe great peeces, demi-Culuerins, and Sakers, vvhich shot directlie in front vpon vs as vve approched.

  30. After sixe vveeks abode in this place, vve put to sea the last of March, where after tvvo or three dayes a great ship vvhich vve had taken at S.

  31. Vpon the foure and twentieth of Nouember, the Generall accompanied vvith the Lieutenant generall and sixe hundred men, marched foorth to a village tvvelue miles vvithin the lande, called S.

  32. This gowne J have worne Sixe dayes already, it lookes dull, ile give it My waiting woman, and have one of cloth of gold enbrodered, shooes and pantables Will show well of the same.

  33. And afterwards, by succession of time, she bare sixe sonnes more.

  34. Whereupon a combate was thought meete betwene these sixe persones.

  35. And Baiazet likewyse, did not he cut of the head of the greate Tamburlain, which called himselfe the scourge of God, and brought into the field foure hundred thousande Scithians a horsebacke, and sixe hundred thousande footmen?

  36. Warres were addressed by the Romaines against the Falisques (a people of Italye, the ruines of the chiefe citie wherof do yet appeare sixe miles from Viterba) and an armye conscribed and sent thether, vnder the conduct of Furius Camillus.

  37. She asked the kyng again, if he would haue the sixe for that prise, wherat the king laughed in more ample sorte, saying: “that the olde woman no doubt did dote in deede.

  38. After him also, and within lesse than sixe hundred and two yeares, [Sidenote: Britains.

  39. In the second warre of Carthage the nauie that went with Scipio was felled in the wood, and seene to saile on the sea fullie furnished in sixe weekes: which vnto them that are ignorant of things doth seeme to be false, and vnpossible.

  40. Mimisis, that is folowing eyther of the wordes or manoures whereby we expresse not onlye the wordes of the person, but also the gesture: and these foresayd sixe kindes Quintiliane dothe put vnder Prosopopeia.

  41. Howe be it the rethoricianes vse thys worde Prosopopeia, that is descripcion of a personne to comprehende the sixe kyndes folowinge.

  42. In the second warre of Carthage the nauie that went with Scipio was felled in the wood, and séene to saile on the sea fullie furnished in sixe weekes: which vnto them that are ignorant of things doth séeme to be false, and vnpossible.

  43. Edmund, after he had reigned sixe yeares and a halfe, he came to his end by great misfortune.

  44. But the missyng of a few yeares in this matter, breaketh no great square in our story, though it be now entred here which should haue come in sixe yeares before.

  45. A passage describing the churching feast of the wife of one of the "Sixe worthie yeomen," makes a natural and humorous picture of contemporary manners.

  46. Example of this Theoreme you may see in the last figure, where as sixe triangles made betwene those two gemowe lines A.

  47. And if you haue done well, you shal perceaue that there will be but euen sixe such diuisions in the circumference.

  48. And shee further saith, That shee knoweth the names of sixe of the said Witches, viz.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sixe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.