And thus it begets a religion for itself;--for what else is the professionalsuperstition of the sailor?
Meantime, the dead-alive President was closely confined in the old tower of Græme, and had never recovered from the feelings of superstition which held the sovereign power of his mind at the time of his confinement.
Some vestige of a similar superstition has been known to exist among uneducated persons even in our own day: it is thought an unchristian thing to talk of, or suppose, the death of any person while he is alive.
But the origin of the superstition is evidently that which we have assigned.
Superstition and bigotry had enervated the intellects of the majority; and the high resolve of those with whom the great work commenced was mixed with a severity that materially retarded its progress.
But it is not only in remote country places that the superstition prevails, but here in London, among most of the upper middle classes.
There is also a vulgar superstition to the effect that a Cat left in the room with a dead body will fly at and disfigure the face of the corpse.
Vide Lady Duff Gordon's Article in Macmillan's Magazine, which gives us a glimpse of a strange superstition in Thebes.
No mob could be more abjectly servile than was that of Rome to thesuperstition of portents, prodigies, and omens.
Superstition perhaps disturbed the one scheme, and policy the other.
That Papistry and superstition may be utterly suppressed, according to the intention of the Acts of Parliament, repeated in the 5th Act, Parl.
It need hardly be said that superstition of every kind also abounded.
But thesuperstition of the Israelites had as little real religious significance as had that poetical view of nature which the Hebrews doubtless shared in greater or less degree with all the other nations of antiquity.
Much more I said, though at the time with little effect; indeed, the chief was as deeply sunk in the grossest superstition as are the Indian tribes among whom the gospel light has not yet shone.
I could not have supposed that a man of good sense, as he appeared to be, could be the victim of a superstition so gross and contemptible.
Others, more ignorant than either, denounced the East India Company and Lord Dalhousie; demanded the restoration of British territory to Asiatic rulers, and the abandonment of India to its ancient superstition and stagnation.
The terrors of this superstition were removed by a British regulation passed in 1797; and although "sitting in dharna" is still a crime under the Penal Code, the memory of the usage is passing away.
Some expeditions have harbored the superstition that drinking-water from ice in which there was the least salt was injurious.
If any one still holds to the old superstition that scurvy is due to lack of exercise, he may look upon us as living evidences to the contrary; for all the time our health was excellent.
Some thought him Elijah or one of the ancient prophets returned to earth--a suggestion based on popular tradition; others said He was John the Baptist risen from the dead--the superstition of Herod who had put him to death.
It is, however, now more frequently met with, though the superstition of the natives renders its capture a matter of some difficulty.
Naturally, therefore, these Lemurs have reaped the advantage of this superstition in almost perfect immunity from destruction.
On this horrible occasion a circumstance took place disgusting to humanity, which must yet be told, to show how superstition can steel the heart of a man against the misery of his fellow-creature.
While the spirit of superstition was working such horrors in France, it was not, we may believe, more idle in other countries of Europe.
But when the alarm of witchcraft arises, Superstition dips her hand in the blood of the persons accused, and records in the annals of jurisprudence their trials and the causes alleged in vindication of their execution.
In many of the Scottish witches' trials, as to the description of Satan's Domdaniel, and the Sabbath which he there celebrates, the northern superstition agrees with that of England.
Yet these dawnings of sense and humanity were obscured by the clouds of the ancient superstitionon more than one distinguished occasion.
It is well known that in certain countries--Germany is one of them--a superstition prevails among certain strata of the population to the effect that venereal diseases may be cured by means of sexual intercourse with children.
This superstition is still prevalent in this neighbourhood (Launceston).
Origin of superstition and tyranny, from the same principle of fear, ver.
The veriest phantom that ever flitted in darkness before the eye of credulous superstition could not be more illusive and impalpable.
Sidenote: Origin of true religion and government from the principle of love; and of superstition and tyranny from that of fear.
For then, when superstition was become so extreme as to bribe the gods with human sacrifices, tyranny became necessitated to woo the priest for a favourable answer.
A superstition attached to "desert wildernesses," where the wanderer who lost sight of his associates could seldom strike into their track on the pathless waste, was made known to Milton by the travels of Marco Polo.
As they all agreed in the same story, it was not of a nature to be disregarded at a period when superstition swayed the hearts of men with irresistible power.
The eye of day expels the films of superstition from the human eye.
With the horrors of superstition in the punishment of witches and the like, most readers are familiar enough; and such as occur in the registers of these cities, have little to distinguish them from similar occurrences elsewhere.
Buddhism in China, as in Japan, it may also be observed just here, is now only a hideous mixture of superstition and fraud.
In a land so given over to superstition I have no doubt that the most horrible disasters would also be expected as the penalty for interfering with any grave.
She had accepted her father's dictum that religion and superstition were convertible terms.
There is one superstition I shall ever hold by--the belief that there are honest women in the world.
Some intellectual window into the great world out beyond the Caribbean Sea must be provided if there is to be deliverance from the superstition and iron-bound customs that have held them fast for ten thousand years.
He lives in the flat, narrow confines of a life so small, so cramped, so possessed by superstition and terror and ill will that he is not many removes from the cattle with which he works.
Out of the soul-bondage of a system of superstition and ignorance will come a new human consciousness of the worthiness of life and the high privilege of living.
The final problem is that of developing people fit to live with, not mental and moral slaves under the dominance of superstition and intolerance.
A successful democracy can never be reared upon a foundation of superstition and spiritual despotism.
Like a blight on the human spirit, it has cast its spell of ignorance and superstition over the millions of men and women who have had no other ethical code or spiritual leadership.
The existence of a superstition to this effect is recorded in Rishanger's Chronicle, and also, as I am informed, in that of Thomas Wikes; but this I have not at present an opportunity of consulting.
Ancient Superstition against the King of England entering or even beholding the Town of Leicester.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "superstition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: charm; folklore; lore; spell; tradition