Each rancheria had its special place to hunt or fish, and had to fight its own battles with the other families of Indians.
In 1847 he settled on the great Rancho Chico, and part of his land he gave to the Mechoopdas, as the Indian rancheria there was called.
They live on a rancheria near by and are making adobe bricks, hoping soon to build a church like the old Mission long since crumbled away.
A party of them had passed near the rancheria after we ourselves had left it.
Had they left the rancheria before Pedro and the others came away?
The rancheria with its mud huts and dusty lanes, in the eyes of the Texan, was a city of gilded palaces, its streets paved with gold.
It was only that morning I had heard a whisper that our affair was known, and that they of the rancheriawere not as benighted as we supposed them.
He knew of a depository of wax-candles, and the church of the rancheria was the place in which they were kept.
Indians were in the vineyards and orchards and moving about the rancheria adjacent to the main buildings.
The specimen was taken from the old rancheria at the base of Punta Tormenta, where it had apparently been in desultory use for generations.
The specimen was one of a score of implements lying about the interior of the principal jacal in the great rancheria at the base of Punta Tormenta (illustrated in plate VII).
The parasitic village or rancheria was definitely smaller.
This is given by Driver as a camp site and probably is identical with Holko-a-cho, which is called a rancheria by Merriam.
The site of San Fernando was a rancheria called Pasheckno.
Ishgua or Ishguaget, was a rancheria near the mouth of the Saticoy river and not far from the beach.
The rancheria per se of the Escellens was named by the priests, Santa Clara; Soccorondo was across the river a few miles.
Hueneme was a rancheria on the ocean coast a few miles south of Saticoy river.
The Ahapchingas were a clan or rancheriabetween Los Angeles and San Juan Capistrano, and enemies of the Gabrielenos or those of San Gabriel.
The Comachos live in Russian River Valley, in Rancheria and Anderson Valleys.
But the captain said the white people would be angry with him if no punishment were inflicted on the young man; so they whipped him and banished him from the rancheria for one year.
Grant also rented the lands from the Indians of the rancheria when they first located there.
Strong, and that said Strong at that time rented from said Ignacio a portion of the rancheria lands for bee pasture; I also know that Capt.
The 8th of October the expedition visited the rancheria just mentioned; to judge by the number of men (the women having fled) the rancheria had 200 souls.
Hence Gelecto may very well have been the big, deserted rancheria of Moraga.
This raises the question whether Cabot saw the only rancheria of the tribe or one of a number.
Schenck doubts Merriam's location and Kroeber puts the rancheria Sakayakumne as far north as the Mokelumne.
He speaks of the rancheria "de los Guaypens" and saw only a few people.
It is significant that at the great gathering at Chischa there appeared, near the middle of the day, a chief with 69 men and 42 women from a rancheria called Apalame in the interior of the Sierra Nevada.
Allowing for his usual exaggeration of distances, this puts the rancheria near the mouth of the Mokelumne, in the vicinity of Walnut Grove.
He continued down the river for 2 leagues to a rancheriahe had not seen before (no.
Apropos of this incident he says regarding Bubal: "Esta es la rancheria de gentiles mas immediata a las misiones, y la q.
Hence the concordance seems to be that Telame, Lihuauhilame, and Gelecto of Martinez correspond respectively to Telame II, Telame I and the "big" rancheria of Moraga.
The captain of the latter rancheria sent a messenger to Martinez with the report the place contained "como de 300 casados.
Let it be emphasized that in 1810 the Tarquines are almost all Christians in San Francisco, and Viader saw there the rancheria which was, or had been, that of the Tarquines.
Pico states merely that he attacked the rancheria and captured 40 gentiles and 1 Christian, a fact which in itself would not furnish a very significant clue to population.
The springs are so few in number that their names are household words in every Indian rancheria and every settler's home; and there are no brooks, no creeks, and no rivers but the trunk of the Colorado and the trunk of the Gila.
We set out at a rapid rate, and when daylight comes we are in sight of the canyon of the Moenkopi, into which we soon descend; but the rancheria has been abandoned.
At present, an Indian reservation differs from an Indian rancheriaor village only in that it contains more food, more vice, and more lazy people.
Going to the Sulphur Banks on a calm morning, I hired an Indian from a rancheria upon Mr. Alter's farm to row for us, and my Indian proved to be a prize.
One wonders, remembering these figures, how many millions of feet of first-class lumber are sacrificed to provide an Indian rancheria in Oregon with huckleberries.
He then proceeded to tell him that the Americans had offered a reward for his head, and that some of the Indians in the rancheria were ready to betray or kill him.
From the Sand People of the Gulf away up to the San Xavier rancheria at Tucson extended the secret kingdom of Don Padraic's influence.
A Papago three days' journey from the nearest rancheria stumbles onto hoofprints of six horses away over where tidewater climbs into the delta of the Colorado, and he turns back to carry report of revolution in Baja California.
Morning saw the rancheria in a ferment of excitement and Doc Stooder viciously tyrannical in reaction from his accustomed alcoholic night.
So the good doctor from Arizora slept the rest of the night in the rancheria of the Sand People, last remnant of that Papago family for which the Mission of the Four Evangelists was reared to save souls.
The party pushed their way homewards as fast, as possible; leaving the rancheria burning and the squaws and children still yelling and whooping on the island.
At the end of scarce an hour the rancheria was reached.
We are about to attack the rancheria of the Coras, who for some years past have had the impudence to establish themselves near this spot.
The rancheria of the Coras was no longer aught save a pile of ashes.
A few days after our arrival at the Rancheria de los Apaches, Professor Libbey left our camp, returning to the United States by way of Casas Grandes.
And don't forget that the ships from overseas are dumping more scrub stock on the eastern shores right now than you'll find in any Indian rancheria either here in Pima or over in Sonora.
A rancheria is a small dependent settlement of Christianized people.
At the present day no such town is in existence, though near the old town site of Castellon there is a small rancheria called Lángkilaan.
After the Indians had been driven to the Hoopa Reservation and had come back, they were not allowed to go to their former rancheria Hah'-wun-kwut, but were told to go to this island.
Twice he had seen an Indian girl at Elena's window, and as the house settled down to temporary calm, he saw the girl go to the rancheria among the willows.
After while old Pepe come up to the house and tell he hear 'gain, but Don Carlos no will ask him even where he hear, and tell him to go back to the rancheria where belong, and make the reatas; he is so old he no can make anything else.
To-day she visited the rancheria immediately after dinner, and looked through every hut with her piercing eyes.
It is like this: the padres make me Christian in the mission, and her family take me to work ¡n the house; I no living on the rancheria like the Indians who work outside.
He passed the rancheria of the Indians, and found them all asleep, worn out from a night of terror.
He tried not to think of what might be happening in the rancheria by switching his mind to that misty valley of the towers.
Travis had the right to enter the rancheria and deliver such a challenge.
As long as the Reds held the balance of power on this side of the mountain range, the rancheriawas in danger.
But he stood now in the hollow where they had camped, read the sign of overturned stone and bent twig left for him, and knew they would reach the rancheria and report the decision Deklay and the others wanted before he could head them off.
A warning must be carried to the rancheria as quickly as they could make the return trip.
A very short distance from the preceding lies the rancheria of the Hijo River, which is famous for having been the last bulwark of the Moros at the time of the conquest of Davao.
Some two leguas farther following the same coast are found the river and rancheria of Madaum, which contains, it is reported, about one hundred families.
There is no rancheria in which they do not annually make their feasts to the demon--Busao, Mandarangan, or Darago, for they are wont to give him these and many other names.
Some two leguas farther, and following the coast, and near the Tuganay River is situated the Moro rancheria of Tagum, a name which is derived from the largest river of this bay which empties near the Tuganay.
Following the same coast toward the north of the gulf, and some three leguas distant, one encounters the rancheria of the river Lasan.
Only therancheria of Dato Lasia, which is the nearest, has been visited as yet.
When the murders of four Christians in July of last year happened, the Moros of that rancheria had a village of about forty houses in process of construction, but it is now almost entirely abandoned.
It remains for me, then, to tell your Reverence of the last and most numerous Moro rancheria of this district of Davao.
The most remarkable thing about that rancheria is that it shelters one of the most famous of the directors of Moro politics in this gulf, namely, one Lasad.
That rancheria was settled there under the protection of an Indian, who had served his time in the navy, who fixed his residence there in the quality of agent or abonado [i.
In January 1883, I had occasion to observe another superstition in Lucbutun, a Moro rancheriaone legua distant from this place by sea.
At present that rancheria is governed by Dato Nonong, one of the most highly-considered Moros of this gulf.
It is the rancheria of Mayo, so called because it took its name from the bay of Mayo, the point where its most principal datos live.
It is to be noted that throughout the island of Samal, and along its coasts, there does not exist any rancheria or group of Moros.
That rancheria is the most ungovernable and the most famous for the gloomy tragedies that have happened there from time immemorial even to our days.
The Rancheria expedition arrived in six days within sight of the river, and was unfortunately becalmed for some time within a gunshot of land.
Morgan, alarmed at their five weeks' absence, had begun to despair of their return, thinking Rancheria must have been relieved from Carthagena or Santa Maria.