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Example sentences for "roadway"

Lexicographically close words:
roadsides; roadstead; roadsteads; roadster; roadsters; roadways; roam; roamed; roaming; roams
  1. It was a broad avenue, wandering vaguely onward amid four rows of trees; there was no pavement; the roadway was deeply covered with yellow sand; the spacious sidewalks which bordered it were equally in a state of nature.

  2. She could see this avenue for a long distance; the perspective made by its broad roadway was diversified, every now and then, by a clump of greenery standing in the centre, with a fountain or a statue gleaming through the green.

  3. He started from his seat and walked to a small barred window that looked out upon the open space into which the blazed roadway led.

  4. Along the blazed roadway conducting the traveler to the sequestrated den occupied by Captain Jerry Prime and his gang of counterfeiters, a large number of men are riding.

  5. And in close form they went along the winding roadway until the opening in front of the house was reached, and then the word was given: “Halt!

  6. He guided his jaded animal into the blazed roadway between the trees, and rode until within twenty feet of the house.

  7. The old man was once again back in dreamland, and unconscious that the present had any real existence, save that it was the roadway to the future.

  8. The two men had now reached the roadway that ran inside the storm wall.

  9. The old roadway descends from the southern hills, coming out upon the meadows at the eastern extremity of the western basin.

  10. The dusty roadway was full of carriages, and of the glint of the sun on wheelspokes and horses' flanks, and of rolling, clear-cut shadows.

  11. Presently the flea-catching antics of a ragged mongrel in the middle of the roadway disturbed Prépimpin's sense of the afternoon's decorum.

  12. One or two belated shots followed the volley, and a moment later the captain in command, as he waved his men forward, let drop his sword, clenched his fists high above him, and fell headlong in the roadway across their feet.

  13. There was no attempt to hustle or even to jeer at the red-coats, who stood with grounded arms in a clear space of the roadway and fretted under the slow curious scrutiny of thousands, of eyes.

  14. It rained and snowed, and the little roadway became well nigh impassable.

  15. Frenchy Lamar pulled his team to the side of the roadway and drew his watch from his pocket.

  16. The turf at the wayside was parched and slippery, so that Edwin Ingleby, plodding up the slope, was forced to keep to the white roadway by the slipperiness of his boot-leather.

  17. As they galloped past the house for the long stretch of white roadway that led across the river to the city, Phil smiled as he saw Jeb Stuart emerge from the rose garden with Mary Lee.

  18. He looked out over the roadway and got control of his feelings before trying.

  19. There was nowhere the rustle of a leaf along a roadway that approached the unsuspecting quarry.

  20. They listened to the beat of his horse's hoof on the white roadway toward Washington.

  21. On the roadway in front of these half-a-dozen men were lounging about.

  22. We had hardly got into the roadway when we overtook a most intelligent-looking, energetic young priest, walking briskly on in the direction of our course.

  23. The roadway was littered with bits of timber and heaps of masonry.

  24. He went out into the roadway and walked toward Sir John French's quarters.

  25. A steady light was given out by each of these gigantic candles, making the roadway and street light and cheery, while crowds of people came from all quarters to enjoy the novel spectacle.

  26. From the beginning of our ride up to the end of Franklin Park all the roadway is of the best macadamized construction with smooth and perfectly preserved surface.

  27. Ordinarily the roadway from the country was carried over the deep moat in front of the Gate St. Romain by a floor of stout timbers well balustraded at the sides, and resting on brick piers.

  28. Their bodies were left as debris in the roadway so expensively constructed.

  29. The roadway was packed with them, the rocks and the bushes above the river seemed alive with them.

  30. Our next day's journey after leaving Pole Creek was over a series of ridges along an excellent roadway the great part of the distance.

  31. On the third of October, our train was winding along the narrow roadway among the cliffs of Silver Creek Canyon.

  32. Along and beyond these they must blaze and clear their own roadway for wagons, and must ford many mountain streams.

  33. Rain had been falling intermittently for several days, leaving portions of the roadway covered with a thick solution of clay, but there were sidewalks which the numerous pedestrians followed.

  34. Satronius roared after me: "You left three corpses on the roadway below my villa.

  35. Finsbury Pavement was the promenade of Moorfields, and was for a very long time the one solid roadway in that marshy part of town.

  36. The roadway took its name from the famous tavern of the Pope's Head, which after 1430 stood for three hundred years on the westerly side.

  37. So high above the roadway that its inscription can hardly be made out is a tablet on the house numbered 50 Wimpole Street on the west side above New Cavendish.

  38. Although the part of town about Milton Street is fitted with memories of Milton, this roadway was not named for him, but for a popular builder who lived here.

  39. That embrace that had struck him sickly to stone in the roadway .

  40. She was on the roadway there, in advance of him; her skirts flying, her hands to her hat.

  41. And one cannot think, standing erect in the roadway like a scarecrow.

  42. The lights of life were dropping out one by one like the lights of Hunmouth when you drive away from it along the roadway by night.

  43. By a gigantic effort, however, he resisted the backward impetus when it had sent him off the roadway into the shaggy side-grass, and fell forward on his hands.

  44. A mile and a half of roadway lies between Ullbrig and Cliff Wrangham.

  45. Pam cried, charging blindly down the open roadway of consent, for fault of any other way to turn.

  46. This much is natural; but a roadway beneath this noble roof and a parapet alongside are the work of man.

  47. This subterranean roadway has, perhaps, a length of half a kilometre and a width of from ten to thirty metres.

  48. Illustration: AXAT] Two kilometres above the town are the Gorges de St. Georges, also with a superb roadway burrowed out of the rock.

  49. Between these fortifying ramparts unroll the narrow ribbons of roadway which a foe would find impossible to pass.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roadway" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.