They obeyed; but the volunteers, indignant that they had been made the instrument of quelling the revolt, and anxious as the others were to get away, resolved next morning to depart themselves.
The latter immediately issued an order stating the fact, and calling on all the officers to aid in quelling it.
Guinne, the fellow-worker of Florio in the translation of the Essays, whom the latter calls 'a monster-quelling Theseus or Hercules.
I see that son of the stone-mason, with blanched face and set jaw, facing and quelling a body of strikers threatening to tear up the tracks along the Chicago River, as brave as Horatius at the bridge across the Tiber.
At the same time he attributes the success of his own violence in quelling and maltreating his opponents to the providence of God.
In them awakes to a new life the spirit-quelling energy of the republic.
The necessary steps were immediately taken for quelling the anticipated rebellion; and many persons were apprehended on suspicion of secretly aiding the rebels, and were committed to gaol.
Constitutionalism, at once quelling Sansculottic riot at Vincennes, and Royalist treachery from the Tuileries, is great, this day, and prevails.
He trusts indeed that you will zealously co-operate with him in quellingthese disturbances, and in securing to these provinces the benefit of complete and permanent order.
I will lay upon their shoulders the burden of responsibility; they shall either strenuously co-operate with me in quelling the evil, or at once declare themselves rebels.
At the quelling of the revolt Charles did all in his power to thoroughly restore the building and furnish it with great splendour.
Spain thereby lost the strong will and the arm which enforced it, and which out of chaos had brought the country into a semblance of order by quelling the turbulent nobles.
Quelling some riot, sentrying court and hall, Sending men forth on public meeting-days To maintain order, were my duties there.
Yet in some actions southward he had share - In Mauretania and Numidia; there With eagle eye, and sword and steed and spur, Quelling uprisings promptly.
India generally and Ceylon, but apparently not in Burmah.
Ferrets are not safe pets in houses where there are young children.
Suppose the slaves in the district should rise upon their masters, and the United States' government, in quelling the insurrection, should kill any number of them.
Suppose the slaves in the District should rise upon their masters, and the United States' government, in quelling the insurrection, should kill any number of them.
Indeed, in thequelling of one of these factitious rebellions, the prisoners taken were two white men, and one of them a manager.
And thither he went, as if by instinct, when he left Ty Glas; quelling the uprising agony till he should reach that little solitary spot.
He sat on the dank ground, his face buried in his hands, and his whole strength, physical and mental, employed in quelling the rush of blood, which rose and boiled and gurgled in his brain as if it would madden him.
I thought it wise to be content with quelling the disturbance, and did not seek out for punishment the men who had met me at the gap.
England even tendered to the Sultan the cordial expression of her hopes that "he would soon succeed in quelling the revolts of his subjects and restoring order.
In those places where you will fight for quelling the force of this weapon the Kauravas will become more powerful than you.
With this heavy mace of mine, that is decked with gold, I shall career in this battle like the Destroyer himself, quelling this weapon of Drona's son.
Thus the new Christian faith of Europe, still engaged in quelling the last strength of the ancient paganism, was suddenly called upon to meet the newer faith of Mohammed, which had determined to subdue the world.
The Imperial government has been at last awakened to the importance of quelling the rebellion, which for many years was only trifled with.
According to precedent, some powerful Tartar or Chinese prince would have appeared to aid the government in quelling the rebellion, and then seat himself on the throne.
They are brought in under the pretence of quelling a riot; under the pretence of their being necessary to preserve the peace, and where is the place where this pretence may not be hatched?
Great military preparations were on this occasion made, under the pretence of quelling some tremendous riot, or some apprehended insurrection.
The whole province of Cuttack, shortly afterwards, followed the standard of the rebel Jugbeneda, and we had infinite trouble inquelling the insurrection.
Columbus, believing that Quibian had perished and that the vigorous measures of the Adelantado had succeeded in quelling the natives, made preparations for sailing.
The bad weather and the quelling of the mutiny kept the squadron at the port of Saint Julien for five months.
After quelling this formidable insurrection, Napoleon was enthusiastically received by the Convention.
And his own successful quelling of the insurgents proved the correctness of his plans and the marvellous executive force of his genius.
It was a task too difficult to ascertain with precision the lowest degree of force competent to the quelling of the insurrection.