On the other hand, however, Hanold is not happy at this victory over his eroticism.
Notes: 9: Thusnelda greets her husband on his return from the victory over the Roman legions under Quinctilius Varus in the Teutoburg Wood.
The Commander of Victory and Help, the Shah, Desiring to blot out all trace of the Turks, Ordered Dglev to make this gun.
Thou dost control our weapons and award In battles fierce the Victory at will, O crowned majestic Fate.
Briefly, Victory relates the adventures of a gentleman and scholar in the Antipodes.
Hedda boldly carved out of a single block stands out as the very Winged Victory of her species.
Only in the opening chapters of Victory does Mr. Conrad pursue his oblique method of taletelling; the pomp and circumstance of a lordly narrative style roll to a triumphant conclusion.
Yet he masses his forces as would some sullen giant, confident in the end of victory through sheer bulk and weight.
It was the last victory of an organ over an organism.
It was our first clear victory over the British, and won over one of England's most distinguished naval officers.
A great battle had been fought, a decisive victory had been gained, Austria had invoked the mediation of France.
But what signifies to France the loss of such renown as victory bestows?
To it once more, and to the very last victory was doubtful.
In fact, the only periods when we are morally certain of success on a new expedition are before the start and when victory is actually won.
Before you victory stands, with shining train Of hopes not credible until they are.
Avoid combats that offer no chance of victoryor other valuable results.
And history shows that victory goes more often to him who attacks.
If the infantry is defeated the artillery covers its withdrawal; if the infantry is successful the artillery moves forward and assists in reaping the full reward of victory by firing on the fleeing enemy.
In a few minutes I had a bonfire that would have been big enough to celebrate a victory of the people over the Big Interests.
And I have no doubt that it is that victorythey jabber to one another about every time I go to the barn, but they'll not enjoy their triumph long.
His view of Evil is not very consistent; but his final doctrine is that the object of the cosmic process is to exhibit the victory of Good over Evil, of Love over Hatred.
The victory over sin and death was won for us; but it must also be won in us.
We do not feel that we have won the victory until we no longer wish to offend.
Those eternal vicissitudes of victory and defeat, which drove Paul to despair, in Christ were absent; smoothly and inevitably He followed the real and eternal order in preference to the momentary and apparent order.
Even in the full flood of Liberal victory which followed the General Election of 1880, he saw what was coming.
The Lord said unto my Lord" is better rendered "The Eternal said unto my lord the King"; and is "a simple promise of victory to a royal leader.
Nearly five centuries intervened between the foundation of the city and the defeat of Pyrrhus, but within little more than two hundred years from the victory of Beneventum, Rome was mistress of the world.
Even invictory the lot of the common soldier was hard enough, for, beside the chance of wounds and disease, there was the certain loss of time, for which no compensation was made.
This victory made Pelagius a dictator, and he insisted on an advance on the capital.
Thus were the host of the pilgrims and of the Venetians quartered, and there was great joy and honour for the victory which God had given them, since those who had been poor were rich and happy.
Such considerations had no weight with Louis, for, to his emotional temperament, military strategy lay in obtaining supernatural aid, without which no wisdom could avail, and with which victory was sure.
There is a victory off Cape St. Vincent in February, 1797, but Green is attacking Bentley's annotations on Horace.
The young poet of 1841, thrilled by the Tractarian enthusiasm of the moment, looked for a return of the high festivals of the Church, for a victory of faith over all its Paynim foes.
Oh, my dear, must every victory of my life end in a forlorn hope!
Was death always like this--a victory of material and mechanical forces?
To Corinna, in whose veins flowed the blood of Malvern Hill and Cold Harbor, it seemed that the greater victory must lie with those who charged from out the cover of philosophy into the mystery of the unknown.
Does it, as a body, still show the same sterling qualities which led it to victory after victory on the soil of France?
But the bowman was a muscular seaman of fifty, and he won the victory over the billows, and hauled the man into the cutter.
The party were driven to the tower of Koutub, a Mussulman conqueror, who commemorated his victory by building this triumphal column, which is two hundred and twenty-seven feet high.
The first proofs of the power of this New Life in us is the victory over all the lower passions, victory over the animal "that once was ourself"!
Their great victory in Germany and the enormous growth of the movement in all countries assured them that the foundations had at last been laid for the great world-wide movement that they had so long dreamed of.
The strikers realized that violence was fatal to their cause, and the deputy marshals knew that violence meant victory for the railroads.
Fortunately, the direct actionists have exercised a determining influence only in a few places, and everywhere, in the end, the victory of those who were contending for the employment of peaceable means has been complete.
This was a great victory for the miners, and it seemed as if their work was done.
They are listened to now, but not heeded, because there yet exist among the people faith in the ultimate victory of peaceable means and the hope that men and not property will one day rule the State.
Although the Marxists were reluctant to admit it, the Bakouninists had won a complete victory on every important issue.
Needless to say, the decisive victory of the Bakouninists at Basel was excessively annoying and humiliating to Marx.
It was "not only a great practical success; it was the victory of a principle; it was the first time that in broad daylight the political economy of the middle class succumbed to the political economy of the working class.
As a matter of fact, the socialist is to-day almost alone, among those watching intently this industrial strife, in keeping buoyant his abiding faith in the ultimate victory of the people.
His own house was ultimately victorious, but feeling ran very high indeed, because it was thought that the victory was unfairly won.
Further, we must note the place where the victory was gained.
Though their contents seem to have been modified on Christian soil, and especially the uncertainty about the person of the Messiah exalted to victory and coming to judgment,[96] yet the sensuous earthly hopes were in no way repressed.
Orthodox Judaism itself has marks which shew that no spiritual movement was able to escape the influence which proceeded from the victory of the Greeks over the east.
But the victory of the Church, in the age of Valentinian and Theodosius, unquestionably purified Neoplatonism.
But no sooner than their backs were turned, Wasko, by right of the stronger, would pay him out for it, turning Sfasko's victory to defeat.
Today, today Zeus worketh some great thing This day shallvictory bring.
Now Victory to Thebes returns again And smiles upon her chariot-circled plain.
O fount of Dirce, wood-embowered plain Where Theban chariots to victory speed, Mark ye the cruel laws that now have wrought my bane, The friends who show no pity in my need!
It is Polyneices who has come to crave his father's forgiveness and blessing, knowing by an oracle that victory will fall to the side that Oedipus espouses.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "victory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.