You can know all about the necklace," said Gwendolen, her angry pride resisting the nightmare of fear.
But this floating, gentle- wafted existence, with its apparently peaceful influences, was becoming as bad as a nightmare to Gwendolen.
The whole nightmare room grew green, and I felt that I was being absorbed into its greenness.
The Call of Siva became a perfect nightmare throughout Burma.
From the instant that my eyes were drawn to the table and to the man who sat there, neither the incredible extent of the room, nor the nightmare fashion of its mural decorations, could reclaim my attention.
The hard, white ray danced from bloated gray fungi to others of nightmare shape, of dazzling, venomous brilliance.
It was all a dream, a nightmare of her own inventing.
Rather, has not some queer nightmarespirit out of dreamland slipped a pseudo-memory into the records of my vanished life?
This person had first painted the article, then, I fancy, smeared it with varnish, and then sat down to work with the combs to streak and comb the varnish into a weird imitation of the grain of some nightmare timber.
Black Tom" Corwin's brilliant advice that American soldiers in Mexico should be welcomed to hospitable graves, though it gained high rank in the nightmare school of literature, overshot the mark.
Sylvia knew not only of the ordeal of the morrow, but also of that nightmaredread of what might have to follow.
What happened next it is difficult to describe, so swiftly did it happen, so like a nightmare did it appear for ever after in the memories of those concerned.
It is perfectly ridiculous for you to make such a nightmareof the future.
You have no idea what a nightmare that is," tragically.
In the dim light they looked like men sitting on some antediluvian animal with long limbs, swimming out to a cold dismal nightmare country.
It seemed to him that he would only have to lie on his bed and drink some water and his nightmare would give way to a sound, healthy sleep.
If they sent him back, allowed him to go back, could he ever be sure that he had not witnessed a thing of nightmare in this shadowy dream world?
We are simply restraining the scientists responsible for the destroying weapons that produced our nightmare world.
In the meantime, the recollection of this sin of mine has been my nightmare and daymare too, and the sin has been the 'Blot on my escutcheon.
I'd make many sacrifices to save her from that nightmare of a man; but the surrender of one's past is unthinkable.
What had been said could not be unsaid, the essential was that the ugly thought upon her like some nightmare should be forgotten.
Suddenly the ancient continent disappeared, washed out by a wave against the sky; and with it vanished the last shreds of that accursed nightmare which had possessed her for four endless years.
As he got back into his clothes, it seemed to him that every vestige of that black nightmare had been left behind in the gay tossing waters.
As he himself expressed it, he got up all of a shake, with a strong impression that he was a very ill-used individual, indeed, to have had the nightmare in the day time.
All the sensations of a person suffering from a severe attack of nightmare came across me, and I was in such an agony, that I inwardly prayed for death to release me from such a cruel state of suffering.
With a rifle in his hand the other man watched thatnightmare fight in mid air, far below him.
And again he shivered--it was quite time all this nightmare nonsense was put out of his poor little head.
Let us trust she'll be visited with a plague of nightmare burglars!
Well, you needn't have come to give me nightmare just because you're going to have it!
It was like a scene in some impossible play, or in some ghastly and oppressive nightmare from which I should presently awake to find the blankets all heaped up upon my chest.
Back and forth--back and forth--Randall felt caught in some torturing nightmare as he watched the countless tentacle-feelers waving thus from one side to the other.
His eyes shone as he gazed at the nightmare shape.
It seemed that I was frozen, and drifting off half into a nightmare sleep.
Nightmare had descended upon the unfortunate George; he leaned back against the foot-board of his bed, gazing wildly at his aunt.
He led a nightmare sort of existence for some days, until something happened which roused him from his state of passive misery into one more attempt at protest.
Paul lost no time in following this suggestion, but rushed upstairs, two or three steps at the time, stumbling at every flight, with a hideous nightmare feeling that some invisible thing behind was trying to trip up his heels.
He must knock this scotched nightmare once for all on the head by a deliberate appeal to his senses.
Now that he was thoroughly awake he found positive amusement in going over each successive incident of his nightmareexperience with the talisman, and smiling at the tricks his imagination had played him.
Now faint, and far away, hardly more than a hint of sound, they could hear something else, and it lifted Turner out of his reek of nightmare and semi-delirium so that his eyes cleared and his head came up.
He had suffered heavy loss by his Italian transactions; and hence the sight of an Italian was hateful to him, and the principal part in his nightmare would naturally enough be played by one of that nation.
I think it's the touch of the tar-brush, that nightmare feeling that you don't know whether the hero is a plant or a man or a devil.
With a jerk Paynter realized that his nightmare was but a trick of sleep or sleeplessness, and spoke in his natural voice, but rather loud.
Amidst the darknesses and confusions, the nightmare cruelties and the hideous stupidities of the great war, God, the Captain of the World Republic, fought his way to empire.
She was like some creature that after a long nightmare incubation is at last born into a clear, bleak day.