Their publicists continue to follow with attention the decisions given upon the application of its principles to new conditions as they arise, and attach value to the opinions of North American international jurists.
In the judgments of publicists when a rebellion gets to that head that it represents States, and parts of a nation, humanity stops the idea of private justice, and it goes upon the principle of public and international law.
The right, also, constitutional or otherwise, has been strongly urged, and the law of nations and the commentaries of eminentpublicists have been referred to as justifying the secession or revolt of these Confederate States.
Why, that is the very thing which publicists tell us constitutes civil war.
Essentially teachers,--I might add, they were publicistsas well as professors.
Yet when the attempt was made to draw the attention of the world to just those factors, publicists even as sincere and able as Mr Garvin disparaged it; and very many misrepresented it by silly distortion.
It was, and to a large extent still is, the position taken by many French publicists as well as by some in England.
Among the vagaries of hyperspace publicists none is perhaps more notable than the view taken by C.
It is agreed perhaps among all non-Euclidean publicists that the fourth dimension must lie in a "direction which is at right angles to all the three dimensions.
It is this inestimable quality of sincerity which links Mr. Belloc with the too small band of publicists of the day.
In addition there are a few publicists who speak through organs which they personally control, such as Mr. A.
Among the writers of the day the number who rank as publicists is very small.
There are, secondly, other publicists who maintain that International Law and Municipal Law are two essentially different bodies of law which have nothing in common but that they are both branches--but separate branches!
There are, firstly, a number of publicists who assert that International Law is above Municipal Law and that, therefore, the rules of the former are stronger than the rules of the latter.
There is no copiousness of literary reference in his works, such as over-abounded in civil and ecclesiasticalpublicists of the seventeenth century.
The influence of Burke on the publicists of the generation after the Revolution was much less considerable than might have been expected.
Jewish publicists of the type of Riesser and Philippson [2] served as living examples.
Stashitz's point of view was supported by certain publicistsand opposed by others, but all were agreed on the necessity of a system of correction for the Jews.
Now, of what do the lawyers and the publicists treat?
It were superfluous to dwell at length upon opinions of publicists and jurists declaring this supremacy.
How his Sponsors Disagree—What Russian Publicists Say.
Truman order came not from publicists or politicians but from the Army's new Chief of Staff, General Omar N.
In December 1944 a group of black publicists called upon the secretary to appoint a civilian aide to consider the problems of the Negro in the Navy.
To black publicistsand other advocates of civil rights, the Navy's postwar manpower statistics were self-explanatory: the Navy was discriminating against the Negro.
Oliver, Sir Horace Plunkett, and many other individualpublicists (p.
Some publicists in both countries desired that the Entente should develop into an alliance; but the British Government was still reserved.
In the United States, since the natural law of the eighteenth-century publicists had become classical, we relied largely upon an American variant of natural law.
Later it fitted well into the Byzantine theory of lawmaking which French publicists adopted and made current in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Publicists who discuss this question at all speak mostly of a right of States to make war, a jus belli.
Footnote 340: Many publicists assert that in case an occupant leaves officials of the legitimate Government in office, he "must" pay them their ordinary salaries.
Footnote 59: Some publicists maintain, however, that a contention between a State and the armed forces of a party fighting for public rights must be considered as war.
Many publicists correctly call a treaty of peace the normal mode of terminating war.
Most publicists correctly answer this question in the affirmative.
But many[320] publicists maintain that until the actual fighting begins belligerent forces may by way of stratagem make use of the national flag, military ensigns, and uniforms of the enemy.
Footnote 127: Many publicists maintain that nowadays a privateer commissioned by another State than that of which he is a subject is liable to be treated as a pirate when captured.
In vain eminent publicistsin Rome, Turin, and Milan pleaded their country's cause.
Thus it was one of the piquant ironies of Fate, Italian publicists said, that the people who had mostly clamored against that doctrine were indirectly helping it to triumph.
Hundreds of milliards of francs were operated with by eminent publicists in an offhand manner that astonished the survivor of the expiring budgetary epoch and rejoiced the hearts of the Western taxpayers.
Against this violation of the new humanitarian doctrine French publicists flared up.
But it will not be amiss to cite the views of two moderate French publicists who have ever been among the most fervent advocates of the Allied cause.
English publicists are inclined to admit the right of destruction at sea.
Among English Publicistsfavoring the abolition of the right to capture private property at sea may be mentioned Lawrence, Hall and Maine.
A considerable number of English publicists are now advocating the abolition of this right not only on behalf of humanity but also as a matter of wise military policy for Great Britain.
In spite of the apparent authority for such action given by English publicists English cruisers have very seldom destroyed prizes.
Among English publicists on the opposite side are Phillimore, Westlake, T.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "publicists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.