The pterygoids are delicate slender slips of bone attached to the hinder border of the palatines, and supported externally by, and generally welded with, the rough pterygoid plates of the alisphenoid, with nopterygoid fossa between.
The cotton or linen goods having been previously cleaned by steeping and washing, were, after being well drained, steeped in a solution of caustic alkali of the specific gravity of 1020.
The improved mode of bowking was the invention of Mr. John Laurie, a native of Glasgow.
A cauldron, which would of itself merely confuse the colours of cloths previously dyed, is thus made to impart several pigments from a single dye-stuff, painting as it boils.
Shortly afterwards a rod of cartilage grows forward from the quadrate under the membranous pterygoid (pg), which corresponds with the cartilaginous pterygoidbar of other types (fig.
The cartilaginous bars, which in the lower types are placed below the palatine and pterygoid membrane bones, are usually imperfectly or not at all developed.
In the Axolotl they form a continuous series, the vomer and palatine being covered by teeth, but the pterygoid being without teeth.
Hardly any trace is present of an anterior process to form a pterygoid bar, but dentigerous plates forming a dermal palatopterygoid bar have already appeared.
The second row of bones is clearly constituted in the Dipnoi and Amphibia by the vomer in front, then the palatine, and finally the pterygoid behind.
In a later stage thepterygoid end of the pterygo-quadrate cartilage unites with the distal end of the palatine bar (fig.
The palatopterygoid soon becomes segmented into a transversely placed palatine, and a longitudinally placed pterygoid (fig.
The vomer and palatine originate from the united osseous plates of the bases of the teeth, while the pterygoid is in the first instance continuous with the palatine.
The palatine is first ossified, the pterygoidregion of the pterygo-quadrate is next ossified as a dorsal mesopterygoid (m.
In the Turtle a short cartilaginous pterygoid process of the quadrate would seem to be present (Parker, No.
In spring the moult, and with it the brown colour, progresses in exactly the opposite order .
Pliogale [Lower Pliocene, Humboldt County, Nevada] is intermediate in this respect.
These three forms are of special interest as possible ancestors of the subgenus Mustela, true weasels.
In the mild climate of California the light (yellowish) facial markings are found at still higher latitudes.
Nevertheless, there is no such specialization of this primitive, structural feature such as occurs in some African and Asiatic mustelids in which the tympano-pterygoid part of the alisphenoid fuses with the tip of the hamulus of the pterygoid.
However, the tympano-pterygoid eminence has not been obliterated in M.
This demarcation permits a transverse rounding of the alisphenoid to form a longitudinal ridge between the anterior margin of each bulla and the base of the pterygoid of the same side.
It has small bullae, a short rostrum, widely spreading zygomatic arches anteriorly, and a narrow pterygoid fossa, but does not differ externally from the other specimens.
The bite pattern of the cottonmouth as well as the other crotalids showed the typical fang punctures plus punctures of teeth on both the pterygoid and mandible.
The palatine bears five small, strongly curved teeth, and the pterygoid bears 16 to 18 strongly curved teeth decreasing in size posteriorly.
Small teeth occur on the palatine and the pterygoid in the upper jaw and on the dentary in the lower jaw.
As a rule there are numerous teeth in both jaws; and the pterygoid bones of the skull are short, thin and involuted to form with a process of the palate bone the outer wall of the post-palatine air-sinus.
The dorsal surface of the pterygoid is rounded anteriorly and somewhat flattened posteriorly, whereas the ventral surface is gently rounded along its length, except that there is a high median crest.
Dentition Teeth on the maxillary and pterygoid decrease in size posteriorly, whereas those of the dentary do likewise except for the first one or two that are usually slightly smaller than those immediately posterior.
A posterior pterygoid process from the palatine projects posteromedially from the end of the palatine and overlaps the anterior end of the pterygoid.
Immediately posterior to this articulation, there is a median ridge on the pterygoid; lateral to the pterygoid ridge is an abrupt hollow, the pterygoid groove.
The pterygoid teeth are situated in shallow sockets along this crest.
The basioccipital does not have noticeable pterygoid processes, but is rather smooth ventrally and only slightly emarginate on its posterolateral margins.
The pterygoid is broad medially and posteriorly, although pointed at its posterior tip.
Of the bones of the maxillo-palatal-pterygoid arch, those on the pterygoid extend farthest posteriorly.
The teeth have the form of grinding-plates on the pterygoid areas of the palate, being distinctly shark-like in structure.
The upper jaw, for example, is formed not of maxillary and premaxillary, but of elements which in the lower fishes would be regarded as belonging to the palatine and pterygoid series.
There was thus no wound of the mucous membrane of the mouth, the masseter and pterygoid muscles were not completely divided, and the facial artery was intact.
Technique of injecting antivenomous serum beneath the skin of the abdomen 264 Fig.
Before effecting its moult, the reptile remains in a state of complete repose for several weeks, as if asleep, and does not eat.
Capture of a Naja tripudians (first stage) 19 Fig.
Such is the range of colours to be found in the skin of snakes.
In Genesis the serpent is the incarnation of the Evil One, tempting and deceitful.
The maxillary is much reduced; the transverse or pterygoid bone, on the contrary, is greatly developed.
In the normal position of repose, the poison-fang is always concealed by a gingival fold of mucous membrane, in the substance of which are buried a few fibres of the tendon of the internal pterygoid muscle.
The Elachistodontinæ, which have but rudimentary teeth only on the posterior portion of the maxillary, on the palatine and on the pterygoid bones.
The sole indication of the bite consists of 8 or 10 punctures from the palatine or pterygoid teeth, and one little round wound, on each side, produced by the poison-fangs.
NEALE'S History of the Holy Eastern Church, "The Patriarchate of Alexandria," vol.
NEALE'S History of the Holy Eastern Church, Part I, 1850.
The pterygoid has a rounded extension posteriorly and superiorly, so that the posterior portion of the upper border of the pterygoid sinus is convex, rather than nearly straight, as in arnuxii.
The pterygoid muscles, which move the under jaw forward and backward, do not connect with the larynx, so their action does not compress that organ or in any way impede the action of the vocal apparatus.
Skull slenderer, less angular and relatively narrower across mastoidal region; cranium arched with hind part flattened; external pterygoid region less expanded; teeth relatively small, especially last upper molar.
Shape and inflation of the auditory bullae, shape of the pterygoid fossae, and shape of the nasals are useful in determining specific and subspecific relationships.
Zapus princeps idahoensis, being similar in size of pterygoid fossae, breadth of postpalatal notch, and in size and degree of inflation of the auditory bullae, but differ in color and in other cranial characters.
Large, broad and deep in relation to length; pterygoid fossa broad; anterior ramus of zygomatic process of maxillary relatively narrow; nasofrontal juncture relatively broad; coronoid process of mandible elongate.
A specimen from Spectacle Pond, New York, has the narrow pterygoid fossae and relatively narrow auditory bullae of Z.
In degree of inflation of auditory bullae, in length and width of incisive foramina, and in shape of pterygoid fossae they are as in Z.
Owing to the difference of development he would not homologise these bones in the newt with the palatine and pterygoid of other Vertebrates.
The actual bone of the upper jaw (maxillary) develops outside and separate from the palato-pterygoid bar.
Certain of these bones he considered to be the substitutes, not the equivalents, of the palatine and pterygoid of other Vertebrates, which are formed from the upper part of the first visceral arch, a part missing in the newt (p.
In that genus thepterygoid bones meet each other between the quadrate bones as in Dicynodon (Fig.
It would appear probable that the short-tailed animals have the pterygoid bones meeting in the middle line and triangular; and that they are slender rods entirely separate from each other in the long-tailed genera.
The oblique division into vomer in front and pterygoid bone behind is shown by Goldfuss in his original figure of Scaphognathus.
In Sphenodon the anterior pterygoid muscle arises from the dorsal surface of the pterygoid bone and from the adjacent bones.
Cross-section of right half of skull immediately behind the pterygoid flange, showing masseter, temporal, and anterior pterygoid muscles.
I am in agreement with Watson's reconstruction of the origins for both the anterior and posterior pterygoid muscles.
In Captorhinus the lateral wing of the pterygoid cuts across the fossa, effectively blocking it from the upper and medial parts of the skull, the areas of origin for the pseudotemporal.
The evidence regarding the position and extent of the posterior pterygoid is more veiled.
In Captorhinus the attachment of the anterior pterygoid to the edge of the flange was probably tendinous, judging from the extent of the development of the edge of the flange.
The anterior pterygoid aided in initiating adduction in Captorhinus, whereas in Dimetrodon this muscle was adductive throughout the swing of the jaw.
In Captorhinus the pterygoids and palatines are markedly arched and the relatively large pterygoid flange lies almost entirely below the lower border of the cheek.
When the jaw was adducted, the insertion of the anterior pterygoid was in a plane nearly level with the origin.
The upper-jaw process forms the chief part of the skeleton of that jaw, the palate bone, and the pterygoid bone.
The pterygoid and quadrate bones present no difference.
As the quadrate and pterygoid bones are of such complex shape and stand in relation with so many other bones, I carefully compared them in all the principal breeds; but excepting in size they presented no difference.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pterygoid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.