An instrument which, placed against the teeth, conveys sound to the auditory nerve and enables the deaf to hear more or less distinctly; a dentiphone.
The attenuated tone-waves of Nature are also inappreciable by the auditory nerves, and an obscure hum or buzz is all that can be perceived, until, finally, the eye detects motion which the ear utterly fails to perceive as sound.
That sound is a mere nervous sensation is further proved by the fact that we have disturbances of the auditory nerve which we call singing in the ears.
As the waves of light touch the optic nerve, so do the grosser waves of air touch the auditory nerve.
Thus sound is the answering sensation of the auditory nerve to the touch of air-waves; and these waves must be within certain circumscribed limits of magnitude to awaken that sensation at all.
A vibration of matter causes the surrounding air to vibrate in consonance with it; and the waves of air thus created, breaking against the auditory nerve, awaken a peculiar sensation which we call sound.
There was no evidence of fracture of the neck of the mandible, nor of the external auditory meatus, but there was considerable difficulty in opening the mouth widely or protruding the teeth.
The bullet passed onwards through the base of the skull, crossing the external auditory meatus, fracturing the zygoma and probably the condyle of the mandible, and eventually lodged beneath the masseter muscle.
In a number of cases the tympanum itself, or the external auditory meatus, was directly implicated in tracks; in these, also, loss of hearing was the rule.
As an odd coincidence I may mention that in my whole experience during the war I only once saw bleeding from the ear as a sign of fracture of the base, apart from direct injuries to the tympanum or external auditory meatus.
Ker) so as to raise a flap the centre of the convexity of which was 2-1/2 inches behind the left external auditory meatus.
Blood and brain matter escaped from the external auditory meatus.
In this instance amnesic aphasia was a far more marked symptom than in 65, and the position of the lesion suggested damage both to the visual and auditory word centres.
The supposed auditory apparatus is seated close to these organs; they are small vesicles filled with liquid; the eyes having neither pupil nor cornea, and the ears without opening or arch.
Kölliker thought he discovered visual and auditory organs in an Oceania, and Gegenbauer thought he detected them in other genera, such as Rhizostoma and Pelagia.
The inner wall of the vestibule is separated from the bottom of the internal auditory meatus by a plate of bone pierced by many foramina for branches of the auditorynerve (fig.
The modiolus is pierced by canals which transmit branches of the auditory nerve to the lamina spiralis.
The external auditory meatus, tympanum and Eustachian tube are remains of the hyomandibular cleft, the membrana tympani being a remnant of the cleft membrane and therefore lined by ectoderm outside and entoderm inside.
The external ear consists of the pinna and the external auditory meatus.
The cochlear branch of the auditory nerve enters the lamina spiralis, where a spiral ganglion (fig.
U) behind; each of these has a special patch or macula to which twigs of the auditory nerve are supplied, and in the mucous membrane of which specialized hair cells are found (fig.
It was possible, to be sure, that other senses might also be involved, but it was certain that auditory sensations did not enter it.
Only a diminishingly small number of auditory stimuli are involved.
The Osten horse, therefore, does not stand alone among his kind in his inferior auditory equipment, as one might be tempted to believe at first blush.
Hans, furthermore, could scarcely be distracted by auditory stimulations.
Let us turn now from the consideration of visual perception to that of auditory perception in the horse.
In addition to these visual signs, the horse received auditory signals in these tests, (as in all others in which he was required to bring objects).
The latter easily learn to react with a high degree of precision to auditory signs,--as I learned from a series of experiments which I was enabled to perform.
To be sure, the animal would receive sundry visual impressions from the wooden pins set up before him and the auditory stimulations of the spoken number names, on the basis of which, the concepts were to be formed in his mind.
In the upper row I am placing the successful responses without auditory signs, in the lower those involving both auditory and visual signs.
Because, by the peculiar resinous property which it possesses, it improves the sound-conducting power of the auditory canal through which it prevails.
The auditory nerves are distributed in the tubes above described (the vestibule and the cochlea E F), and the nerves receive their impressions from the undulations of the fluid.
In Bettongia, on the other hand, the head is shorter and wider, with smaller and more rounded ears, and more swollen auditory bullae.
The list is completed by Aepyprymnus rufescens, which differs from all the others by the hairy muzzle, and the absence of inflation in the auditory bullae and of vacuities in the palate.
There is nothing comparable to an eye or to theauditory sacs of other low worms.
It has been suggested by Dr Gustav Eisen that these cells are auditoryand serve to warn the worm of the footsteps of birds and other enemies.
We may fall into similar illusions respecting distance in auditory perception.
Thus, for example, we fall into the illusion of hearing two voices when our shout is echoed back, just because the second auditory impression irresistibly calls up the image of a second shouter.
Subjective auditory sensations appear to be much less frequent causes of dream-illusions than corresponding visual sensations.
Indeed, when there are the conditions for the former, it sometimes happens that the auditory effect transforms itself into a visual effect.
In mental disease, auditory hallucinations play a part no less conspicuous than visual.
These commonly assume the form of visual or auditory hallucinations.
It is possible, moreover, that auditory hallucinations are quite as common as visual in states of comparative health, though more easily overlooked.
Lélut seeks to prove that the philosopher's admonitory voice was an incipientauditory hallucination symptomic of a nascent stage of mental alienation.
Here the laughter of the auditory prevented Kilkee proceeding, who, to my utter confusion, resumed after a little.
Some folk have peculiarly distinct auditory memories; they are able to recall things heard much better than things seen.
However, some think more readily in terms of auditory and motor images.
The auditory image is probably the next most vivid of our recalled experiences.
The motor image is a close competitor with the auditory for second place.
This is because in these latter performances he uses his auditory centre, and not the visual.
The pitch is determined probably by the accidental condition of the auditory centre in the brain or by the pitch of the external sound which serves as stimulus to the tune.
In the same general zone we also find the music function located, the musical sounds being received in the auditory centre very near the area for words heard (A) while the centre for musical expression is also in the Rolandic region.
When, again, an injury comes to the auditory centre in the temporal region, we find the converse of the case just described; the defect is then called Auditory Aphasia.
In 1675, Marquette addressed here an auditory composed of five hundred chiefs and old men, and fifteen hundred young men, besides women and children.
Liard River area, the long-tailed meadow mice from near Haines are more reddish brown, have a longer tail, and have a smaller skull with smaller auditory bullae.
UKMNH) from Northway has slightly more inflated auditory bullae than those from Kluane.
They probably arose from an extension of inflammation from the pia mater along the trunk of the auditory nerve (Von Ziemssen).
Sometimes the seat of the sensation is in the auditory nervous apparatus proper.
The lesions of the internal auditory apparatus consist of softening in the fourth ventricle and of the root of the auditory nerve, yet such lesions are said to have been found even when no defect of hearing had existed.
When suppuration has actually taken place the abscess should be immediately opened to prevent further destruction of the gland-tissue and perforation into the external auditory meatus.
When this occurs the inflammation in the most favorable cases gradually abates, the aperture in the drum closes, and the integrity of the auditory apparatus is preserved.
When the impairment of hearing occurs simultaneously, or nearly so, in both ears, it is probable that the chief cause of the deafness is the pressure of the plastic exudation in which the auditorynerve is imbedded.
Bilateral hemorrhage or acute suppuration of the ampullar terminations of the auditory nerve occasions paralysis and staggering.
The auditory bulla and the tympanic are divided by an internal partition.
The paroccipital process is separate from, or only extends to a slight degree upon the auditory bulla.
They are peculiar in that the wall of the inner chamber of the auditory bulla never ossifies, while the paroccipital process is not flattened out and spread over the bulla.
The auditory bullae are large, rounded and smooth.
The skull is elongated and narrow; and the auditory bulla large, elongated and rounded at both ends.
Footnote 60: It is rather a line than a plane; the cranium always being asymmetrical, we cannot make a horizontal plane pass exactly through the borders of the two orbits and the two auditory meatus.
This prognathism is measured with the angle determined by the alveolar point, the external auditory meatus, and the nasal spine (Fig.
You do not know therefore, nor can you receive, any impressions except those that can be made to vibrate upon the two chords of your organic lyre, called respectively the optic nerve and the auditory nerve.
In another natural organisation the optic nerve and the auditory nerve form quite different organs.
Let us consider, for it is by no means evident at first sight, what conditions a visual or auditory phantasm is bound to fulfil before it can be regarded as indicating primâ facie the influence of a discarnate mind.
It had been, of course, impossible for me to communicate with her since she had no auditory organs and I no knowledge of her fourth-dimension, sixth-sense method of communication.
In utter silence they conversed, for they have no oral speech since they are without auditory nerves.
The obstruction caused by wax usually exists in about the middle of the auditory canal or opening in the ear, and only causes deafness when it completely blocks this passage.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auditory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.