That which he succeeds in stamping is remembered and known by him as long as the impression lasts; but that, of which the impression is rubbed out or imperfectly made, is forgotten, and not known.
These are however very imperfectly known; but one of them, on a low range of hills, between Mendoza and La Punta, has been repeatedly visited.
And, as that operation, in many instances, is very imperfectly performed, a few observations on the subject may be useful.
The difficulties of this arrangement are, that many of the characters areimperfectly known even to the most scientific.
By the many, even this range, the natural limit and bulwark of the vale, is but imperfectly known.
Christendom, from its first settlement on feudal rights, has been so far one great body, however imperfectly organized, that a similar spirit will be found in each period to have been acting in all its members.
First, because imperfectly as I understand the present Chapter, I see clearly that you have done too much, and yet not enough.
The force of the Greek sunienai is imperfectly expressed by "understand;" our own idiomatic phrase "to go along with me" comes nearest to it.
Outer scales of the appressed involucre barely prickly-pointed; heads imperfectly dioecious, small and numerous.
Corolla imperfectly papilionaceous; standard smaller than the wings, and enclosed by them in the bud; the keel-petals larger and not united.
The typical imperfectly developed annual form, with only 4 stamens and rather strict pods, occurs very rarely.
Heads many-flowered; flowers all tubular, perfect and similar, rarelyimperfectly dioecious.
Imperfectly fertile fronds sometimes occur, with the still foliaceous pinnae cut into obovate segments with free veins and abortive sori; the so-called var.
The extreme western flora is no doubt imperfectly represented.
Leaves alternate, or sometimes imperfectly opposite, with or without obvious stipules.
Pod turgid, completely or imperfectly 2-celled by the intrusion of the dorsal suture, the ventral suture being not at all or less deeply inflexed.
If teachers could induce the Indians to think on subjects not before known to them, or but imperfectly known, they would adopt one of the most efficacious means of civilizing them.
It is now twenty-six years since I first entered the area of the Mississippi valley, with the view of exploring its then but imperfectly known features, geographical and geological.
That is a question which we can but imperfectly answer.
They bring into play the several points that have been indicated as partially and imperfectly explanatory of the problem of Italy.
Scholars generally are poorly instructed, and understand very imperfectly what they profess to have learned.
This part of the process of digestion is very important, for it is impossible to enjoy good health while this function is imperfectly performed.
This is true even when food has been well masticated; but it becomes strikingly apparent when a full meal has been hastily swallowed, both mastication and insalivation having been imperfectly performed.
Their procedure is less rigorous than that of the Roman Church, and as yet has been but imperfectly studied.
Man meanwhile, loitering somewhere behind the scenes in Asia or Africa (as yet imperfectly explored from this point of view), had acquired the important arts of sharpening his tomahawks and producing hand-made pottery for his kitchen utensils.
These imperfectly mimetic insects may often obtain a casual immunity from attack by being mistaken for a twig by birds or lizards.
The allied armies, imperfectly organized, and badly equipped for such a campaign, suffered severely from the hardships of a Crimean winter.
The great majority of the British people, who imperfectly understood the merits of the case, were unanimous in their desire to support Denmark by arms.
Both in the north and in the south of this great and imperfectly explored continent, memories still clung which were ungrateful to imperialism.
The constituencies, imperfectly acquainted with the technical issues involved in the dispute, rallied to the minister, who was upholding British interests.
Frequently the respiration is seriously disturbed, thus the blood is imperfectly aƫrated, and so in turn the nutrition of the entire system is impaired.
From the blood, thus imperfectly purified, may result kidney troubles and various diseases of the liver and the stomach.
The act of chewing is simple and yet important, for if hurriedly or imperfectly done, the food is in a condition to cause disturbance in the digestive process.
If imperfectly chewed, it is not readily acted upon by the gastric juice, and often undergoes fermentative changes which result in sour stomach, gastric pain, and other digestive disturbance.
Thus we have a feeling of hunger or thirst indicating the need of food, and a feeling of discomfort when imperfectly clad, informing us of the need of more clothing.
Sidenote: 136] From some highly inclined beds near its base I broke off specimens of a limestone, having an imperfectly crystalline structure, and a brown colour, which deepens into dull black on the surfaces of its natural seams.
A bed of imperfectly crystalline limestone was seen by Captain Franklin underlying the sandstones.
Bed of imperfectly crystalline limestone, of a brownish-gray colour, traversed by veins of calc-spar.
Yellowish-gray dolomite, imperfectly crystalline, being similar to the limestone of Lake Winipeg.
A fragment of fifteen lines and these imperfectly preserved is all that has as yet been found.
The opening lines, containing a reference to the Gimirrites, are imperfectly preserved.
The fact is, that the perception of expediency of proportion can but rarely affect our estimates of beauty, for it implies a knowledge which we very rarely and imperfectly possess, and the want of which we tacitly acknowledge.
The first overt resistance to authority appeared in Bhundelkund, a wild and imperfectly subjugated province in the centre of Hindostan, inhabited by a fierce people called Bhoondelahs.
The commerce with Japan was too imperfectly organized at the period when this History closes to afford reliable statistics.
Coupling, therefore, that transaction with the present, if the annals of our country furnish so disgraceful a page, I have very imperfectly consulted them.
She had passed through a terrible ordeal, and although not wholly uninstructed by it, yet any lessons it was calculated to teach were reluctantly received and imperfectly learned.
The new bill was carried; but while it did much good, it was sometimes an instrument of injustice, very imperfectly answered its own objects, and was not conceived or framed in a comprehensive or statesman-like spirit.
It must be remembered, however, that at this period vast tracts of land remained uncultivated, and that the science of agriculture was but imperfectly understood.
The English, surprised, fought in their great-coats; although otherwise imperfectly dressed, and some without shoes or shakos.
Lignite, or brown coal, an imperfectly carbonized vegetable deposit of more recent geological age than true coal.
All he could do therefore, was to collect some more sticks to keep up his fire, after which he obtained some clams from the seashore, off which, though imperfectly cooked, he was fain to make his supper.
The student becomes lost amid details which he can only very imperfectly grasp, and the great principles of the science, as well as their relations to cognate departments of knowledge, are lost sight of.
The Cockney School was composed of Londoners of the middle-class, supposedly ill-bred and imperfectly educated.
After all, the precise nature of the plot and the detection is very imperfectly explained, and we will venture to say, is not fully understood by one half those who have fairly read through every word of the quarto now before us.
The process is quite complex and is imperfectly understood.
If canned foods are imperfectly sealed or if not thoroughly cooked in the canning process, they decay and the acids which they generate act on the metals lining the cans, forming poisonous compounds.
These experiments have been made upon the lower animals and the results thus obtained compared with observations made upon injured and imperfectly developed brains in man.
Their form was generally oblong, and as the cells were intended as places of resort for the priests rather than for assemblies of the people, they were but imperfectly lighted.