The two branches of the ramus ophthalmicus superficialis were spoken of as the ram.
If Marshall's view about theramus ophthalmicus profundus (p.
The connecting branch of the fifth nerve often becomes directly continuous with the anterior branch of the third nerve, and the two together probably constitute the nerve known as the ramus ophthalmicus profundus (Marshall).
They appear to form the anterior root of the adult which gives origin to the ramus ophthalmicus.
This nerve is the portio major or superficialis of the nerve usually known as the ramus ophthalmicus superficialis in the adult[176].
O, good my lord, Wherein hathRamus been so offensious?
What fearful cries come from the river Seine,[375] That fright poor Ramus sitting at his book!
To contradict which, I say, Ramus shall die: How answer you that?
The angle between the anterior border of the coronoid process and the dorsal border of the ramus of the mandible is more acute, and the posteroventral margin of the ramus is more nearly straight, in onerosus than in hispidus.
Relative to the length of the ramus (measured from the anterior mental foramen to the posterior margin of the capsule that surrounds the root of the lower incisor), the depth of the ramus anterior to the molariform tooth-row is 33.
B: Depth of ramus opposite re-entrant angle of p4 (B to B' on Fig.
If the fossil ramus is that of a female (females are significantly smaller than males in Heterogeomys) then the differences would be greater than recorded.
An additional unnumbered ramus is of somewhat lighter construction than the holotype, but is important since it bears not only the incisor and p4 but also the first two lower molars.
Differs from any known living species of Heterogeomys, by the significantly heavier and deeper ramus (see Table 1 and Fig.
The ramus was then seized by a strong pair of tooth-forceps, and notwithstanding strong posterior attachments, was drawn outwards, its muscular connections divided and turned out entire.
Disarticulation of the Ramus without opening into the cavity of the Mouth.
That the bone itself does sometimes play a part in the hyperostosis which is in progress is shown by an increase of an inch in the length of the right ramus of the maxilla over that of the left in Adams's first plate.
A preferable form of incision along the posterior border of the ramus and under the base of the jaw and tumour to over the point at which the bone is to be sawn, but without division of the lip, is recommended in the Practical Surgery.
The tumour had been of three or four years’ duration, equalled a large fist in size, and involved the left side of the lower jaw at the junction of the ramus with the body of the bone.
Supposing that the portion of the jaw between the angle and symphysis had been removed on account of osteosarcoma, and that the ramus subsequently became affected, it is no easy matter to effect disarticulation, as I have experienced.
Pliocene age, but is known only by one ramus of the lower jaw.
The incisors are three in the upper jaw; and the single incisor of eachramus of the lower jaw is a great chisel-shaped, cutting instrument.
The lower incisors are more developed than in other Rodents; they project in a bony sheath beyond the posterior end of the ramus of the lower jaw.
There is but a single tooth to each ramus of the lower jaw, besides, of course, the usual small teeth in the upper jaw.
THE ANGLE The angle between the body and the ramus of the lower jaw is known to differ with the age and sex as well as individually.
On the sides of the centre were two scarabei, the symbol of immortality; and between them was a pyramid, on which was inscribed a mystical character which told, at the same time, that his name was Ramus the Great.
According, indeed, to a writer of this age, strongly attached to the Aristotelian party, Ramus had turned all physical science into the domain of logic, and argued from words to things still more than his opponents.
The method of Clenardus he disapproves, and thinks that of Ramus intricate.
Ramus had made a third class of them, and in this he seems to have been generally followed.
This writer charges Ramus with plagiarism from Ludovicus Vives, placing the passages in apposition, so as to prove his case.
The ventral ramus of S2 divides into two branches, only the posterior of which contributes to the plexus; the anterior branch directly innervates muscles of the abdominal wall (as does the entire ventral ramus of S1).
The entire ventral ramus of each of these nerves, excepting S2 and S9, contributes to this plexus.
The ventral ramus of S9 divides into two branches, only the anterior of which contributes to this plexus; the posterior branch contributes to the more posteriorly situated pudendal plexus.
Connoisseurs in beauty have long disputed as to which is the lovelier of the twoRamus girls painted by Romney.
The appeal of Benedetta is swiftest, yet when I look at Miss Ramus I know that I should not like to be obliged to choose.
Beside them I would place those adorable girls, Miss Ramusand Miss Benedetta Ramus, who were also painted together by Gainsborough in the picture known as "The Sisters.
Compared with them Miss Ramus and Miss Benedetta are almost prim.
Miss Benedetta Ramus From the picture in the possession of the Hon.
Smith) The younger of the beautiful Ramus girls, who afterwards became Lady Day.
The other day I saw the two Ramus girls smiling from a wall in a house by Henley-on-Thames, and they seemed more alive than the goggled, huddled women that had just flashed along the highroad in a motor car.
It would be hard to make a choice between Miss Ramus and Miss Benedetto.
Miss Ramus From the picture in the possession of the Hon.
I fear that the Ramus stomachichus is the seat of your disorder, and I trust that the treatment of your physician is meeting with the desired success.
Did ever you know one of them to suffer from any derangement of the Ramus stomachichus?
The husbandman, the mariner, the poor scavenger of the street never suffer in this wise, nor is their Ramus stomachichus ever in peril of dissolution.
To contradict which, I say Ramus shall dye: How answere you that?
O good my Lord, Wherein hath Ramus been so offencious?
What fearfull cries come from the river Sene, That fright poore Ramus sitting at his book?
The ball struck him on the horizontal ramus of the left pubic bone, about an inch from the symphysis, passed through the bladder and rectum, and came out just below the right sacrosciatic notch, near the sacrum.
Tomes gives a description of a lower jaw the development of the left ramus of which had been arrested.
He exhibited a linear cicatrix one inch long near the angle of the ramus of the left lower jaw.
Canton mentions arrest of development of the left perpendicular ramus of the lower jaw combined with malformation of the external ear.
B, Diagram of the posterior face of a single complete filament with descending ramus and ascending ramus ending in a hook-like process; ep.
His death (September 1572) is said to have been caused by his apprehension that he might share the fate of his friend Peter Ramus (Pierre de la Ramee), who had been killed in the massacre of St Bartholomew.
On the left side these lamellae are represented as having only a small reflected growth, on the right side the reflected ramus or lamella is complete (fr and er).
Its posterior end rests against the anterior surface of the transverse process of the atlas, from which it extends forwards and downwards, slightly curved, to beneath the ramus of the jaw.
The author asserts that Ramus had attributed it to Postel; nothing whatever can be found in the writings of Ramus to establish this.
Mucous canals of the head with branches of the ramus ophthalmicus growing towards them.
Mucous canals of head with branches of the ramus ophthalmicus growing towards them.
This great width of mouth is shown in the skeleton by the reflexed edges of the ramus of the lower jaw.
In the large lop-eared rabbits the only difference in the lower jaw, in comparison with that of the wild rabbit, is that the posterior margin of the ascending ramus is broader and more inflected.
The location can be roughly estimated as the superficial gluteal region, external to the ramus of the ischium and near the aerior plane of the upper border of the acetabular cavity.
The course of the bullet was almost tangential to the ramus of the jaw, anteroposteriorly.
In the very year that this was said, Ramus gained his Master's degree at the University of Paris by defending victoriously the thesis that Aristotle's doctrines without exception are all false.
In 1536 Ramus had attacked Aristotle's authority at Paris.
It received the royal favor of Marguerite de Navarre, and its influence became fixed in 1551, by the appointment of Ramus to a professorship in the College de France.
The thesis of Ramus in 1536 had started an anti-Aristotelian tendency in France, and the literature of the French Renaissance became impregnated with Platonism.
In absolute width one specimen actually surpasses the Mauer jaw, but yet fails to rival that bone in respect of the great width found to characterise the ascending ramus in that example.
The teeth are larger and the ascending ramus is more slender in the reconstruction than in the Mauer specimen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ramus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.