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Example sentences for "prunes"

Lexicographically close words:
pruinose; prune; pruned; prunella; pruner; pruning; prunings; pruriency; prurient; pruritus
  1. It contains the old summer palace of the counts of Provence, and has an active trade, especially in prunes, known as prunes de Brignoles.

  2. Brod has thus a considerable transit trade, especially in cereals, wine, spirits, prunes and wood.

  3. Therefore he provided his wild prunes with the same means he had used effectively with plums to increase their lusciousness.

  4. He merely provided natural, but scientifically selected conditions and food; knowing that his prunes then would grow naturally in the particular ways he wanted them to develop, and in no other ways at variance with his plan.

  5. He just applied scientific knowledge in his training of walnut trees and callas and prunes and other forms of vegetable life.

  6. Grandpa's oatmeal and milk finished, Johnnie urged the prunes upon him.

  7. I remember your telling me once that you got tired of prunes and potatoes.

  8. Fashioning small containers of some biscuit dough, he first put the pulp of some cooked prunes through the tea strainer--then filled the containers with the sweetened fruit and baked them.

  9. The price of meat and eggs and butter in the winter-time was in truth appalling; so they would buy potatoes and rice and corn-meal and prunes and turnips.

  10. He cut fresh boughs for his bed, and spread his blankets upon them, and went back to the lumber-shanties, and purchased a box of prunes and a bag of rice.

  11. They had been obliged to give up their attempt to live on prunes and turnips.

  12. Although to-day He prunes my twigs with pain, Yet doth His blood nourish and warm my root: To-morrow I shall put forth buds again And clothe myself with fruit.

  13. You mean I would be without the 'prunes and prisms' expression.

  14. Well, I think with Eustace as a husband life would be all green persimmons, without any prunes or prisms to break the monotony.

  15. The prunes should be soaked in water for several hours before stuffing, and should be drained and wiped dry.

  16. All kinds of candied fruits, also many kinds of dried fruits, such as dates, figs, raisins and prunes may be used in candy-making.

  17. Another way to stuff the prunes is to stone some dates, fit a cherry inside of each date, then fit the date into the prune, and dip in the fondant.

  18. Add the chopped pits to chopped dates, and fill the cavities of the prunes with the mixture.

  19. Large prunes soaked over night until plump, and then stuffed with chopped almonds or pecan nut meats are fine.

  20. Prunes filled with fondant or fondant and nuts mixed are also delicious.

  21. Prunes may be stuffed with fondant or a fondant and nut mixture, and then dipped in fondant of different colors.

  22. Plaunt it boue [3] with prunes and damysyns.

  23. Eyrenn isode and yground & do þerto with prunes hoole [1].

  24. So the Grocery Man hangs up the telephone and takes another basket and in the basket he puts some prunes and some macaroni and some salt and some oatmeal.

  25. Please, Mr. Grocery Man, send me some prunes and some macaroni and some salt and some oatmeal.

  26. When served with cream, this combination of rolled oats and prunes is high in food value and consequently may be made the important dish in the meal for which it is used.

  27. If an appetizing dish for warm weather is desired, rolled oats may be cooked to form a jelly and then have stewed prunes added to it.

  28. If prunes are desired, stew them as explained in Art.

  29. Then the auburn-haired maid returned, with a bowl of prunes and a generous pitcher of milk, upon whose bluish-ivory surface there struggled a solitary fly.

  30. Bring me some prunes and milk," said Knowlton.

  31. With a whish of her skirts she was gone once more, and I realized that the first step in her revenge for my ignoring prunes was accomplished.

  32. Put about three dozen prunes into one quart of boiling water and let them boil for one hour, take out the prunes and stone them making use of half the kernels as a flavoring.

  33. Put the prunes back into the water, with the blanched kernels, adding one cup of sugar and let boil half an hour more.

  34. Four pounds of Prunes and as many of Raisins o' the sun.

  35. Hang him, rogue; he lives upon mouldy stewed Prunes and dried cakes.

  36. Plums, Damsons, and Prunes may conveniently be joined together, Plums and Damsons being often used synonymously (as in No.

  37. Apples, tomatoes and prunes combine well with many of the above mentioned foods.

  38. Baked oats with prunes or cranberry sauce and bacon.

  39. Prunes may be washed and put into a dish; then add hot water enough to about half cover them; cover the dish very tightly and put aside over night.

  40. It is a good plan to let the prunes soak a few hours before stewing them.

  41. By the addition to desserts and cereals of dried fruits, raisins, dates, prunes and figs, which contain large amounts of natural sugar, the sugar consumption can be greatly lessened.

  42. Chill, and stir once or twice while chilling to prevent prunes settling to bottom of mold.

  43. Soak washed and scalded prunes in 2 cups cold water 10 minutes.

  44. They like it so much and do not care for anything else; for a change they have stewed prunes and bread.

  45. Rice, haricot beans and prunes are very plentiful, and they form some of the chief articles of diet.

  46. Stewed prunes may be rubbed through the colander and their juice added for sauce, with or without orange or vanilla flavoring.

  47. Steamed Prunes--par excellence= Soak large prunes in a very little water, stirring occasionally so that all will be moistened.

  48. The figs may be soaked the same as prunes before steaming.

  49. Prune Toast= Use sweet California prunes stewed without sugar, whole stoned with juice, or in marmalade.

  50. Prune Marmalade= Cook prunes with a small amount of water and rub through colander.

  51. A3/4 prunes and A1/4 apricots make a nice combination, also raisins or figs and prunes.

  52. Prune=--Prunes stewed in a small quantity of water so that the syrup is rich; pitted, quartered and folded into omelet.

  53. Add fine cut, drained stewed prunes to pudding occasionally before baking and serve with a sauce made of the juice.

  54. For variety, thin slices of sweet prunes or dates are nice in place of other fruits in cakes.

  55. Dried peaches, apricots and prunes may be used the same.

  56. Chop prunes in lightly, bake in pudding dish or brick shaped granite pan in slow oven until egg is set, about 20 m.

  57. California prunes in as little water as possible; drain, remove the stones and chop the prunes, not too fine.

  58. I often go to Jimpson's store; I blow in twice a day or more to buy my prunes and things.

  59. The basis price is for prunes that weigh 80 to the pound.

  60. Here in Sutter county, California, a great many French prunes are grown and we are advised to plant them, but would rather plant the Italian prune.

  61. Some use a thin syrup made by boiling small prunes in water (by stove or steam) and thinning with water to produce the result desired.

  62. If you wish to grow Robe de Sergeant prunes your question of interplanting would be pertinent, but if you desire only to grow French prunes you need not plant the Robe de Sergeant at all.

  63. You can prune French prunes and other deciduous trees at any time during the winter that is most convenient to you.

  64. Can I graft French prunes on the Silver trees?

  65. I have five acres of Silver prunes which produce very little fruit.

  66. Prunes on plum root, and pears will endure wet soil better than apricots or peaches.

  67. It may be noted here that no prunes are actually sold at just the basis price, as they are worth either less or more than this as they are smaller or larger than 80 to the pound.

  68. I am sending samples of soil in which there are apricots and prunes growing, and ask you to examine it with reference to its suitability for other fruits.

  69. In the prune-growing district around Salem, Oregon, Italian prunes are grown exclusively for drying purposes.

  70. Put the prunes into enough water to cover them, and let simmer gently till they absorb all the water.

  71. Even the pathetic diet of liver, codfish and prunes seemed to amuse him.

  72. Papa, potatoes, poultry, prunes and prisms are all good words for the lips.

  73. Many plant apples, peaches, prunes or cherries between walnut trees, planning to cut them out when the latter are of such size as to need all the space.

  74. His royal bird Prunes the immortal wing, and cloys his beak, As when his god is pleas'd.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prunes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.