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Example sentences for "prouision"

Lexicographically close words:
prouince; prouinces; prouincia; prouinciall; prouincias; prouisions; prouocation; prouoke; prouoked; prouost
  1. Of which good prouision none of vs hath anie thing the lesse need, for the late made attonement, in which the kings pleasure had more place than the parties willes.

  2. This was a great discomfort to the Romans that had brought ouer no prouision to liue by in the winter season, nor saw anie hope how they should repasse againe into Gallia.

  3. Great prouision therefore was made by the said Caligula to performe that noble enterprise, and this was in the fourth yeere of his reigne.

  4. Harman fairly enough in his chapter "Of prouision made for the poore," Book II, chap.

  5. And thus much of the poore, and such prouision as is appointed for them within the realme of England.

  6. As for their prouision of victual, the Emperor alloweth none, either for Captaine or souldiour, neither prouideth any for them except peraduenture some come for their money.

  7. They were vnwilling to go that night with him, because their prouision for the way was not in readinesse, but requested that they might stay til the morning.

  8. Horsey, there were the next day sent him for his further prouision vpon the sea by a gentleman and a captaine the things following.

  9. For the prouision and furniture for a shippe of 200 tunnes, to catch the Whale fish in Russia, passing from England.

  10. New victuall and prouision were giuen him vpon the riuer Dwina at euery towne by the Kings officers, being one thousand miles in length.

  11. Sidenote: A strange accident of prouision for their reliefe.

  12. Nicholas, and at Colmogro, there came to him then a gentleman sent from the Emperor to enterteine him, and had in charge to conduct him vp the riuers towards Mosco, and to deliuer him prouision of all kinde of victuals necessary.

  13. Though the chiefe Captains and other of account cary tents with them after the fashion of ours, with some better prouision of victual then the rest.

  14. Of their maner of mustering, armour, and prouision for victuall.

  15. October, they tooke into the ship, bread, water, and other necessary prouision for their sea store: the said 2.

  16. Herewith also he leuied a great armie both of horssemen and footmen, and came forward with the same vnto Penbroke, and so when all his prouision and ships were readie, [Sidenote: Milford hauen.

  17. Ireland with any kind of merchandize, prouision of vittels, or other commodities whatsoeuer.

  18. Milford hauen in Penbrokshire, with all such prouision and furniture as was thought necessarie for such a iournie.

  19. Wherfore he made his prouision at Graueling, and there incamping with his people, staied till his ships were readie to transport him and his armie, which consisted of certeine horssemen, and of a number of Brabanders.

  20. After this, lieng abroad in the countrie, they skirmished dailie with the French horssemen, and oft times cut of such prouision of vittels as came to nourish the campe.

  21. The tower that duke Henrie had hardlie besieged immediatlie herewith was surrendred vnto him, & then making prouision for vittels and other things, [Sidenote: The castell of Wallingford.

  22. The empresse therefore doubting the sequele, and séeing hir prouision to decaie, deuised a shift how to escape that present danger, which by force she was vnlikelie to performe.

  23. And when Abradatas sawe the preparation of Cyrus, that hee made against his enemies, he addressed to make prouision of armure, and thinges meete for the fielde for hym selfe.

  24. They sent purueiors into Scicilia: but the malice of the cities adioyning, stayed the prouision that was made a farre of.

  25. Also the kings Bench, the which is too greefefull to the shire of Kent, without prouision of our souereigne lord and his true councell.

  26. This dooing so much displeased the people, that if politike prouision had not beene, great mischeefe had immediatlie insued.

  27. He answered that he woulde departe the nexte day followyng, and that he required but onely some of their slaues to carry his fardage, bycause his owne Tamemez or Carriars were weried: lykewise he requyred some prouision of victuall.

  28. Cortez departed from Saint Iames de Barocoa with small prouision of victuals for suche a number of men, and also for the nauigation whyche as yet was vncertaine.

  29. All that ye haue hearde, was the prouision that Cortes had for the séege of Mexico, the strongest and greatest Citie in all India and newe world.

  30. Their prouision of victuals commeth out of Bengala euery yere.

  31. He hauing therefore a swoord gird to him, tooke a speare in his hand, and riding on the kings horsse, went to the place where the idols stood.

  32. And that solemnitie was furnished, for the most part, with the selfe same prouision that was appointed for the coronation of his nephue.

  33. The Cacique commanded prouision necessarie for two daies, while the Gouernour was there, to be brought thither: and at the time of his departure, he gaue him foure women and two men, which hee had need of to beare burthens.

  34. He had alreadie bought seuen ships, and had all necessarie prouision aboord them: he appointed Captaines, and deliuered to euery one his ship, and gaue them in a role what people euery one should carrie with them.

  35. Hauing now spent all our prouision and victuals, and hauing discouered about 700 leagues and more of new Countreys, and being furnished with water and wood, we concluded to returne into France.

  36. For it behoued mee at that present to make prouision of victuals and munition for the defence of my Fort.

  37. The next day, the Gouernour sent three Captaines euerie one his way with horsemen and footemen to seeke prouision to passe the desert.

  38. Then wee departed thence, and as we came out of the harbours mouth we laid the ship vpon the lee, and in 2 houres space we tooke with our hookes 3 or 4 hundred great Cods for our prouision of our ship.

  39. Lucar, there to take in some further prouision for the West India.

  40. What prouision of victuals may be had in the countrey: and what kinde of our victuals will best serve to continue.

  41. The king hath in many riuers good store of barges full of sea-crowes that breede, are fedde and doe die therein, in certaine cages, allowed monethely a certaine prouision of rise.

  42. Likewise your maiestie must send hither 2000 good souldiers, with munition and sufficient store of prouision for them.

  43. The 9 of Aprill our Carauell came aboord with water for our prouision for the sea, and this day also we lost our shallope.

  44. Vpon this also sir John Thin had sometime a statelie house, with a maruellous prouision to inclose and reteine such fish as should come about the same.

  45. To conclude therefore, in our markets all things are to be sold necessarie for mans vse, and there is our prouision made commonlie for all the weeke insuing.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prouision" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.