For whereas before it was diuided into pettie Prouinces (which they called Fylki, and the pettie kings that gouerned them, fylkis konga) he reduced it by force of armes vnto a Monarchie.
We haue heard that either of the forsayd Prouinces standeth neere vnto Paria.
Of the maner of gouerning theirprouinces of shires.
The whole Countrey being nowe reduced vnder the gouernment of one, conteineth these chiefe Prouinces or Shires.
These Shires and Prouinces are reduced into foure Iurisdictions, which they call Chetfyrds (that is) Tetrarchies, or Fourth parts.
Sidenote: The Prouinces or Countries got by conquest.
Whych was the cause that the gouernours of the prouinces, and Captens general, seing him to be so vicious and neglygent, vsurped the prouinces and armies which they had in charge.
By meanes wherof, in his tyme the Romain Empyre more than in any others raygne, lost most prouinces and receiued greatest shame.
Almost three yeares and a halfe was Odenatus Emperour and Lord of all the Orient, duringe which time he recouered all the Lands and Prouinces lost by Galienus, and payde the Romane army all the arrerages of their wages due vnto them.
From Coca to Tascaluca, and to Rio Grande, as far as the Prouinces of Quizquiz and Aquixo from East to West.
It remaineth now to certifie your Honour of the seuen cities, and of the kingdomes and prouinces whereof the Father prouincial made report vnto your Lordship.
When I came thither I did the like my self; and conferring with the old man, he began to informe me of as many people and Prouinces as he knew.
I trauelled thorow another prouince called Suchetepec; and thence to the prouince of Guasacapan: in both which prouinces are very few people, the biggest towne therein hauing not aboue two hundred Indians.
In certeine prouinces which are called Guatimala, and Soconusco, there is growing great store of cacao, which is a berry like vnto an almond: it is the best merchandize that is in all the Indies.
All these prouinces are subject and doo acknowledge that of Mexico as the principall: there whereas his maiestie hath his vizroy, an inquisition, an archbishop, and a royall audience or court of Chancerie.
In it there is great plenty of all victuals, and especially of chesnuts, and it is one of the twelue prouinces of the great Can.
The number of Souldiers continually attending vpon the Beglerbegs the gouernours of Prouinces and Saniacks, and their petie Captaines mainteined of these Prouinces.
The foresayd great Can hath diuided his Empire into twelue partes or Prouinces, and one of the sayd prouinces hath two thousand great cities within the precincts thereof.
And so this first seat might in time become a stapling place of the commodities of many countreys and territories, and in time this place might become of all the prouinces round about the only gouernor.
Sidenote: A treatie of peace, to the end that Englad and the vnitedprouinces might be secure of inuasion.
Against which treatie the vnited prouinces making open protestation, vsed all meanes possible to hinder it, alleaging that it was more requisite to consult how the enemie now pressing vpon them might be repelled from off their frontiers.
By the good policie and diligent trauell of this king, the prouinces of Deira and Bernicia, which hitherto had béene at variance, were brought to peace and made one.
In some prouinces where water is scante, they vse to drynke the iuice of these leaues.
Quahutimoc encouraged muche his subiectes, and kindled with his talke their wrath agaynst the Spaniards: yet there were some prouinces that gaue no eare to his information, but rather leaned to our side, or else medled with neyther side.
By such courteous dealing the prouinces which were in his charge flourished in [Sidenote: He died in the yéere 306.
The name of Caratacus being brought out of the Iles was alreadie spred ouer the prouinces adioining, and began now to grow famous through Italie.
Ciuilis by name sent to him to haue the rule of the prouinces in Britaine in steed of the other gouernours, a man of sharpe wit, [Sidenote: Dulcitius.
Scots and Picts, which are wild and sauage people, the frontiers of the countrie were wasted, and feare oppressed the prouinces wearied with the heape of passed losses.
By such courteous dealing the prouinces which were in his charge flourished in great wealth and quietnesse.
Ye be not ignorant by the common report of the Cityzens of this City, and by the same published of me, that I haue trauailed throughe all the Prouinces of the habytable Earthe, wherby duryng the continuall tyme of XX.
In old time there were three archbishops, and so manie prouinces in this Ile; of which one kept at London, another at Yorke, and the third at Caerlheon vpon Uske.
The foresayd great Can hath deuided his empire into twelue partes or prouinces, and one of the sayd prouinces hath two thousand great cities within the precincts thereof.
It was told me that of ancient time in this country had bin many kings, and though presently it were al vnder one, ech kingdom neuertheles enioyed that name it first had, these kingdomes are the prouinces I spake of before.
Al the foresayd prouinces therefore haue their greater cities named Fu, and their lesser cities called Cheu, vnto both of which the other townes may be added.
It is wonderfull how highly the Portugals do esteeme thereof, seeing they do, with great difficulty transport the same, not onely to vs of Iapon and into India, but also into sundry prouinces of Europe.
A briefe relation concerning the estate of the cities and prouinces of Tombuto and Gago written in Marocco the first of August 1594, and sent to M.
By these meanes so vprightly things are ordered there, that it may be worthily accompted one of the best gouerned prouinces in all the world.
The greater Cantle of the world, is lost With very ignorance, we haue kist away Kingdomes, and Prouinces Eno.
I marry Sweeting, if we could doe that, France were no place for Henryes Warriors, Nor should that Nation boast it so with vs, But be extirped from our Prouinces Alans.
I am the Sonne of Henry the Fift, Who made the Dolphin and the French to stoupe, And seiz'd vpon their Townes and Prouinces Warw.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prouinces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.