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Example sentences for "citie"

Lexicographically close words:
citees; citer; cites; cithara; cithern; citied; cities; citified; citing; citius
  1. The king first appointed him to the kéeping of his chamberlaine Rafe Fitz Geffrey, and after sent him into the citie of Tripoli, there to be kept in close prison.

  2. Conrade the marquesse of Montferrato, who indéed was slaine by two of the Assassini in the citie of Tyrus, whilest king Richard was in the holie land (as before yée haue heard.

  3. The first daie of March the king of England departed from Messina, to go to the citie of Cathina, there to common with king Tancred, who came thither to meet him.

  4. The citie before those daies euer since the comming in of William Conquerour, and a good while before his time, [Sidenote: Port Greues.

  5. Neuerthelesse to pacifie the French kings mood, he deliuered the citie of Messina into the custodie of the knights Templers and Hospitalers, till he might be satisfied of such things as he demanded of king Tancred.

  6. There was in the citie of Yorke an old and rich hospitall, dedicated to saint Leonard, for the harbourough and releeuing of poore people.

  7. But the maior and aldermen of the citie would not in anie wise agree to satisfie their request herein, vtterlie refusing to receiue him or anie of his companie into the citie.

  8. And thus he, being more stronglie accompanied than before, departed from Leicester, and came before the wals of the citie of Couentrie, the nine and twentith daie of March.

  9. Shortlie after, the conspiracie of the euill disposed people grew to an open rebellion, so that there assembled to the number of fifteene thousand men, euen readie bent to set on the citie of Yorke.

  10. These capteins leauing king Henrie, his wife, and sonne, for the most safegard within the citie of Yorke, passed the riuer of Wharfe with all their power, intending to stop king Edward of his passage ouer the riuer of Aire.

  11. Sidenote: The bastard meaneth to enter the citie by force.

  12. The monie he kept, but the keies and the maces he deliuered backe to the maior; and then the maior tooke the mace and did beare it through the citie bare-headed before the king, vntill he came to his lodging.

  13. Which enterprise with fire and sword he so manfullie executed, that the gates being in a moment broken open, the citie was entred and deliuered to the souldiers for a preie.

  14. Your peace is full of cruelty and wrong; Lawes taught to speake to present purposes; Wealth and faire houses dangerous faults become; Much blood ith' Citie and no common deaths, But Gentlemen and Consulary houses.

  15. Our hidden ends You see laid open; Court and Citie arm'd And for feare ioyning to the part they feare.

  16. If they, suspecting but this fellowes absence, Should try the Citie and attempt their friends How dangerous might Pisoes favour be?

  17. Twere best even shut the gates oth' Citie up And make it all one Iayle; for this I am sure, There's not an honest man within the walles.

  18. The Citie favours the conspirators; The Senate in disgrace and feare hath liv'd; The Camp--why?

  19. O that I had the Thracian poets harpe, For to awake out of th'infernall shade Those antique Caesars, sleeping long in darke, The which this auncient citie whilome made!

  20. And by this policie the fame is soone blowne to euerie citie and towne, in somuch that aswell the citizens as the rurall people be in short space assembled and armed to repell and put backe the new arriued enimies.

  21. A marvellous terrible chance happened for the citie of London, upon the south side of the river of Thames.

  22. This conduite was the first sweete water that was conveyed by pipes of lead under ground to this place in the citie from Paddington.

  23. And on the other side of that streete lyeth the ditche without the wall of the citie from the Tower unto Aldegate.

  24. Imprinted by Iohn Windet, Printer to the honorable Citie of London.

  25. And also there was deliuered for hir the duchie of Aniou, the citie of Mans, and the whole countie of Maine, which countries were the verie staies and backestands to the duchie of Normandie.

  26. Then was the citie of Acques besieged by the erle of Fois, and the vicount de Lawtrec his brother, and other noble men.

  27. What should I speak of Aniou & Maine, or the losse of the Ile of France, with the rich citie of Paris.

  28. In his waie thitherwards he besieged the citie of Auxerre, the citizens whereof compounded with him to yeeld, if they were not rescued within certeine daies.

  29. Sidenote: The prouidence of the citie for safegard of peace.

  30. The bastard of Orleance and the Hire were appointed to see the walles and watches kept, and the bishop saw that the inhabitants within the citie were put in good order, and that vittels were not vainelie spent.

  31. After this, he came to the citie of Arques, tooke a bulworke by force, and had the towne yeelded to him by composition.

  32. See The discloysing of a late counterfeyted possession by the devyl in two maydens within the Citie of London; see also Holinshed, Chronicles, ed.

  33. The discloysing of a late counterfeyted possession by the devyl in two maydens within the Citie of London.

  34. See the black letter pamphlet, The discloysing of a late counterfeyted possession by the devyl in two maydens within the Citie of London [1574].

  35. The king, in riding thorough the citie towards Westminster, on the 15 daie of Iulie being wednesdaie, was accompanied with such a traine of the nobilitie and others, as in such case was requisite.

  36. This man had doone manie oppressions within the citie of London (as was reported.

  37. An act against the fishmongers within the citie of London.

  38. The citie was adorned in all sorts most richlie.

  39. Also there should be set a seruant or sergeant in the French kings name, in euerie citie and castell within all the whole duchie of Guien, except Burdeaux, Baion, and the Rioll.

  40. Vpon the day of the circumcision of our Lord, was the citie of Baion rendred vnto the lord Iohn saint Iohn, the which the day before had beene taken by the mariners by force of assault.

  41. Yet the men and the women getting themselues to the wals, droue their enimies backe, and so defended the citie from taking.

  42. After this, the said constable brought the people neere adioining vnder subiection, partlie moued by the example of the cheefe and head citie of all the countrie, and partlie induced therevnto by bribes and large gifts.

  43. After this the English armie besieged the citie of Aques, but thorough want of vittels he was constreined to raise thence and breake vp the siege.

  44. Courte to Roger Warffeld Treasuror of Bridewell towards the conveyinge of all the Irishe begging people in and nere London to the Citie of Bristowe v1.

  45. An order devysed by the Mayer and hys brethrern the aldremen by the Kynges commandment for a Tryumphe to be done in the Citie of London at the Request of the Right honorable ambassadors of the Kynge of Romayns.

  46. In 1511 he was in negotiation with the Court of Aldermen for the purchase "of a certen grounde of the citie for an entre to be hadde into his new gramer scole.

  47. They enjoyed moreover the benefits of the ’the law of the city of London’ (la lei de la citie de Loundres) in other words, the right of resorting to fair or market in any place throughout England.

  48. Consider this thou faire citie of Exeter, thou which art next neighbour to this distressed Town .

  49. But no fier from heaven, no unquenchable fier such as worthily fell on the sinfull Citie of Sodom and Gomorra; but a sillie flash of fier, blazing forth of a frying pan .

  50. The Citie of Chichester with the principall Monastery was burnt.

  51. The Citie of Bath also was much ruined and defaced with fire.

  52. Citie of Worcester, and therein the chiefe Church, the Castle, with much people were consumed with fire.

  53. By encouragement of Woolstane not onely the citie of Worcester was maintained in firme condition for the King, but his enemies receiued there a famous foyle; the greatest part being slaine, and the residue dispersed.

  54. The same yeere the Citie of London was very much defaced with fire.

  55. Also of an old Monasterie in the Citie of Yorke, he founded an Hospitall for the sustentation of poore persons and dedicated it to S.

  56. And the rather to enduce him, he gaue him wholly the citie of Canterburie, which his predecessors had held but at the pleasure of the King.

  57. Hugh succeded Herbert; from whom Ieoffrey Martell Earle of Aniou tooke the citie of Maine, and made himselfe lord of all the countrey.

  58. But vpon this occasion he presently inuaded Normandie, tooke the Citie of Vernon, and drew Robert, King Williams eldest sonne, to combine with him against his owne father.

  59. He repaired the Citie and Castle of Caerlile, which had been wasted by the Danes 200.

  60. The yeere next following, the Citie of Lincolne was for the most part burned downe, and many persons perished with the rage of the flame.

  61. In the meane time, the king being come to Bristow, left that citie in the keeping of the earle of Winchester.

  62. And for the more suertie that this night watch should be well and sufficientlie kept, two aldermen were assigned nightlie to ride about the citie with certeine officers of the towne, to see the watchmen well and discreetlie guided.

  63. Also Richard earle of Vlnester lay in saint Maries abbie by Dublin, where the maior and communaltie of the citie tooke him, and put him in prison within the castell of Dublin.

  64. The lord Roger Damorie entring into the citie of Worcester destroied all that which the K.

  65. Sidenote: The bishop of Excester left in charge with the citie of London.

  66. The king at his departure from London, left maister Walter Stapleton the bishop of Excester behind him, to haue the rule of the citie of London.

  67. The king comming to Worcester about Newyeres tide, caused the walles of the citie to be repared, committing the custodie thereof vnto William de Longchampe.

  68. The citie of Worcester about this season was by a casuall fire almost wholie burnt vp and consumed.

  69. Soone after king Henrie caused a chanell to be cast along the countrie in Lincolnshire, from Torksey to the citie of Lincolne, that vessels might haue passage out of the riuer of Trent vnto the same.

  70. Sidenote: The citie of Iconium intended to haue bene besieged.

  71. Alured bishop of Worcester, very solemnly dedicated a Church (which himselfe had founded and built in the citie of Gloucester) vnto the honour of S.

  72. And so the citie of Ioppa with the inhabitants thereof were freed of their enemies.

  73. After that the Citie of Tyre was restored againe to the Christian faith, Guimunde the Patriarke of Ierusalem made him the first Archbishop of Tyre, in the yeere 1128.

  74. The Saracens seeing and knowing this his banner, that part of them which enuironed the Citie by water made towards him with twentie Gallies and thirteene shippes, which they commonly cal Cazh, seeking to inclose the kings shippe.

  75. Deuided into two Tragicall Discourses, as they were sundrie times shewed vpon Stages in the Citie of London.

  76. The first part of the two Tragicall discourses, as they were sundrie times most stately shewed vpon Stages in the Citie of London.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "citie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.