Couell, vntill the next Assises, expecting their Tryall and deliuerance, according to the Lawes prouided for such like.
But God prouided so for me, that I paied them their money that night, and then charged them, that if they would not set the ship foorth, I would make them to answere the same in England, with danger of their heads.
Tilbery, and I had prouided a skilfull pylot to cary me ouer the lands end, whose name was M.
The 11 being prouided of a Ianizarie we departed from Ragusa in the company of halfe a dosen Marchants of that towne: and within 6 miles we entred into the countrey of Seruia.
Prouided also, that we, our heires and successors, from time to time, during the said 7.
And being with the companies of the Bishop seuen thousand persons sufficiently prouided for such an expedition, we passed prosperously through many prouinces, and at length attained vnto Constantinople.
And the pilgrimes which are not prouided of tents, resort hither, and for more deuotion the men and women lie together aloft and beneath, one vpon another, so that their house of praier becommeth worse sometimes then a den of thieues.
The Spices are to be prouided by our friend William Barrat, and the Sope buy you at your first arriuall, for that this shippe lading the same commodity will cause it to amount in price.
Swaine hauing now got the whole rule of the land, was reputed full king, and so commanded that his armie should be prouided of wages and vittels to be taken vp & leuied through the realme.
Two more commodities of great value one of certaintie, and the other in hope, not to be planted, but there to be raised & in short time to be prouided and prepared, I might have specified.
He had also prouided a nauie of ships farre stronger than the French kings, readie to fight with them by sea, if the case had so required.
Cortez came forth to receyue them, and gaue greate thankes vnto the gentlemen, and all the company, and prouided them of good lodgings and entertaynement.
They prouided also for Gouernour of Panuco, one Nonio de Gusman, and Simon de Alcazaua portingall, for gouernour of Honduras.
Cortes friendly welcommed them, and prouided them lodgings accordingly.
Cortes also appoynted certaine of his men to watch the hall dore, and then went to his lodging to supper, where he and his company was well prouided at the Caziks furniture.
This towne hath many villages and farmes beneath in the playne, for Mutezuma was alwayes prouided there of .
It is a countrie wellprouided of victuals, and as good cheape as in China.
It is of great traficke, and well prouided of all things, for that the sea is but two leagues from it: it hath a mightie riuer running alongest by it, downe into the sea, by which is brought by water and carried downe all kinde of marchandice.
This maner of fight as it was new, so was it most terrible to the English, so were they least prouided to auoyd it.
They intreated vs, that being absent wee would remember them, and by stelth prouided a sacrifice, which we misliked.
In this sort I trauelled 12 dayes iourney being alway well prouided of victuals, of wild beasts, Hares, and Partridges of the same colour and tast with those of Spaine although they are not so big, for they be somewhat lesse.
And all of them were prouided for by their hostes of many hennes and bread of Maiz, and fruites of the Countrie, which are such as be in the Isle of Cuba, whereof, before I haue spoken.
In this Frame may your Bees stand drye and warme, especially if you make doores like doores of windows to shroud them in winter, as in an house: prouided you leaue the hiues mouths open.
Yf happely any one hauyng the meanes to geat foode do escape, he is set with the condemned persones, and prouided for as they be by the kyng, in such wyse as hereafter it shalbe sayde.
By whose commandement I depart from the court vnto Syuell, where as order was giuen that all such things should be prouided that I should carrie vnto the king.
Wherevpon most men were persuaded in their owne opinion, that by this heauenlie voice he was prouided & ordeined long before to inioy & obteine this kingdome.
Plague on't, You haue prouided for my enterance in: That comming forth you talke of, concernes me.
You yet may, Lady, 80 In recompence of all my dutious seruice, (Prouided that your will answere your power) Become my Creditresse.
Let him alone, If he loue Lords, a Gods name let him weare 'em, Prouided these consent.
That nothyng in my booke conceaued Is, or can be preiudiciall to your graces iust regiment prouidedthat ye be not found vngrate unto GOD.
Prouided that god by his will reueled, and manifest worde, stand plain and euident on my side.
Whilest king Henrie thus politikelie prouided for his affaires at home, Sauerie de Mauleon made prouision in Guien to withstand such perils and dangers as he saw most likelie to issue by the practises of the Frenchmen.
Let's before, as he bids vs: he was prouided to doe vs good Aut.
I like this faire proceeding of the Kings: He hath intent his wonted Followers Shall all be very well prouided for: But all are banisht, till their conuersations Appeare more wise, and modest to the world Ch.
You are as well prouided of both, as any Prince in the World Dolph.
Oh no doubt my good Friends, but the Gods themselues haue prouided that I shall haue much helpe from you: how had you beene my Friends else.
It is my onely suite, Prouided that you weed your better iudgements Of all opinion that growes ranke in them, That I am wise.
I haueprouided for you, stay a while And you shall be conducted Duk.
Two things prouided more, that for this fauour He presently become a Christian: The other, that he doe record a gift Heere in the Court of all he dies possest Vnto his sonne Lorenzo, and his daughter Duk.
I take your offer, and will liue with you, Prouided that you do no outrages On silly women, or poore passengers 3.
How now brother, where is my cosen your son: hath heprouided this musicke?
But I must goe, and meet with Danger there, Or it will seeke me in another place, And finde me worse prouided Wife.
Item, how he should be prouided of shipping, victuals, munition, and choice of men.
And furthermore, hee prouided better for vs then we deserued or hoped for: for when we were in the foresaid cleare place, he sent vs a fresh gale at West or at West Southwest, which set vs cleare without all the yce.
These things thus ordred, the churches which through England had bin long vacant, were prouided of gouernors, which were placed without any inuestiture of staffe or ring.
But after he perceiued that his enimies were all in a redinesse, and verie well prouided to resist him: he staied and drew backe a little while.
Prouided also that no religious man might be absolued of this crime, but at the bishops hands.
Prouided that if he were a preest or any religious person, he should lose his benefice, and be made vncapeable of any other ecclesiasticall preferment: if he were a laie man, he should lose the prerogatiue of his estate.
Wherevpon he prouided for wars with all his power, seeking aid from all places where he might get any, though the king his brother gaue him small leisure thereto, [Sidenote: K.
Howbeit nothing reioised him more than that his daughter Maud the empresse at the same time was deliuered of hir second sonne named Geffrey, so that he saw himselfe prouided of an assured successor.
Prouided that such archdeacons or deanes as refused this oth, should be depriued of their roomes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prouided" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.