The windmills had a rakish air; and the scarecrows in the truck gardens were debonair and cocky, tilting themselves back on their pins the better to enjoy the view and fluttering their ragged vestments in a most jaunty fashion.
Even the haystacks and the scarecrows were different.
If indeed it be pleasure to look on such hideous scarecrows a few hours before death.
St. Bavon tell us how those two scarecrows have got here!
What could these scarecrows have to say to the Laughing Cavalier?
Finally he constructed several Dyak scarecrows and erected one to guard each of his alarm-guns.
They went away at dawn, through the mud and rain which made scarecrows of them.
It is to be presumed, that Gregory had six scarecrows rigged up for that occasion also.
I haven't the slightest doubt about its being the band of scarecrows that stopped the son of Sir Marmaduke.
But to careless Mr. Crow's glance it seemed no different from the scarecrows he had known all his life.
And every spring, at corn-planting time, he used to set up scarecrowsin his cornfield, hoping that they would frighten the crows away.
Since men began to cultivate corn crows have been taking toll of the crops, and many and various have been the scarecrows that have been devised to keep them out of the fields.
How exceedingly successful,' observed Queen Mab one day, 'the Permanent Scarecrowshave been!
Nowhere has the manufacture of permanent scarecrows been conducted with more ingenious success.
The Indians, on their part, anxious that their scarecrows should do their office well, addressed them in loud harangues and burned offerings of tobacco to them.
Tobacco was burned to the Demon of the Pest, no less than to the scarecrows which were to frighten him.
He walked among them, and killed them to the right and left in tens and twenties without mercy; and he hung their dead bodies on poles, to serve asscarecrows and to frighten away all other thieves and robbers from the sacred fields of corn.
This story is clearly based on one of those fanciful punning derivations so dear to the Brahmanical mind, but the legend about being created from scarecrows is found among other agricultural castes of non-Aryan origin, as the Lodhis.
One of these, reported by Mr. Gokul Prasad, is as follows: One of the Uriya Rajas had erected four scarecrows in his field to keep off the birds.
So that they do not fear the people of Oba, nor the scarecrows in the fields.
From a search after this valuable real estate Peter returned so gaunt and threadbare that, on reaching New England, the scarecrows in the cornfields beckoned to him, as he passed by.
No, Peter, they beckoned, for the scarecrows knew their brother!
As I have said before, I have seen many tributes to her Majesty and joined in them all, but dirty men in shirt sleeves, and dirtier men in rags on scarecrows of horses touched me up most of all.
Both got on ole cloes took from scarecrows in the medders; and then if yuh looks right sharp at the left wrist o' ther short coon yuh kin see he's awearin' a steel bracelet.
So we chase them away, and put scarecrows in the corn-fields.
The king nursed his chin with an amused smile as Villon answered: "The scarecrows are rogues who have fought like gentlefolk and these rags are the banners of the enemy.
Our progeny (if Providence agree) Shall live to tread the baubles underfoot And bid the scarecrows consort with their kin.
It struck him that the chief of the scarecrows had changed his hat; and so he had.
Metamorphosed by ordnance uniforms from third-class scarecrows to the regulation pattern of officer, we spent glorious days of rest and recuperation.
Three sorry scarecrowsrose up and blinked at the lantern, then sank down again resignedly.
The three prostrate scarecrows were disgusting, not because of their rags and their filth, but because of their general suggestion of bestiality.
It was exactly one month after the tragedy of Cuzco that the way-worn troop marched into the village; and a fearful-looking lot of scarecrows the prisoners were by that time, in truth.
The O'Higgins was there also, together with three other ships; and the two scarecrows lost no time in repairing on board their respective vessels.
No, Peter, they beckoned, for the scarecrowsknew their brother.
From a search after this valuable real estate Peter returned so gaunt and threadbare that on reaching New England the scarecrows in the corn-fields beckoned to him as he passed by.
Saint Antoine had been, that morning, a vast dusky mass of scarecrows heaving to and fro, with frequent gleams of light above the billowy heads, where steel blades and bayonets shone in the sun.
But, the time was not come yet; and every wind that blew over France shook the rags of the scarecrows in vain, for the birds, fine of song and feather, took no warning.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scarecrows" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.