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Example sentences for "proletariat"

Lexicographically close words:
prolegs; proles; proletaire; proletarian; proletarians; proletariate; proliferated; proliferating; proliferation; proliferous
  1. Their energy, their union in action, their courage will serve as an example to the proletariat of Europe.

  2. Thus runs the refrain of a revolutionary song of the working classes, and this will be the exclamation of the executive of a victorious proletariat army when the battle has been won.

  3. The socialist party, by the very force of circumstances, is becoming a conservative party which is declaring for a transformation, the agent of which is no longer the proletariat itself, but the new economic organism which is the State.

  4. From that time on socialism and the proletariat became inseparable.

  5. In still another place he refers to the proletariat of Paris as "the modern Satan, the great rebel, vanquished, but not pacified.

  6. If the German proletariat no longer believed in the efficacy of our present tactics; if we found that we could no longer maintain intact the organization and cohesion of the party, what would happen?

  7. But, to accomplish that, the Spanish proletariat would have had to launch boldly into active politics.

  8. And the strike is the beginning of the social war of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, while still within the limits of legality.

  9. We will speak a simple language in order that the proletariat may understand once for all what road it must follow in order to arrive at its complete emancipation.

  10. Thus towards the end of the Empire there was no life, no activity, save in the ranks of the proletariat and the young men of the middle-class who had joined them.

  11. The Leagues contained solid elements; the small bourgeoisie and proletariat might have given the cadres.

  12. But the irresistible force of events had provided the proletariat with arms, and to make them inefficient in their hands became now the supreme aim of the bourgeoisie.

  13. Why, then, does it persist in refusing the proletariat its legitimate share?

  14. At the Corderie I see the proletariat of the small middle-class, men of the pen and orators, but where is the bulk of the army?

  15. The others were all equally obscure, belonging to the proletariat and small middle class, known only to their battalions.

  16. These standards of peace by the side of the red flag, this small middle-class joining hands with the proletariat under the proud image of the Republic, these cries of fraternity dazzled, brightened up even the most downcast.

  17. The bourgeoisie, which has accomplished its emancipation, does it not understand that now the time for the emancipation of the proletariat is come?

  18. What an act of accusation the French proletariat could draw up against its masters!

  19. Every Englishman has disappeared into this triple abstraction, in the eyes of the Italian, of the proletariat particularly.

  20. Nothing left but the herd-proletariat and the herd-equality mongrelism, and the wistful poisonous self-sacrificial cultured soul.

  21. But the Bonapartist slum-proletariat is to enrich itself.

  22. To this declaration of the constitutional national assembly, the Paris proletariat answers with the June insurrection, the most colossal event in the history of European civil wars.

  23. Why did not the Parisian proletariat rise after the 2d of December?

  24. Any earnest uprising of the proletariat would have forthwith revived this bourgeoisie, would have brought on its reconciliation with the army, and would have insured a second June rout to the workingmen.

  25. On the side of the Parisian proletariat stood none but itself.

  26. During the night of December 1 and 2, the Parisian proletariat was robbed of its leaders and chiefs of barricades by a raid of Bonaparte's.

  27. Under the pretext of founding a benevolent association, the slum-proletariat of Paris was organized into secret sections, each section led by Bonapartist agents, with a Bonapartist General at the head of all.

  28. The Army itself no longer is the flower of the youth of the farmers, it is the swamp-blossom of the slum-proletariat of the farmer class.

  29. The demands of the Parisian proletariat are utopian tom-fooleries that have to be done away with.

  30. As a matter of fact, and speaking relatively, every concerted revolt on the part of the proletariat is a victory.

  31. Whoever aspires to make the proletariat powerful by the same act gives the nation new strength sufficient to repel all attacks and blows.

  32. For us, the Polish proletariat is the nation and the idea of their emancipation, the Fatherland.

  33. Only on this road can anything be gained, though only for the simple reason that it will have allies in the proletariat of adjoining countries, who from enemies will become friends.

  34. Liberty of association and syndicates," he said, "by the aid of which the proletariat is defending itself, do not endure any limitations.

  35. He imagined that during the revolutionary storm, which the waves of the proletariat would stir up, such an universal hour of annihilation might strike.

  36. Within the limits of the Soviet estates the labor union of the agricultural proletariat has developed into a large organization.

  37. The regulations governing the social management of land charged the representatives of the industrial proletariat with a leading part in the work of the Soviet estates.

  38. So the millstones grind, and so it would seem they will continue to grind until there is nothing between them; until organized property in the hands of the few on the one hand and the proletariat on the other grind face to face.

  39. The proletariat was to win in the class war; then classes would be abolished, property in the means of production and distribution would be abolished, all men would work reasonably--and the millennium would be with us.

  40. His imagination raises no questioning in that picture of the proletariat triumphant after a class war and quietly coming to its own.

  41. His diagram of simple reproduction admittedly does not recognise such an army, nor could it have room for it, since the natural propagation of the capitalist wage proletariat cannot provide an industrial reserve army.

  42. In the towns, again, the factory proletariat had not yet been consolidated, either socially or mentally, into a modern working class.

  43. Sismondi's statement, putting in a nutshell the vital differences between the parts played by the proletariat in a modern society and in the society of ancient Rome, shows his profound insight into historical connections.

  44. It recommends the general strike as the most effective weapon in the struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.

  45. This reserve of unemployable industrial labour (taken here in a broader sense, and including a proletariat that is dominated by merchant capital) is always present.

  46. All these categories are cast off by the capitalist system of production in some form or other, they constitute a wage proletariat that is worn out and made redundant one way or another.

  47. Asiatic peasants and proletariat in the building and running of the railway.

  48. These groups can only derive their purchasing power either from the wage of the proletariat or from the surplus value, if not from both; but on the whole, they are to be regarded as joint consumers of the surplus value.

  49. Labour for this army is recruited from social reservoirs outside the dominion of capital--it is drawn into the wage proletariat only if need arises.

  50. We are not unaware that, according to the judgment of some thinkers, amongst them Karl Marx, a country must pass through the capitalistic mill, before the proletariat comes to its own.

  51. And his second mistake had been like unto it, namely, to think that, in the case of a proletariat uprising say in Cardiff or York, Corin would not similarly have held some post of weight and responsibility on the other side.

  52. Such a proletariat will constitute a social volcano, an ever present menace to internal peace.

  53. However, it soon became evident that Munich Communism represented only a section of the Munich workmen and was resented by Bavaria as a whole, with the exception of the proletariat in the large industrial towns.

  54. The functions ascribed to the so-called "Reparation Commission" represent an attempt to make the German proletariat work under foreign exploitation.

  55. But, as a matter of fact, the demand for a dictatorship by the proletariat is not an essential element in the Council movement.

  56. After the revolution this profiteers' sneak trade was supplemented by a proletariat sneak trade, in which plundered stores were hawked through the poor quarters by broken soldiers and miscellaneous brigands.

  57. It is necessary to arouse in the proletariat the consciousness of their own rights, to furnish them the structure of organization, and to induce them to function as a new organism.

  58. Rome was still the seat of the administration, but this and the corn dole to the city proletariat were the only things that distinguished it from a provincial city.

  59. The alliance between the equestrians and the urban proletariat while it lasted had proven stronger than the Senate, and this lesson, too, was not lost upon future statesmen.

  60. In countries where modern civilisation has become fully developed, a new class of petty bourgeois has been formed, fluctuating between proletariat and bourgeoisie and ever renewing itself as a supplementary part of bourgeois society.

  61. These also supply the proletariat with fresh elements of enlightenment and progress.

  62. The proletariat of each country must, of course, first of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie.

  63. In showing that, under their rule, the modern proletariat never existed, they forget that the modern bourgeoisie is the necessary offspring of their own form of society.

  64. But with the development of industry the proletariat not only increases in number; it becomes concentrated in greater masses, its strength grows, and it feels that strength more.

  65. The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.

  66. Thus the proletariat is recruited from all classes of the population.

  67. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.

  68. We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling as to win the battle of democracy.

  69. As the proletariat class becomes educated and elevated, disciplined to refinement and to foresight--as it were aristocratised--it also has small families.

  70. The Proletariat fulfils the judgment which private property by the creation of the Proletariat suspends over itself, just as it fulfils the judgment which wage-labour suspends over itself in creating alien riches and its own condemnation.

  71. Their aim is the organisation of the proletariat into a class, the overthrow of middle-class domination, and the conquest of political power by the proletariat.

  72. If the Proletariat triumphs, it does not thereby become the absolute side of society, for it triumphs only by abolishing itself and its opposite.

  73. Proletariat and Riches (later Marx would have said Capital) are antitheses.

  74. They are at once the philosophers and the self-sacrificing champions of the proletariat awakened into class consciousness.

  75. One must admit that the German proletariat is the philosopher of the European proletariat, just as the English proletariat is its political economist and the French proletariat its politician.

  76. The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles and ammunition must be carried out at once, and steps taken to prevent the reviving of the old militia, which would be directed against the workers.

  77. When the proletariat desires the negation of private property, it is merely elevating to a general principle of society what it already involuntarily embodies in itself as the negative product of society.

  78. In August, 1844, Marx published under the title "Marginal Notes" in the Paris Vorwaerts a lengthy polemic against Ruge, which is a defence of Socialism and revolution and takes the part of the German proletariat against Ruge.

  79. But still the essential thing is that the proletariat is loosening its bonds, even if it does not burst them noisily asunder.

  80. The middle class has therefore created in the proletariat a social class which must have as its object to do away with the middle class system of ownership and to set up the proletarian system of common ownership.

  81. The proletariat can, accordingly, no longer fight for individual ownership but for the socially conducted utilisation of the means of production belonging to the community and of the goods produced.

  82. In other words, the proletariat would be composed of the overwhelming majority of the body politic and social.

  83. The industrial proletariat was a minority of the working class, and the Bolsheviki pinned their faith to a minority of that minority.

  84. The Mensheviki wanted to convene a great mass convention of representatives of the industrial proletariat during the summer of 1906.

  85. Our watchword must be: to arm the proletariat so that it may defeat, expropriate, and disarm the bourgeoisie.

  86. Recognition of these facts need not imply any lack of sympathy with the proletariat in their demands.

  87. The party of the Constitutional Democrats had come to be identified in the minds of the revolutionary proletariat with imperialism and secret diplomacy, and was utterly discredited.

  88. Politically and intellectually the position of the proletariat of Russia before the recent Revolution was that of the proletariat of France in 1848.

  89. Lenine did not hesitate to declare that democracy itself was a "bourgeois conception" which the revolutionary proletariat must overthrow, a declaration hard to reconcile with his demand for a "democratic republic.

  90. In addition to this, owing to the unprecedented immigration of ignorant Europeans to supply the labour demand, we acquired a sinister proletariat of unskilled economic slaves.

  91. But even before I left London I had read a book on Syndicalism by one of the great Frenchmen, and after a while I began to realize that the proletariat would never get anywhere through socialism.

  92. Out of the waters of the proletariat they fished, assiduously and benignly, but at random, strange specimens!

  93. The proletariat came to the top, while the capitalists, nobility, and middle classes went to the bottom.

  94. It would be fatal, trusting in the one word revolution, to neglect the great forces which the conscious, organized proletariat can employ within democracy.

  95. It was "the struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.

  96. The class war, the revolutionary method, the theory of an ever-increasing proletariat and decreasing bourgeoisie were attacked as unscientific, and illusory.

  97. The essential thing is that the proletariat should be always ready for the most vigorous and effective action.

  98. And less being said about the theory of value, the class war, capitalistic production, proletariat and bourgeois, and the other Continental pet phrases of Socialism.

  99. The Syndicalist journal, Le Voix du Peuple, the day after the first strike was settled proclaimed "the victory which our comrades of the postal proletariat have won over their employer the state.

  100. The proletariat are the wage-earning class, the poor, the underlings.

  101. In the following year it extended the primary schools into every commune, and Gambetta did everything in his power to promulgate what he termed "an alliance of the proletariat and the bourgeois.

  102. The one murdered kings and aristocrats to unshackle the limbs of the proletariat of France; the other murdered the proletariat of the South to re-rivet their chains upon the wretched survivors.

  103. The nobility, as was natural, having been created by the State, not only ground the proletariat to powder but dictated to the State.

  104. Over there they claim the proletariat owns the means of production.

  105. Our Lowers of today are as useless and frustrated as the Roman proletariat and potentially they're just as dangerous as the mob that once dominated Rome.

  106. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proletariat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.