Now that its advantages are appreciated, one may expect it to fill an even wider space in industrial life, and to be applied in many directions that are as yet undreamed of.
It should not be difficult to establish national institutions, on Marey's lines, in every country which has great industrial and commercial interests at stake.
Considering the position which the motion-picture has attained in our social and industrial life, the establishment of national cinematograph laboratories appears not only to be opportune, but necessary.
The howling wind was heard faintly, and if the ship had not been tossing so violently, they might have been in the power-room of any industrial plant.
Obviously there was at least one industrial plant in addition to the tannery.
Recently he has evinced a deep interest in the literary improvement of the industrial population, by delivering lectures to the district Mechanics' Institutions.
He followed anindustrial occupation, but was unfortunate in business.
His father, Dugald M'Coll, followed an industrial occupation, but contrived to afford his son a somewhat liberal education.
It is these stems which are imported into Europe as bamboos, cut into different lengths, and there employed for various industrial purposes.
In spite of their frequent contact with the Russians and the Swedes, they have no industrial resources, no art, no other commerce than that which is afforded by the products of the chase, of their fisheries, or their herds of reindeer.
The herbaceous plants, suitable for food or industrial uses, which are most frequently met with in Guinea and the Gaboon, resemble those already described as belonging also to Senegambia.
Nor must the Beaver be forgotten, the most industrial animal of the Rodentia, which has wholly disappeared from Europe, and is yearly growing scarcer in America.
But the chase, in this instance, is carried on for industrial purposes.
As has been already said, the total numbers are not large in proportion to that of the population generally, and they belong chiefly to the industrial and trading classes.
It is only within living memory that any attempt has been made to direct the known artistic skill of the Irish people to industrial effort.
Ryan, and no great industrial leader has reached the pinnacle of success upon which stands the commanding figure of James J.
Since the Independence; a period of commercial and industrial development, in which Irishmen have played a foremost part.
Mathematics is a science continually expanding; and its growth, unlike some political and industrial events, is attended by universal acclamation.
The industrial and political greatness of England springs from the depth of those coal-mines.
Out of their coal-mines they have raised the greatest industrial empire that the world ever knew.
As we proceed, the music becomes more clear and distinct, and here it is: a miniature exhibition of English industrial skill.
It therefore aims at the reorganisation of Society by the emancipation of Land and Industrial Capital from individual and class ownership, and the vesting of them in the community for the general benefit.
Londoners no doubt see little of organised labour, and even less of industrial co-operation: the agricultural labourer is to them almost a foreigner: the Welsh miner belongs to another race.
It begins with a historical preface, touching on the Wars of the Roses, Tudor confiscation of land, the enclosure of commons, the Industrial Revolution, and so on.
John Bright viewed industrial life from the standpoint of a Lancashire mill-owner.
Suppression of all sub-contracting and sweating (an ignorant confusion between a harmless industrial method and its occasional abuse).
In the industrial cities, and in Scotland, where Liberalism was still individualist, the result was rather as in 1886, when Liberalism lost.
Working-class organisation has never been so prominent in London as in the industrial counties, and the captious comments on the great Co-operative movement show that the authors of the Essays were still youthful, and in some matters ignorant.
Socialism in English politics grew up because of the necessity for State intervention in the complex industrial and social organisation of a Great State.
This has been the life-work of the Fabian Society, the working out of the application of the broad principles of Socialism to the industrial and political environment of England.
The fortunes which pretenders to the healing art have amassed would justify a belief that empiricism, under favourable circumstances, is the best trade to be found in the entire list of industrial occupations.
Black and Robison, of Glasgow, were the precursors of James Watt, whose invention of the condensing steam-engine was yet to produce a revolution in industrial operations, the like of which had never before been known.
Besides, industrial enterprise in Germany was then in a measure paralysed by the impending war with France, and men of capital were naturally averse to risk their money on what seemed a merely speculative undertaking.
All this persecution, carried on so near the English shores, rapidly increased the number of foreign fugitives into England, which was followed by the rapid advancement of the industrial arts in this country.
The appearance of the men and of their cabins show that they are greatly in want of capital; and fishing cannot be successfully performed without a sufficiency of thisindustrial element.
We can each one of us do much to revive the ancient name of our nation in those industrial pursuits which have done so much to increase and render glorious those greater nations by the side of which we live.
Here is a work for the gradual reformation of criminals and the industrial regeneration of India.
I rejoice therefore in the rise of factories, and in the new emphasis that is being laid on industrial education.
In this industrialexpansion is revealed the solution of many of India's financial problems.
Three hours a day for industrial work, and three hours a day for schooling, is the uniform rule.
Industrial missions are a great blessing to India, and our religious denominations have shown their practical sense by entering upon this sort of work.
Hence I welcome all gifts for industrial missions that will teach men new methods of obtaining a livelihood.
At once, however, upon a declaration of a state of war, Congress began the consideration of the measures necessary for the enlargement of the military forces and the coordination of the industrial strength of the Nation.
In addition to this the industrial agencies of the country have been devoting a large part of their capacity to foreign production which, in the new set of circumstances, it is unwise to interrupt.
The Quartermaster General's Department was called upon to set up rapidly a business greater than that carried on by the most thoroughly organized and efficiently managed industrial organization in the country.
This threatened rise in national politics of an African serf power aroused the North to the danger which girt afresh the supremacy of its industrial democracy in the Union.
National responsibilities, great civic or industrial responsibilities we are as yet cut off from.
That was the first blow aimed by the industrial democracy of the North at this aristocratic feature of the National Constitution, namely: the right to count five slaves as three freemen in the apportionment of representatives among the states.
But political and civil freedom offered by the North are more than off-set by industrial restrictions and by the inertia of a population devoid of the pioneer spirit.
While some are trusting to the finality of the 13th Amendment, others to industrial opportunity, others still to political without social equality, the South with bull-dog tenacity sticks to her resolution that there shall be none of these.
This circumstance solidified the South, and gave to its action a unity and energy of purpose which the industrial democracy of the North always lacked.
They bar our way toindustrial employment; they stand guard over the polls.
The whole tendency of things down there is to de-citizenize the blacks, to reduce them to a state of permanent political and industrial subordination to the whites.
With industrial and political ideas, interests, and institutions directly opposed to each other, rivalry and strife between them became from the beginning unavoidable.
He alone is singled out by the law for disparagement which fact encourages and enforces the multitude of civil and industrial discriminations and injuries that tend to deprive him of the respectability due not only to a citizen but to man.
In other words, Japan is changing from an agricultural to an increasingly industrial and commercial nation, and her commerce is expanding mainly abroad, as her domestic market has well-nigh reached its "saturation point.
Article Seven--Japan and Russia engage to exploit their respective railways in Manchuria exclusively for commercial and industrial purposes and in nowise for strategic purposes.
It must be noted, in the first place, that when the country was thrown open to the world's trade, her industrial conditions were altogether inadequate to meet the marvelously rapid increase of the consumption of new goods.
The industrialand financial life of the people has also made a change hardly anticipated in 1893.
In view of the large development of the Japanese commercial and industrial enterprises in Korea, the Russian government agreed not to impede the development of the commercial and industrial relations between Japan and Korea.
It would be impossible to conceal from our view certain serious disadvantages which confront industrial Japan, particularly in her want of the new form of labor and experience and lack of certain raw materials and of capital.
The shortage of capital is natural when it is remembered that Japan is just passing from an agricultural to a manufacturing stage, but none the less constitutes the most serious drawback to her industrial growth.
Yoshimune not only sought to foster this spirit of frugality, but also endeavored to promote industrial and agricultural enterprise.
In the domain of arts, the most remarkable industrial achievement of the era was the progress made in tempering sword-blades.
The old churches and historic buildings of Dijon are to be found in the irregular streets of the old town, but industrial and commercial activity has been transferred to the new quarters beyond its limits.
In 1853 Dilke was one of the English commissioners at the New York Industrial Exhibition, and prepared a report on it.
Although there are some indications of increased industrial activity in recent years, the population of Dinant is not one-eighth of what it was at the time of the Burgundians.
GDP remains below the levels of the early 1970s, as does industrial production.
It is a fact of some importance that erratic agriculture, a rare and exceptional form of industrial development, is probably more general among the Seriform tribes than elsewhere.
Upon the whole the physical geography of China is that of an agricultural andindustrial population.
It speaks to their enterprize, maritime capacity, and value as industrial assistants.
King's paper[165] on the Industrial Arts of the Eskimo.
Until after the twelfth year there should be absolutely no difference between the physical, mental, or industrial education of girls and boys.
But it is not by mere technical instruction that we shall maintain and extend the industrial and commercial greatness of the country.
Its cultivation has brought innumerable material benefits; its neglect would obviously entail many serious industrial disadvantages, and could not fail to leave us behind in the commercial progress of the nations of the globe.
Contrary to the common belief, industrial competition, which is conducted by voluntary co-operation, tends to the supremacy of excellence, moral and material.
In his various reports and addresses he especially urges more industrial schools, better care of children, and more kindergartens, such as those established in San Francisco by the late Sarah B.
Now, you may possibly have heard, and in the midst of a busy industrial community you are not unlikely to hear, remarks made in criticism of this system or method of tuition.
But one does not usually go to an industrial place, large or small, in search of the picturesque.
Flouring mills, as might be expected, are amongst the chief of Saskatchewan’s industrial establishments, and brick-making plants are numerous.
Barnstead, Secretary of the Department of Industries and Immigration of the province of Nova Scotia, it is stated that “the industrial expansion upon which Nova Scotia has entered has created a strong demand for industrial workers.
Another old friend, one of the industrialleaders of the north, carried off half the proofs to read on his journey to Yorkshire.
She is the daughter of one of the leading business families of Milan, sister to the Marchese Ponti, who was for long Sindaco of that great city, and intimately concerned in its stormy industrial history.