The limitations of space allotted this article not allowing the presentation of biographies, I have collected and arranged the following data relating to the physicians who have settled in Orange County and practiced there since 1728.
Her lips were scornful at the limitations Elijah had put upon her.
A genius transcends thelimitations of his fellows and he also transcends their laws.
Elijah had no more recognized the barrier than he had Amy's limitations which made the barrier imperative to her.
In fact, from a purely business standpoint, he was not; but he had no Quixotic limitations to the end that he was his brother's keeper.
But the local council is authorised to institute trial by jury, under such limitations as may be deemed meet.
So it appears to me that what you want is pretty much what I want; and the practical question is, How you are to get what you need, under the actuallimitations and conditions of life of handicraftsmen in this country?
The main source of Werther's unhappiness is to be found in the disparity between the limitations of society and the infinity of the heart.
In Italy too, in Rome, that house of call for all Europe, the characteristics and limitations of the different nations were first clearly revealed to her.
The regulation of commerce with the Indian tribes is very properly unfettered from two limitations in the articles of Confederation, which render the provision obscure and contradictory.
This consequently can be considered as no part of a declaration of rights, which under our constitutions must be intended as limitations of the power of the government itself.
Limitations of this kind can be preserved in practice no other way than through the medium of courts of justice, whose duty it must be to declare all acts contrary to the manifest tenor of the Constitution void.
It was desirable therefore to search the acts for the limitations annexed to the sovereignty.
The one which founds on the fact of our existence and its limitations is manifestly a posteriori.
Infinite power and wisdom must necessarily work "under limitations" when they originate and control finite things; but thelimitations are not in the infinite power and wisdom themselves--they are in their operations and effects.
So far from requiring, it forbids our carrying any of the limitations or peculiarities of human contrivance over to that which is divine.
The limitations assigned to all individual persons and things point to a Being which limits them all.
Spirit influence does not know anything about the limitations of distance.
He may have lost much of his winsomeness, as probably he has, through deeply rooted prejudice and superstitions, and endless limitations of surroundings and education, but he still remains a powerful magnet to his fellow.
He drew Jesus down from the throne of God to the earth, to poverty and hard labor, to the limitations of human life, to misunderstandings and suffering and pain and death.
The Irish were left the semblance of freedom, but they were so hedged round with limitations and qualifications that they would have resented slavery no more bitterly.
Is there not always a little love of children in the heart of a soldier who has seen enough of the seamy side of life to know something of the piteous limitations of strength and the privileges of weakness?
The face spoke of cold and steady storm, an inward conflict between a mother's long-suffering and the limitations of our nature, for our human affections are bounded by our humanity, and the infinite has no place in finite creatures.
Sometimes, too, one gets the impression that the author felt that he owed it to the school to which he belonged to advance no assertion without adding the limitations which scientifically secure it against attack.
In order to deliver the people from the limitations of the national faith, which could only lead to disturbance and insurrection, they must find a Messiah who would destroy these false Messianic expectations.
It attached itself as a formative principle to Judaism, which was then just breaking loose from the limitations of nationality.
The limitations of the historical Jesus both in an upward and downward direction are those only which apply equally to the Jesus of dogma.
Standing outside thelimitations of the Hegelian formulae, he begins at the point where Strauss leaves off.
It was the overmastering pressure of circumstances which held Him prisoner within the limitations of this obsolete belief.
At no time was his reading ever confined to the limitations of the questions at issue.
The field of opportunity finds its boundaries only in the limitations of the individual.
No history such as this work defines in its essential limitations will serve to offer fitting memorial to Judge Benjamin L.
If the position of employers is true and the limitations of individuals are as final as they have determined, there is nothing to do except perfect the mechanical responses of men.
By circumscribing within definite limitationsthe experience of individuals it produces specialists at the sacrifice of a larger human development.
The popular belief is that the ability of workers has native limitations, that these limitations are absolute and that they are fixed at or before birth.
And, besides, Miss Nightingale had now to accept limitationsin what she could any longer hope to effect.
So, then, Miss Nightingale's intercourse with Sir Stafford Northcote had, with the limitations already explained, secured all her points.
Foreign immigration is a subject that must be treated by itself; rural immigration needs no prolonged discussion once the present limitations of life in the country are understood.
The new states entered the Union with none of the traditional property and religious limitations on the franchise, but with manhood suffrage and all voters eligible for office.
The daughter of a rabbi, Ernestine had found the limitations of orthodox religion unbearable for a woman and had left her home to see and learn more of the world in Prussia, Holland, France, Scotland, and England.
Conscious of her ownlimitations as an orator, she recognized her need of Ernestine for the many meetings she planned for the future.
Anna Howard Shaw had grown up on the Michigan frontier, her indomitable spirit and her eagerness for learning conquering the hardships and the limitations of her surroundings.
No restrictions were placed on the export to Spain of colonial produce, but value limitations were fixed with regard to Chinese goods.
And they, therefore, placed the strictest limitationsupon the powers that governments should enjoy.
There is not the least doubt that life, notwithstanding its dangers and limitations and political anxieties, passed happily to these early planters of Virginia.
The statute of limitations in Cupid's court held for twenty years only in colonial Virginia.
Since the body P is insulated, in order to displace a considerable quantity, the potential of the source must be excessive, since there would be limitations as to the surface of P.
Nothing tends so much to diminish it in a corrupted nation as great limitations to the eligibility of representatives--and this is the beauty of our constitution.
Great limitations in the right of electing seems therefore a circumstance necessary for this purpose; and limitations are equally necessary on the eligibility.
Still it were misleading to suppose that Dürer's disregard for the facilities andlimitations of wood-cutting went the lengths that the demands made upon modern skill have gone.
But, caprices and whimseys being ascribed to a goddess, it will be natural to expect them in her worshipper; and Mr. Whistler revealed the limitations of his genius by whimseys and caprice.
The rest of his remarks have become commonplaces; nor has he written at such length as to give them their true limitations and intersubordination.
In his earliest blocks he shows a greater respect for the limitations of this means of expression than later on.
In speaking of the limitations of language in the first of these talks, I reminded you that when we read the description of a landscape we construct an image out of material already in the mind.
No artificer can labor intelligently until he has learned not only the possibilities but also the limitations of the means at his disposal.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "limitations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.