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Example sentences for "presumedly"

Lexicographically close words:
presto; presumable; presumably; presume; presumed; presumes; presuming; presumption; presumptions; presumptive
  1. Had I been given opportunity, I should have told you that yesterday the contents of your antique snuff-box were secretly exchanged for the large reward which I offered in your name, presumedly by the thief who stole it from my safe.

  2. The handsome officer, who presumedly had been nicknamed after Adonis by the Force, nodded understandingly.

  3. Of course he would see the strong likeness between the sham Vera and the milliner in the Bond Street shop; but as he appeared to be au fait of Lord Merehaven's house, and presumedly knew Vera, he had doubtless noticed the likeness before.

  4. The Lionel in question, whose absence from Brighton--presumedly at a show--was evidently a pet of the tall girl with the very nice blue eyes.

  5. She had, of course, heard by this time of the letter presumedly written by David Steel to the injured man Van Sneck, which had been found in his pocket by Dr.

  6. At the same time I noticed a rough-looking man presumedly asleep on the seat in the road facing the hospital.

  7. They sent a messenger to Carter's, in East Street, presumedly knowing that my dies were there, and ordered a quarter of a ream of paper and envelopes.

  8. Presumedly the girl's father and mother noticed the growing interest that existed between their daughter and the young New York clerk.

  9. Presumedly they held food for the escaped convict.

  10. Most people would rather be cured by some supposedly wonderful discovery, which presumedly made it clear that they had been suffering from a severe and quite unusual ailment, than by ordinary simple methods.

  11. To continue any form of presumedly specific treatment in these cases does no good.

  12. In this respect indeed he is more conscientious in his works of fiction than are most travellers in their presumedly true narratives.

  13. Mr. Tuckfield, of Little Fulford by Crediton, was presumedly dead, and was laid in his shell, and men were set to watch through the night.

  14. Some of the largest hut circles, those presumedly used in summer, had their kitchens separate from them, smaller huts, where the floors have been found thick with charcoal and fragments of this wretched fragile pottery.

  15. In many huts also a flat, smooth stone bedded in the floor has been noticed, presumedly employed as a block on which to chop wood or fashion bone implements.

  16. Thousands of English peasants, yes, and many presumedly much wiser people, nevertheless, yet firmly adhere to the ancient faith.

  17. He was in no fancy-dress himself, presumedly he was disguised as an honest man, as Lopez suggested.

  18. And, but for a miracle, Mrs. Benstein, with your sacred jewel presumedly in her possession, would have been a further victim.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "presumedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    presumably; quasi; seemingly