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Example sentences for "getting down"

  • I rather guess I shall," said Ben, getting down on his hands and knees.

  • Elvira," said Polly, getting down on her knees to look into the angry eyes, "what did I tell you?

  • I'll find your thimble first," said Ben, getting down on his knees to lift the gay flowered calico curtain that hung from the counter-edge.

  • You're standing on your tiptoes," cried little David, getting down on the floor by Joel to investigate.

  • Mrs. Higby, getting down on her knees before the basket.

  • Mr. King, getting down on his old knees on the floor beside her.

  • I don’t see anything broken,’ said the little thin man, getting down on his knees on the hard frozen ground to examine it underneath.

  • Meanwhile he recollected that just about now she would be getting down to Victoria station en route to Brighton; and, indeed, had it not been for the duty he owed the old people, he would have been well content to be going with her.

  • The coach door had been opened and all the inside passengers handed out, before the merry party from the roof made any attempt at getting down.

  • The rapid man was followed by his companions, Frank Vanderlyn included among the number; but they all seemed to choose the more popular mode of getting down, by the aid of steps and braces.

  • Both the combatants had quite enough to do in getting down a "frame" with three balls; and for some time not a word outside of the game escaped either.

  • We were still ascending, and after continuing a little further decided to lie down till dawn, and then trust to getting down to the river and hiding before the country people were about.

  • Sweet wanted to give it a much wider berth than I had intended, and in consequence we were longer in getting down to the Ineboli road which had to be crossed.

  • No time was now lost in getting down to the boat.

  • On getting down to a stream from a steep hill, we found we were close to some women and children.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "getting down" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bound coast; business letters; early career; gentle voice; getting along; getting away; getting back; getting better; getting ready; getting them; getting through; getting tired; getting very; inches square; less closely; life interest; loss what; member much; more extensive; more good; per annum; quarrel with; the face; this lake; washing machines; with respect