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Example sentences for "other conditions"

  • The percentage of cow's milk in the food ought to be more carefully watched than in other conditions.

  • It occurs in other conditions, but rarely, and its occurrence in this disease was so common that it was regarded as almost diagnostic.

  • The freedom of communication between the countries of Europe is now certainly sufficient to allow of their forming a single nation, if other conditions, such as diversities of racial type and of historical sentiments, would permit it.

  • This matter may be mucus, fecal substance, undigested food, or the decomposing waste products which may remain there as a result of disease or other conditions.

  • It may be used in other conditions--brain disease, or disease of the meninges or cord--in which case the physician will be in attendance and will direct what should be done.

  • They are also responsible for numerous other conditions of very grave importance in the growing child.

  • It occurs in the majority of cases of cancer, and is rarely found in other conditions.

  • It may, rarely, be positive in other conditions, owing, sometimes at least, to faulty technic.

  • Copious, purely serous discharges without fecal matter are significant of Asiatic cholera, although sometimes observed in other conditions.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other conditions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    give below; other characters; other conditions; other denominations; other device; other fish; other form; other hands; other house; other kings; other lines; other members; other methods; other nations; other powers; other products; other purpose; other regiments; other regions; other sects; other situations; other species; other substance; other trades; other worlds; otherwise would