There was then an increased commotion, stable-doors flying open, from which arch-necked horses emerged, pottering and feeling for their legs as they went.
The old fellow having come pottering out of the stable and couched to his load, the great Lord Mayor came darting forward as if anxious for the fray.
He is feeble, I should say, sare," continued Jack, eyeing himpottering along.
Fancy the Giaour pottering about in his eightieth year, and boasting that he could read small print without spectacles!
The engineer and his helpers were pottering about, trying guiltily to remove the cause of the accident, but one look was enough to tell Wiley Holman that his mine was closed down for a week.
An old man, pottering about among the ruins, gathered up some broken boards and hobbled off; and once more Keno, the greatest gold camp the West has ever seen, sank back to silence and dreams.
Pottering about here is miserable work for a young man.
You can understand that when I go pottering round, she sees exactly what's coming, and shies.
He and all his subordinates were away all day, busy drafting, sorting, and otherwise pottering with sheep.
He will be potteringround that orchid-house of his.
Flakes of dry snow came in the wind, but, cold as it was, a good many of the old sailors were out pottering about their tiny gardens.
So the base of the cliffs had opened before his eyes in childhood, and he had shudderingly watched the dwarfs pottering about their accursed treasure.
Soren waspottering about alone, with hanging head as always; now and again he sighed.
On the other side of the wall the rich merchant Hans--he who married the nurse-maid--was pottering about his garden.
Stolpe waspottering about waiting for his breakfast; he had been at work early that morning.
Never mind; I'd really rather mend them all in one big heap than in a lot of little horrid pottering times; it spoils one's Saturdays so!
But I think the crowning achievement was an automatic currying-brush, which was to be wound up and fixed on to the horse's back, and was to do the work 'in just half the time old Fleming takes pottering over it.
The repair gang in greasy caps and spotted blue overalls were inspecting the train, pottering about the trucks, opening and closing the journal-boxes, striking clear notes on the wheels with long-handled hammers.
The butler was working in the garden, as he sometimes did of a Sunday morning, pottering about a certain bed of sweet-peas, and it was the housekeeper who answered his ring.
Yet to my mind, spoilt by pottering among old pictures, that bit of wall was so monstrous in its hideousness that I stood moon-stricken, and even yet I haven't got over it.
Sterling told me that you were often pottering about the machine shops in Newburgh and had picked up some good notions about steam and its force.
Ephraim had now struggled over the fence and was pottering about among the melons, with the eye of a connoisseur selecting and laying aside a dozen of the choicest.
Every morning after breakfast she went out and was happy pottering about in it.
This was, no doubt, the consequence of pottering about the unhealthy swamps, but he must control his illogical impulses and he lighted his pipe while he let the dinghy drift with the tide.
Harry knows I like pottering about the boat," he said.
I went to work--finished a play I've been pottering over for three years.
Well, now they were beyond my help, as they had always been beyond my counselling; and, without word said or leave taken, I stole out of the little crowd.
But I am inclined to think, so far as anything is safe in such a nasty business, you might apply to the man Fenn.
I found him a poor wizened little creature, pottering about with his acids, and making a living as best as he could, soldering and tinning kettles and pans.
I could manage the little jobs that I'd get--in fact, pottering about at them would do me good.
She thanked him with a smile, sat submissively and he disappeared indoors, where she heard him pottering about in the small kitchen.
Then he went outside and she heard him pottering around in the rain with Clarissa, undoing the pack and bringing it into the house, and leading the donkey off in the direction of the shed.
He was cut out for the business; never happier than when he was pottering about at the works.
And with that he let himself out and slammed the door behind him, and I heard him go pottering down the corridor, still cursing me by all the choice phrases he could lay tongue to.
The room he gave me was at an angle in one of the crookings of the corridor, and pointing me to the door he went pottering away, still without a word or a look behind him.
Now, pottering about the garden in spring and autumn has many risks for feeble vitalities, and yet these are just the seasons when everything requires doing, and there is a good hour's work in every yard of a pet border any day.
They are oftener those weaker vessels who have to be content with strolls, and drives, and sketching, and "pottering about the garden.
There niver was such a lass for pottering ower books.
Ezra, pottering around the tool shed, ambled up with the eyes of a dog that has been sent back home by his master.
He had turned his back on serious work, so that pottering was now all he could aspire to.
Nick put it to her that one really couldn't talk to people about the "responsibility" of what she would see him pottering at in his studio.