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Example sentences for "pollination"

Lexicographically close words:
pollicis; pollicy; pollinate; pollinated; pollinating; polling; pollinia; pollis; polliwogs; polloi
  1. This occurs so quickly that, while standing net in hand, I have seen insects effect pollination and escape before I could catch them.

  2. Each minute floret has its five anthers so widely spread away from the stigmas that self-pollination is impossible; but with the help of small, winged pollen carriers plenty of cross-fertilized fruit forms.

  3. Since several moths were found entrapped, pollination must often be brought about by night-flying Lepidoptera.

  4. The stamens of this species are turned outward so strongly that self- pollination must very rarely take place.

  5. Cross-pollination is so thoroughly secured in this case that the plant has completely lost the power of fertilizing itself.

  6. Each floret insures cross-pollination from insects crawling over the head, much as the minute yellow tubes in the center of a daisy do (q.

  7. From Georgia and Kentucky far northward this buttercup blooms from April to July, opening only a few flowers at a time-a method which may make it less showy, but more certain to secure cross-pollination between distinct plants.

  8. No group of plants has taken more elaborate precautions against self-pollination or developed more elaborate and ingenious mechanism to compel insects to transfer their pollen than this.

  9. They open sparingly, usually only one or two at a time on each plant, to favor pollination from another one.

  10. He demonstrated, however, certain cases in which cross-pollination occurs, that is in which the pollen of another flower of the same species is conveyed to the stigma.

  11. Just as in some orchids and cleistogamic flowers self-pollination regularly occurs, so it may also occur in other cases.

  12. In spite of this, the numerical proportion of the two forms obtained in the open remains approximately the same as when the pollination was exclusively legitimate, presumably because legitimate pollen is prepotent.

  13. The existence of plants for which self-pollination is of greater importance than it is for others is by no means contradictory to Darwin's view.

  14. The fact that the formation of hybrids may occur as the result of this shows that pollination may be accomplished.

  15. One way of solving the problem was for pollination to take place while the megaspore was still on the parent plant, and this is just what the formation of an ovule or seed was likely to secure.

  16. All adaptations to cross-pollination might also be of use simply because they made pollination possible when for any reason self-pollination had become difficult or impossible.

  17. There are no imported trees bearing in Hawaii, and although there are many date trees in Honolulu, artificial pollination would doubtless greatly increase the yield and the quality of the fruit.

  18. Artificial pollination will induce the flowers to set and produce better crops.

  19. The Major for pollination is what Jonathans are to apples.

  20. Flowering is protandrous (male flowers first) but with enough overlap of staminate and pistillate blossoms to secure a large degree of self-pollination from the abundant large catkins.

  21. In the field, where the tomato plants are exposed to the action of wind and to the visits of insects, no special attention is necessary in order to secure the pollination of the flowers and the setting of the fruits.

  22. In large establishments where hand pollination is out of the question a colony of honey bees is placed in each house to accomplish the work.

  23. Many farmers made the extra effort to keep bees under their fruit trees because they aided pollination and produced honey from the blossoms.

  24. Illustration: A small orchard apiary kept to provide honey and aid pollination of the fruit trees.

  25. The artificial or hand pollination of the pecan is an easy matter and offers an inviting field for those interested in plant breeding.

  26. Since two kinds of flowers are produced on the pecan, one bearing the pistils, the other stamens, the pollen must be transferred from the latter to the former in order that pollination may take place.

  27. Consequently, it frequently happens that the flowers are not matured at the same time, as a result of which pollination cannot take place.

  28. If style is too short, pollination may fail; also, if too long.

  29. Length of style is a fairly important character in its bearing on pollination and on susceptibility to heat and wind injury.

  30. Pollination and life-history studies of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.

  31. Some trees produce staminate flowers too early for proper pollination and thus do not yield a crop unless another good pollinator grows nearby.

  32. The defects of the Japanese walnut most frequently mentioned are lack of flavor and pollination deficiencies.

  33. Others set no fruit whatsoever if cross-pollination is not provided for.

  34. The work of pollination is best performed in bright, sunny weather when the pollen is very dry.

  35. But the common agents for pollination are insects.

  36. The drooping, downy buds are tinted with reddish-pink and the lovely flowers are from one and a half to three inches across, with pure white petals, tinted with yellow at base, changing to pink after pollination and fading to crimson.

  37. All these eccentric arrangements are apparently for the purpose of securing cross-pollination from the bees, which frequent these flowers by the thousand, as this is a famous bee-plant and the white honey made from it is peculiarly delicious.

  38. In order to insure cross pollination by insects, in some kinds the flowers are of two types, as concerns the insertion of the stamens on the corolla and the length of the style.

  39. The generally sticky and sometimes branching termination of the pistil through which pollination takes place.

  40. This hybrid produces =pistillate flowers only=, lending itself easily to pollination with the various varieties of Persian.

  41. The first one to bear was in 1944, when one tree bore twelve nuts which had resulted from hand pollination with pollen sent us by Mr. Reed.

  42. MacDaniels: "Control or uncontrol of pollination is very complex.

  43. With specific reference to the filbert, the literature contains references to the effect that provision for cross-pollination is essential.

  44. The catkins were mostly killed and the pistillate bloom was delayed in growth upon the new wood until most of it came too late for even such pollination as was so sparingly available.

  45. Pollination There is much evidence that chestnut pollen is largely carried by insects although this has not been fully established.

  46. With it there is no expense for grafting, no problems of congeniality between stock and scion and those of cross pollination are held at a minimum.

  47. Like the Mayette, its pistillate blossoms appear ten days or more after the staminate blossoms and self-pollination is not effected.

  48. In those instances we suspected unfavorable weather at pollination time, but as a general rule, in our section I don't believe we are concerned with that factor.

  49. The excessive heat of July, in which month occurred the greatest number of days on record with a maximum temperature of 90 degrees or above, was probably the chief cause of somewhat smaller results from our cross pollination work.

  50. In some Carpathians it was possible to detect cross-pollination with Asiatic walnuts by their harder shells, by partitions, by the shape of nuts, by the construction of the leaves and their odor, and in some cases by the color of bark.

  51. The pollen of the black walnut is mostly wind borne as few insects ever visit the flowers and pollination is dependent on wind borne pollen.

  52. That's about all we know about the cross-pollination of these filberts.

  53. We know nothing about the pollination requirements of any of these Corylus avellana or Corylus americana hybrids.

  54. There was no pollination of that tree, whereas other trees that were receptive at other times are pretty well filled.

  55. One shouldn't be too much mystified by an occasional failure, because it may be due to continuous rains during the period of pollination and when they are receptive.

  56. Pollination is no doubt an important factor in productiveness, size, quality, and form.

  57. On pollination he says: "I had one tree that stood alone, and never bore fruit until I got honey-bees; then it bore all right.

  58. For this work he was a believer in natural pollination and planted the varieties which he desired to use as parents in close proximity that they might pollinate each other.

  59. The bunches are much like those of Delaware but with the fault of setting fruit imperfectly oftentimes even when cross-pollination is insured.

  60. Not only were the parents of the original seedling unknown, but the immediate parent was open to cross-pollination in a vineyard of many varieties.

  61. Neither believed in artificial pollination but grew the several varieties from which crosses were desired in close proximity and then planted seed from the best developed fruits.

  62. The resemblances between pollination and the infection by fungus hyphae may also be insisted upon.

  63. The pollination is repeated occasionally, and care taken that no uncrossed flowers develop later.

  64. Just as the results of pollination frequently induce far-reaching effects on distant tissues--e.

  65. In the first place we have the cross-pollination leading to the formation of the hybrid plant by cross-fertilisation.

  66. Mueller, and Focke, the flowers are little visited by insects in our countries, though the mechanism points to their adaptation for pollination by large bees.

  67. In the polypetalous forms progression from hypogyny to epigyny is generally recognized, and where dorsiventrality with insect-pollination has been established, a dominant group has been developed as in the Leguminosae.

  68. Here in most cases the pollination is done by hand.

  69. A knowledge of the necessity of pollination is very important to those gardeners who grow cucumbers, tomatoes, melons and other fruiting plants in greenhouses.

  70. To make sure of cross pollination nature has in some cases placed the stamens and pistils in different flowers on the same plant.

  71. Notice how the stigma and the anthers are kept as far as possible from each other to guard against self-pollination and to insure cross-pollination.

  72. Cross pollination=, the pollination of a flower by pollen brought from some other flower.

  73. Improved results in pollination and the resulting nut harvest cannot be affirmed with only one season's trial.

  74. Lack of pollination is given as a reason for these low yields.

  75. Pollination is not a problem, and all trees are good producers.

  76. A considerable part of the cross pollination work this year has been undertaken for the benefit of the Italian authorities, namely experiment stations at Florence and Rome.

  77. I know of one planting of ten grafted trees of one variety of Persian walnuts, now twenty years old, that has never produced any nuts even though they are planted so that cross-pollination would be expected.

  78. Set of Fruit Depends on Pollination The best yields of fruit are found on trees that have a good pollinator close by.

  79. More information on the pollination of Persian varieties is definitely needed.

  80. Lack of pollination is probably the greatest factor causing non-production in our Persian walnuts.

  81. Taking the matter the other way around, the Bartlett will do for pollination of the Comice probably, if that should be necessary.

  82. We do not count upon pollination between different kinds of fruit.

  83. The French prune is self-fertile; that is, it does not require the presence of other plum species for pollination of the blossoms.

  84. Where fruit passes the pollination stage successfully, as these fruits have, the dropping is generally attributed to some conditions affecting the growth of the tree, which never have been fully determined.

  85. Is it necessary in growing the Comice pear successfully, to put some other pear near for the purpose of pollination in order to make it successful?

  86. We have no record of its pollination needs, but as the Bartlett in California defies its Eastern reputation for self-sterility, it is likely that Cornice may also take care of itself, for it is not handicapped by such Eastern condemnation.

  87. It is the Robe de Sergeant prune which is defective in pollination and which is presumably assisted by proximity to the French prune.

  88. After pollination the pollen-tube grows into the nucellar tissue, as in cycads, and the pollen-grain itself (fig.

  89. The ovule is usually surrounded by one integument, which projects beyond the tip of the nucellus as a wide-open lobed funnel, which at the time of pollination folds inwards, and so assists in bringing the pollen-grains on to the nucellus.

  90. The bag should remain three or four days or a week, until the stigma has died and all danger of another pollination is removed.

  91. As soon as the shiny or glutinous appearance of the stigma is seen, pollination should be performed.

  92. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pollination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    conjugation; impregnation; insemination