Simple chronic pharyngitisseldom exists alone and uncomplicated; most cases being the result of previous existing disease of the nasal or post-nasal passages.
Local measures designed to diminish or cure the pharyngitis are important in all but the mildest cases.
It cannot be distinguished from ordinary pharyngitis except in the manner in which it occurs, and one attack does not preclude another.
In the spring of 1866 I was called to an infant thirteen months old who had slightpharyngitis and an indistinct rash over a part of the surface.
In many instances the catarrhal symptoms are due to a pharyngitis and tonsillitis only, the lower air-passages escaping.
Exposure to the scarlatinous poison not infrequently produces pharyngitis without the occurrence of scarlatina, and the inflammation is apt to be severe, accompanied by pain in swallowing and marked febrile movement.
Such cases of pharyngitis and stomatitis, no matter whether influenced by an epidemic or not, furnish the indication for the use of chlorate of potassium.
We will see that the scarlatinous poison sometimes causes pharyngitis or nephritis without producing the general disease.
More minute directions will presently be given for the treatment of the pharyngitis when we speak of the complications.
Jenner says that in typhoid fever laryngitis independent of pharyngitis is extremely rare, but the German writers express a different opinion.
Pharyngitis and tonsillitis of mild grade occur in from 3 to 25 per cent.
In severe scarlatinous pharyngitisthe inflammation is apt to extend along the Eustachian tube, causing its occlusion.
Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the pharynx or throat.
Similar results obtain in other portions of the body; in pneumonia the bronchial glands become affected; in pharyngitis the postpharyngeal glands lying above the trachea become affected, etc.
In pharyngitis one of the symptoms is a return through the nose of fluid that the horse attempts to swallow.
Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the pharynx.
The diet should be as recommended under Pharyngitis (p.
Pharyngitis may be produced by a sudden cooling of the surface of the body, as when cattle are exposed to a cold wind or a cold rain; or by swallowing irritant substances.
Chronic urticaria and granularpharyngitis are not rare in gouty families.
He notes the occurrence of hay fever in gouty families, its periodicity, its association with urticaria, eczema, granular pharyngitis and asthma, all characteristics of gout or arthritism.
Superficial ulceration of the mucous membrane may occur in almost any form of pharyngitis or of sore throat.
Paludal or malarial pharyngitismay arise from the same causes as malarial fevers.
The local disease is essentially an ulcerative pharyngitis or pharyngo-laryngitis, as may be, extremely rapid in its progress, and terminating fatally within a few weeks, or a few months at farthest.
The tubercular sore throat or pharyngitis described by Green of New York, and other authors following him, is an affection of entirely different character, and not tuberculosis at all.
Erysipelatous pharyngitis is to be treated by the administration, by enema if necessary, of large doses of quinia, tincture of the chloride of iron, brandy, and diffusible stimulants.
The subjective symptoms of syphilitic pharyngitisare those of erythematous and ulcerative pharyngitis of like grade, except that there is very little pain.
It is one of the complications of facial erysipelas, but erysipelatous pharyngitis may occur primarily.
A pharyngitis attended with severe dysphagia and high fever occasionally precedes the other symptoms or occurs in the early stage of the disease.