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Example sentences for "pharmacology"

Lexicographically close words:
pharmaceutical; pharmaceuticals; pharmacist; pharmacists; pharmacological; pharmacopoeia; pharmacopoeias; pharmacy; pharyngeal; pharyngitis
  1. And isn’t it time, too, that we cease taking our pharmacology and therapeutics from proprietary manufacturers?

  2. Standard works on organic chemistry and pharmacology, such as Beilstein’s Organische Chemie and Cushny’s Pharmacology and Therapeutics, do not mention maizenic acid.

  3. The following account is quoted literally from a recent text-book of pharmacology (Sollmann): The phenomena of the therapeutic stage of digitalis action are said to be: 1.

  4. Reid Hunt, recently appointed professor of pharmacology at Harvard Medical School: “Have you ever made an examination of the theobromin sodium salicylates on the market to determine if they are identical with ‘Diuretin?

  5. The Formula for Glyco-Thymoline, Pharmacology Department, The Journal A.

  6. Five weeks ago we published the address of the chairman of the Section on Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Dr.

  7. An ignorance concerning the elementary facts of physiology and pharmacology is evident in the second sentence: when having stated that “Somnoform is the result of several years of study and investigation by Dr.

  8. Time showed that tonga was inert therapeutically, and authorities on pharmacology now no longer notice it.

  9. The claims made for Anasarcin, past and present, indicate either a deliberate purpose to mislead or crass ignorance of the rudiments of pharmacology and therapeutics.

  10. These investigations have included a study of the action of strychnin in cardiac disease, a comparison of the action of absorption and excretion of iodid preparations, a study of the pharmacology of the opium alkaloids, etc.

  11. E] Read before the Section on Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the Sixty-Seventh Annual Session of the American Medical Association, Detroit, June, 1916.

  12. Shepherd’s Purse receives no consideration at the hands of the authors of standard works on materia medica, pharmacology or therapeutics.

  13. No competent investigator has ever investigated the pharmacology of sour wood (Oxydendron arboreum), and it appears to have no therapeutic value other than that due to a slight acidulousness.

  14. Defn: That branch of pharmacology which treats of unprepared medicines or simples; -- called also pharmacography, and pharmacomathy.

  15. Defn: That branch of pharmacology which treats of the action and the effects of medicines.

  16. Defn: That branch of pharmacology which considers the mode of action, and the effects, of medicines.

  17. The chapters on The Chemistry of Coffee and The Pharmacology of Coffee have been prepared under the author's direction by Charles W.

  18. Since certain of the effects of coffee drinking have been attributed to this alkaloid, a brief presentment of the pharmacology of caffein will be given as an exposition of the many statements made regarding it.

  19. That branch of pharmacology which considers the mode of action, and the effects, of medicines.

  20. One circumstance came to bridge the gap between them, a course of pharmacology that Edwin took early in his fourth year.

  21. But the pharmacology course was short, and the subject that was so important in his father’s life was small and unimportant in Edwin’s.

  22. The Portuguese apothecary Pirez directed a special letter with regard to Hindustan and Farther India and what might be expected for pharmacology from these regions to the king of Portugal which is of great importance.

  23. The second of these, Monardes, deserves well of pharmacology and all that relates to drugs through his famous collection of the natural products of America which became widely known through his description of them.

  24. Schaer in the chapter on the history of pharmacology and toxicology in modern times in Puschmann's "Handbook of the History of Medicine" has summed up the work of this period.

  25. Of pharmacology and the allied subject, chemistry, they had to know all that would enable them to use properly the several hundred vegetable remedies then used in medicine.

  26. He devoted himself particularly to medical botany and pharmacology and was one of the first to hold a professorship in these subjects.

  27. He introduced the use of radix chinae, a kind of smilax related to sarsaparilla, and put lignum guiaci into the pharmacology of the day.

  28. Jones who passed in pharmacology but did not marry Kate.

  29. So you did fail that final pharmacology exam, eh?

  30. Du Potet first studied medicine, but disgusted by the poor results of Pharmacology he embraced magnetism.

  31. Franklin against magnetism but Sprengel in his Pharmacology says 'Franklin, sickly as he was, took no part whatever in the investigation.

  32. Read in the joint session of the Sections of Practice of Medicine and Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the A.

  33. These assertions, and the total inadequacy of the pharmacology of colchicum, as above detailed, to explain its specific therapeutic property, show that the secret of colchicum is as yet undiscovered.

  34. The numerous investigations which have been carried out on the effect of atoxyl within recent years have contributed much to the comparative pharmacology of this substance.

  35. Salant on the pharmacology of this drug; the conclusions here reported are, therefore, in some particulars to be regarded as tentative.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pharmacology" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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