Doest thou either by my countenaunce, by my talke, by my colour, or words, perceyue that I am angrie?
Can I not perceyuethat these desyres, these vnstayed appetites, and vnbrydeled affections, doe proceade from that whiche is dishonest?
It is vndoubted that they haue intended and wolde confesse sum grete matier if they might be examyned as they ought to be that is to sey by paynes, for I perceyue the saide Hugh Payne to be a subtile Felowe and moche gyuen to sedycyon.
By thys tale ye may perceyue that all thynges beseme nat euery body.
By thys tale ye maye perceyue that women ofte tymes be wyse and lothe to lose any tyme.
By this tale a man may well perceyue that they, that be brought vp withoute lernynge or good maner, shall neuer be but rude and bestely, all thoughe they haue good naturall wyttes.
By thys tale ye perceyue howe nycely the vayne braggynge of the frenche man was deryded.
Than quod the marchant: I pray the let me se thy thombe; and when the mylner shewyd hys thombe the marchant sayd: I can not perceyue that thy thombe is gylt; but it is as all other mens thombes be.
By this tale a man may lerne, that it is but loste tyme to teche a fole any thynge, whiche hathe no wytte to perceyue it.
By this tale ye may perceyue that he that occupyeth this office, that is to saye, a confessour, ought to be discrete, prudent, and well lernedde.
By this tale ye may perceyue (as Lycurgus proued by experience) that nourysshynge, good bryngynge vp and exercyse ben more apte to leade folke to humanite and the doynge of honest thynges than Nature her selfe.
Truely I confesse, that with great paynes they please sutch Venerial Gentlewomen as you be, who doe not perceyue (like sauage Beastes) what heapes of euill doe lurke vnder the forme of fayre apparance.
But I heartily beseech you, when you haue obtained your desire, and do perceyue that I haue well serued your turne, to haue me in remembraunce, and to keepe your promyse.
Now sir," sayd the seruaunt, "I do indeede perceyue what maner of thing the contagion of loue is.
Here maye we soone perceyue that by abusion wee take wordes that be somwhat nye, whych property do belong to vnlyke thinges.
Quintilian briefly hathe wrytten bothe of the Gramatical and rhetorical Shemes, but so that you may soone perceyue he did it by the waye, as muche as serued hys purpose.
But this is not the end of all their miserie / as ye may well perceyue / if ye do consider what is appointed to be their perpetuall porcion / which shalbe payed them full truly in the laste daye.
By which wordes truly euery man may perceyue that the same pestilent errour is brought agayn as it wer out of hell / in our age / and se that he ought cheifly to beware of it as of an heresie condemned.
Here may your grace well perceyue that except ye suffer theyre ypocrisie to be disclosed all is like to runne ynto theire hondes and as long as it is couered so long shall it seme to euery man to be a greate ympiete not to gyue theim.
And bicause it chaunseth very seldome, that feruent loue, can be kept so secrete and couert, but in some part it will discouer it selfe, mayster Borgo easily did perceyue the passion wherewith mayster Philippo was inflamed.
Then the Gentlewoman sayd vnto them with smilinge cheere: "I perceyue then that mine aduice being a woman, is come well to passe.
For where any of these thynges bere a rule / mannes mynde can nat lightely perceyue the truthe.
What so euer ye wyll teache (sayeth he) be briefe therin / that the myndes of the he- rers or reders may the easiyer perceyue it / and the better bere it away.
Well, a man may wellperceyue that all soche rumours be but vanytye.
Beware I say, you mistake me not, you maye bee ouerseene, if you had worne the shoe, then you shoulde perceyuewhere it wringeth.
You must vtter that after a more grosse, and plaine sorte, for in good faith I perceyue not your meaning.
I perceyue this felow is kynde 310 And oweth to vs good wyl and mynde Some kindes agayne then let hym finde Let him haue some furderaunce +Wyll.
Euery man mayperceyue therby soone That you lacke discresyon +Weith.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perceyue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.