Perchaunce one of a sadde wyt wyl be loth so to play the child among chyldren.
And oft thou trustest: and hast a stedfast hope To se thy son promoted nere as hye as is the Pope But yet perchaunce mourne thou shalt ful sore.
This is (ye will perchaunce say) my singular opinion: then ye shall see how well I can maintaine it.
And Ennius the Latine Poet was not as some perchaunce thinke, onely fauored by Scipio the Africane for his good making of verses, but vsed as his familiar and Counsellor in the warres for his great knowledge and amiable conuersation.
The Greekes name this figure Symploche, the Latins Complexio, perchaunce for that he seemes to hold in and to wrap vp the verses by reduplication, so as nothing can fall out.
Power Of death Nor of life Hath Selamour, With Gods it is rife To giue and bereue breath I may for pitie perchaunce Thy lost libertie re - store, Vpon thine othe with this penaunce, That while thou liuest thou neuer loue no more.
Bidde him come to the fyre, and tell hym that he shall suppe with me, for perchaunce he hath eaten no meate this nighte.
But if you will saye, perchaunce with a poore man, I confesse it: and verely it is to your shame, that you haue not vouchsafed to place in highe estate a man so honest, being your owne seruaunt.
And ifperchaunce hee hearkened to the persuasions of his frends, he ceassed not his complaynt, bewayling the cruelty of one, whom he named not.
Notwythstandyng (bycause you seeme to bee an Honeste Gentleman) of that Knowledge which I haue, I will not bee greatelye squeimyshe, a certayne secrete experiment in deede I haue, wherewith perchaunce I may satisfy your demaund.
And yf I had not handled yt merely, A iv Perchaunce she myght have taken yt hevely; But in suche facyon I conjured and bounde her, That I left her meryer then I founde her!
Perchaunce lacke of a pynte when it shall be all tolde.
And perchaunce that woulde make hir the sooner come out.
Do not off your harnesse sirs I you advise, At the least for this fortnight in no maner wise, Perchaunce in an houre when all ye thinke least, Our maisters appetite to fight will be best.
Yea and perchauncethat way ye shall much sooner speede, For one madde propretie these women have in fey, When ye will, they will not: Will not ye, then will they.
Perchaunce some felon sprit may haunt our house indeed; And then chwere but a noddy to venter where cha no neede.
Tell mee I beseech thee, perchaunce thou mayst preuent the same by other remedy than that whereabout thou goest.
And if perchaunce for some occasion, the Queenes went not to Church, maister Philippo for all that (were his businesse neuer so great and needefull) would vouchsafe at least wise to visite the place, where he was wont to see his Lady.
But if perchaunce (which the thundring mighty God aboue forbid) that I shalbe forced to render thee the Romanes prisoner, be well assured, that on liue they shall not possesse the.
As when a flyghte of cranes, that takes their waie In householde armies thro the flanched skie, Alike the cause, or companie or prey, If that perchauncesome boggie fenne is nie.
For, if perchaunce your legges be very long, and men use but short garments: you may use a meane, not to long, nor to short.
And albeit, it may bee suffered perchaunce in them that have long beaten their braines in these Mathematicall studies: which are called (as I take it) the Liberall Artes: yet without doubte it may not be borne in other men.
For, there be manie perchaunce will say this is to muche, that I have said allredie.
And suche is all Filocolo, and the other treatises of Maister John Boccace, except his greater woorke, and litle moreperchaunce Corbaccio.
Do not off your harnesse sirs I you aduise, At the least for this fortnight in no maner wise, Perchaunce in an houre when all ye thinke least, Our maisters appetite to fight will be best.
Yea and perchaunce that way ye shall much sooner speede, For one madde propretie these women haue in fey, When ye will, they will not: Will not ye, then will they.
Yet perchaunceit will be obiected vnto vs, that we bring no testimony out of holy scripture, touching this matter: especially to proue, that Spirits do oftentimes appeare vnto men.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perchaunce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.