His glory is to shine in the Church, the theatre of His power, the standing demonstration of the might of redeeming love.
For though the initial act of redeemingis complete, yet redemption is a process, and not an act.
Because He has loosed my bonds, the bonds that held me to my sins, He has therein fastened me with far more stringent bonds of love to the sweet and free service of His redeeming love.
Now there are three main forms under which this standard, or measure, of the Redeeming Power is set forth in this epistle, and it will help us to grasp the greatness of the Apostle's thought if we consider these.
It was still less worth whileredeeming them except for that.
Despair of mercy when our God is full of mercy, thou scrupulous fool; despair when we have a redeeming Christ alive.
Which redeeming blood came not from us, nor yet through our contrivance or advice; wherefore, whatever it is to the Lamb, still all is of grace to us.
It will be the blood, the blood, the redeemingblood of the Lamb.
For the riches of grace and of wisdom are, that grace comes to us not only in a way of mercy and compassion, but in a way of justice and equity; but that could be by no other means but by redeeming blood.
The redeeming feature of the opera was probably its Kalmuc element, which must have imparted a certain humour and oriental character to both words and music.
Constantine was a mere worldling, a man of pleasure, a votary of the table and the wine cup, whose onlyredeeming tastes were a devotion to music and literature.
Isaac and Alexius felt in themselves no power of redeeming the empire from the evil day, and resignedly fell back on personal enjoyment.
He displays Juvenal's violence of invective without his other redeeming qualities.
With so large an available gold supply, there can be little question as to the future intention or probability ofredeeming the notes in gold.
Thereafter it is directed that only so many silver dollars shall be coined as may be needed forredeeming any Treasury notes presented for redemption.
But is this really a dead weight that impedes the progress of science, or is it not rather its innermost redeeming essence?
Perhaps the effort required to be confirmed before its effects could be seen; perhaps he was not setting about the right way of redeeming himself, after all.
The redeeming circumstance about the performance is the admiration professed by the adapter for his original, which he pronounces "undoubtedly one of the greatest, most noble and most sublime poems which either this age or nation has produced.
In these portraits he shows considerable art in the introduction of redeeming traits to the general outline of malignity and depravity.
They were conscious of God's approval, and of the presence in their midst of his angels; and strengthened by this knowledge, they fearlessly marched on to accomplish the work of redeeming Zion.
For He, who is the mighty Word and very man, redeeming us by His blood in a reasonable manner, gave Himself as a ransom for those who had been led into captivity.
He had no redeeming point that I could anywhere discover.
Even the large painted wooden Sienese Madonna in the centre, though the merest church furniture, has the redeeming touch of Italian idealism.
The only redeeming feature in his character was his friendship for Socrates, who, it seems, fascinated him by his talk, and sought to improve his morals.
How, then, could a giddy and weak young man, without redeeming qualities?
And this leads to the observation that this law was further adapted to the training of Israel for its world-mission, in that to every thoughtful man it must have suggested a secret of redeeming mercy yet to be revealed.
It is our privilege, as it is our duty, to offer of it in consecration to our redeeming Lord, though it be no more than parched corn.
It was very different from his own conduct, in redeeming captives and supporting the poor out of his private means.
And here we come to some redeeming features in the character of the king.
In both cases God's great work of redeeming His children is the supreme proof of His mercy and the grand source of assurance in praying to Him for new help.
A false opinion prevailed in his time, that the Negroes were not objects of redeeming grace, 77.
The purchase of the precious metals, or loans made by the state in foreign countries, with the intention of redeeming paper money, effect the same end at a much greater cost.
Devalvirung), which consists in reducing the nominal value of paper money to its current value at the moment the law goes into force, and by redeeming it either in specie or in other paper to be issued in smaller quantities.
With many faults, he has oneredeeming quality, courage.
Among the conspirators themselves there were redeeming shades.
The prophet knows that when once the power of evil has been broken by a full disclosure of redeeminglove it cannot resume its old ascendency in human life.
The passage teaches with striking clearness the continuity of God's redeeming work in the world, in spite of hindrances which to human eyes seem insurmountable.
But the prophet, looking beyond this to the final effect of God's work upon the world, sees that Jehovah can be truly known only in the manifestation of His redeeming grace.
Enormous blocks of granite are seen everywhere superimposed after the manner of dolmens, and everywhere the peasant's spade and hoe is gradually redeeming the waste.
The Republic has laid iron roads across the Lozère, thus redeeming the department from the isolation and inertia of former times.
The elect classes lived lives of romantic adventure without one redeeming gleam of novelty; they loved, murdered, and pursued fine points of honour--which probably bored the intelligent ones extremely.
This spur was perhaps the redeeming feature of the Roman Imperial system.
Yet they had scarcely the courage for this breach of taste, in spite of the fact that it was night and the redeeming grace of the moonlight rested over them.
Let him accept whatever punishment they see fit to bestow, only they must not spoil his one chance of redeeming his mistake by fighting for his country.
He is a creative power of life to those who receive him in faith in his redeeming death upon the cross, that is to say, to those who are justified.