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Example sentences for "apologetic"

Lexicographically close words:
apodeictic; apodictic; apodous; apogee; apointed; apologetical; apologetically; apologetics; apologies; apologise
  1. Buckland glanced at the open volume, and caught a heading, 'Apologetic Theology.

  2. It's quite pathetic to watch the enthusiasm with which they hail any man who distinguishes himself by this kind of apologetic skill, this pious jugglery.

  3. And isn't it surprising,' said Marcella, 'in how short a time this apologetic attitude has become necessary?

  4. The apologetic attitude taken for Dryfoos, so different from any attitude the peremptory old man would have conceivably taken for himself, made March smile.

  5. He had never spoken to March about the affair since Lindau had renounced his work, or added to the apologetic messages he had sent by Fulkerson.

  6. Tardily realizing that she had unwittingly perused a communication not intended for her eyes, Grace lost no time in writing an apologetic letter to Arline in which she enclosed the fateful missive of rejection.

  7. Levinsohn's great apologetic work Zerubbabel, which appeared several years after his death, was equally dedicated to the defence of the Talmud.

  8. Needless to say the replies were given in an apologetic spirit.

  9. Ranas, indifferently clad in a hastily donned kamis, at this moment parted the curtains of his retreat and came forth with an apologetic courtesy.

  10. And now, by the word of the apologetic cup-bearer, was it made apparent to Kenkenes that a tragic fancy concerning the cause of his disappearance had taken root in the cup-bearer's mind.

  11. With an apologetic wave of his hand, he motioned the procession to proceed and busied himself with the harness as if he had found a breakage.

  12. It would be easier if she were only out of hearing instead of looking at him across the ditch with apologetic eyes.

  13. The clear-cut, distinct sentences were very different from the faltering, apologetic ones, when she had asked for his name or his message twenty minutes before.

  14. I'm Patricia Kendall," she said, feeling rather apologetic for herself, though she did not know quite why.

  15. I wish I were more ornamental," she ended with a tiny apologetic frown.

  16. I hope you will forgive the liberty," said Smith, red to his hair-roots and looking over his horse's neck with a most apologetic air.

  17. Smith, who stood beside the trail in an abjectly apologetic attitude.

  18. Was just going to call you," was the bland apologetic answer.

  19. I am always a little apologetic with Griselda, for did she not know me as a boy?

  20. Next morning after breakfast he sat at his table with his head between his hands, when he was aroused by the sound of an apologetic cough in the hall outside his door.

  21. It is needless to say how imperfectly this design was ever accomplished; and no ingenuity of restoration can make of Pascal’s apologetic plan anything but a mass of imperfect fragments.

  22. Of the more directly apologetic ‘Pensées’ of Pascal there are many of great significance and interest, slight as may be the value of his general historical argument, so far as this can be traced.

  23. Enid came at last, flushed with success and apologetic because she had kept him waiting.

  24. Avoid the apologetic attitude and manner--you have nothing to apologize for.

  25. The trouble with these apologetic and explanatory fellows is that they do not thoroughly believe in the merit of their propositions.

  26. At last he was dressed and came down-stairs to find Johnny, pink and apologetic as he used to be in the Marbridge days, laboriously doing odd jobs which did not need doing.

  27. It was a dingy street, and not very long; it had an unimportant, apologetic sort of air, as if it were quite used to being overlooked.

  28. He finally gave up, gave Freddy an apologetic grin and called Operations aboard the carrier.

  29. Lightning When the two boys were back in their prison tent, and the guard had taken up his post, Freddy turned to Dave and looked at him out of sad and apologetic eyes.

  30. The mother, always apologetic on account of the one great act of injustice she had done her son, felt awe as she looked, and as her pride grew she became abject, and the boy accepted the attitude of each as his just due.

  31. He called out sharply, the figure rose and came toward him, and in the moonlight the colonel saw uplifted to him, apologetic and half shamed, the face of Jason Hawn.

  32. Even in this abrupt breaking in out of the storm there was something apologetic and deprecating about the man.

  33. In 1871 also appeared Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau: Saviour of Society, one of the finest and most picturesque of all Browning's apologetic monologues.

  34. They are quite busy, you know," he drawled in a half-apologetic tone.

  35. The Frenchman raised his hands in an apologetic gesture, but his eyes still held a trace of the malevolent smile.

  36. In a softer, apologetic tone, he said, "I've got to lock the gates.

  37. The landlady's apologetic tone made her sick at heart, as a sensitive human being must ever feel in the presence of a fellow-being doomed to disaster.

  38. With an apologetic glance at Mr. Byrd, she accepted the attention proffered her, and speedily vanished into the midst of the laughing group that awaited her.

  39. And the look he cast at Mr. Ferris was wholly apologetic now.

  40. But Billy, who should have been the apologetic one, did not appear so in the least.

  41. Her expression was slightly apologetic as she seated herself upon the edge of a cot, drawing one foot up under her and flinging her hat aside, as a girl frequently does when beginning a confidence.

  42. As soon as alone with Mrs. Wetmore, I explained to her my own connection with Marble, and gave her a sort of apologetic account of his life and character, keeping down the weak points, and dwelling on the strong.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apologetic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abject; afraid; apologetic; apology; ascetic; cleansing; compensatory; defense; extenuating; guilty; humble; humbled; justification; lustral; melted; palliative; penitent; penitential; propitiatory; purgative; purgatorial; purifying; redeeming; redemptive; refuting; regretful; remorseful; reparative; repentant; sheepish; softened; sorry; touched