Of all animals the Peccary alone, it is said, resists the terror of the gun, its flash and report serving only to enrage him.
Even an Elephant wouldn't scare him, though, as Elephants are not found in South America or Texas, I presume a Peccary never saw one.
It has been said that thePeccary is totally devoid of fear.
The Peccary is peculiar in his anatomy, having several sacs in place of a single stomach, thus resembling the cud chewing animals.
One end of the bore, from the nature of the tree, is always smaller than the other; and to this end is fitted a mouthpiece of two peccary tusks to concentrate the breath of the hunter when blowing into the tube.
The bears' meat, which was being cured in a smoking-shed such as that we set up for the peccary hams, required a good deal of attention from my wife.
The peccary was carefully raised, and when a few cinders were picked off, it looked a remarkably well-cooked dish.
The young hunters seemed to have lived very comfortably onpeccary ham, cassava bread and fruit, and plenty of baked potatoes and milk.
When we reached the sugar-cane grove, we again stopped to collect the peccary hams we had left to be smoked; and my wife begged me to gather some seeds of an aromatic plant which grew in the neighbourhood, and which had the scent of vanilla.
Near this area you may also see mule deer, the peccary (or javelina), coyote, or other desert animals.
Uncle Lance had promised his taxes by a certain date, but he was a true sportsman and owned a fine pack of hounds; moreover, the peccary is a migratory animal and does not wait upon the pleasure of the hunter.
Before we had gone far, evidence became plentiful, not only of turkeys, but of peccary and deer.
The home of Piggy the Peccary is in the hot southwestern part of this country, where live Jaguar and Ocelot, the beautiful spotted members of the Cat family.
It is Piggy the Peccary, known as the Collared Peccary, also called Wild Pig, Muskhog, Texas Peccary and Javelina.
He lives down in the hot Southwest where Piggy the Peccary lives.
Once more, with a deep, despairing roar, he struck with both paws, killing a peccary at each blow.
Even as he recovered his feet in a lithe whirl and flirted over one shoulder the body of the dead peccary as a man might toss a rabbit, the death-ring formed around him.
A jaguar is to a peccary herd what the gray wolf is to the musk-ox of the north and the very life of each member of the herd depends upon facing their foe.
Upon the instant, every peccary left the trees and hurried toward their dying comrade.
If any ambitious Nimrod wants a hunt after the most peculiar game extant in the United States and Mexico he ought to take a peccary chase in Central Sonora.
They are the worst of all; I could use almost as much of my readers' time in describing different cactuses as I used of my own in picking them out of my flesh after the peccary hunt was over, but I forbear.
Here we were to get a Yaqui Indian for a guide, and learn the latest quotations as to the peccary market.
But it would be much more astonishing, I should think," observed the reporter, "that this peccary should have been born with a bullet in its inside!
He was still too distant to reach the peccary with a single spring; and he appeared to be considering how he might get a little nearer without being discovered.
We had not many moments to observe it, for the peccary was now seen to rush forward, spring high into the air, and pounce down with all her feet held together upon the coils of the serpent!
But the old peccary paid no attention to the birds.
Still I knew that the peccary was a fierce animal, and not much entitled to the mercy we would have shown to a deer, or any harmless creature like that.
During all this time, the peccary had been busy with the carcass of the snake.
Both rolled over on the ground--the peccary all the while gnashing her jaws, and continuing to send forth her strange sharp cries, until the woods echoed again.
All this time the peccary was greedily devouring the snake, wholly unconscious of the danger that was gathering over her.
The peccary was about fifty yards from the tree upon which we stood; and about twenty yards beyond, another animal, of a far different character, was seen coming out of the jungle.
L'Encuerado, instead of coming to us on the raft, turned towards a peccary which in its eagerness had fallen into the water and was endeavoring to reach the bank.
A characteristic of the peccary is, that its tail is rudimentary, and the bristles spotted with black and white; moreover, only its legs are eatable.
Puma, jaguar, tapir, andpeccary (from paquires) are all names from South American Indian languages.
Among pigs the fierce peccary is a very social animal, going in large packs; and on the back of each of these creatures is found a large gland from which a clear watery fluid is secreted.
The Kentuckian had a peccary adventure which had occurred to him while on an excursion to the new settlements of Texas.
The hostility of the peccary to snakes is easily understood, as no sooner has it killed one than it makes a meal of it.
The peccary is easily distinguished from the other forest animals by his rounded, hog-like form, and long, sharp snout.
Should the hounds attack the peccary while by themselves, and without the aid and encouragement of the hunter, they are sure to be "routed," and some of their number destroyed.
The Collared Peccary is the species found in North America; and of it we more particularly speak.
The fact is, the peccary is a wide "ranger," and frequents either plains or mountains wherever he can find the roots or fruits which constitute his natural food.
The peccaryhad already espied him; and upon the instant his hinder parts were raised to their full height, his mane became rigid, and the hair over his whole body stood erect, radiating on all sides outwards.
Its colour is dark brown, nearly black, while that of the collared peccary is a uniform iron-grey, with the exception of the band or collar upon its shoulders.
This is just following the isothermal line, and proves that the peccary cannot endure the rigours of a severe winter climate.
They are farther distinguished, by the forehead of the white-lipped peccary being more hollowed or concave than that of its congener.
Their mode of destroying these creatures is similar to that employed by the peccary (dicotyles): that is, by pouncing down upon them with the four hoofs held close together, and thus crushing them to death.
As many as a hundred of the collared peccary have been observed in one "gang," and no doubt had there been more of them in the neighbourhood, the flock would have been still larger.
Hounds are employed to track the peccary and bring it to bay, when the hunters ride up and finish the chase by their unerring rifles.
He took a second aim at the next peccary and killed it.
The middle-sized monkey was stupid and kindly, and all the rest of the company imposed on it; the little monkey invariably rode on its back, and the peccary used it as a head pillow when it felt sleepy.
The collared peccary also trusts to its truculence, but seeks refuge in a hole where it can face any opponent with its formidable biting apparatus.
On these marshes the jaguars also followed the peccary herds; it is said that they always strike the hindmost of a band of the fierce little wild pigs.
I doubt whether these men very much wished to overtake our game, for the big peccary is a murderous foe of dogs (and is sometimes dangerous to men).
When the owner of the pigs came up to them one day the peccary manifested great suspicion at his presence, and finally sidled close up and threatened to attack him, so that he had to shoot it.
On another occasion the bookkeeper of the ranch walked off to a water hole but a quarter of a mile distant, and came face to face with a peccary on a cattle trail, where the brush was thick.
I spent two days hunting round this ranch but saw no peccary sign whatever, although deer were quite plentiful.
The mode in which the peccary forms its lair is very singular.
The peccary lives in preference on acorns, roots, wheat, sugar cane, and reptiles of every description.
He wore moccasins made of peccary skin, adorned with glass beads and porcupine quills.
We could not have chosen better," Peccary answered.
After he had breakfasted we commenced our return to the camp, loaded with the peccary meat.
The part of thepeccary which had entered the mouth was, however, covered with saliva, but this had only been poured upon it in the act of swallowing.
The teeth of the reptile are so formed that it could not again force the peccary out of its mouth, while the noose prevented it swallowing it.
In another moment almost the peccary was struck, and the huge serpent began to fold its body round it.
Even during the short time it had coiled itself round the peccary it had broken every bone in the creature's body.
With a stake they secured the peccary close to the loop, so that to get at it the serpent must run its head through the noose.
As there was still some daylight remaining, John took his gun to kill some parrots or other birds which might prove more palatable food than thepeccary flesh.
Many social species are thus powerfully affected by cries of distress from one of their fellows; and some will attempt a rescue in the face of great danger--the weasel and the peccary for example.
The peccary is the only indigenous representative of the Old World Suidæ or swine in the New World, and both its species are found in Yucatan--D.
As it was now midday and no start could be made for the ruins till next morning at dawn, he proposed we should go out peccary shooting, and we sent down to the boat for our guns.
The Yucatecans hunt them with dogs, and seldom does an expedition return without leaving two or three of the latter dead in the woods, ripped up by the short tusks of the peccary boars.
The peccary were not at home, but one of the party bagged a superb specimen of the hoco, as large as the largest gobbler turkey, with crested head, its feathers all of gold and bronze.
While the father and son are watching the peccary peeling the serpent as adroitly as a fishmonger would skin an eel, another actor enters upon the scene.
The father fires again and again, dropping his peccary each time, till five lie dead upon the ground; but the rage of the rest only becomes more and more furious--and the marksman is at his last bullet.
But the peccary tracked him by the smell, and on coming up to him, uttered a shrill grunt.
Both for a moment eyed each other--the peccary evidently calculating its distance--while the great snake seemed cowed and quivering with affright.
Both rolled over the ground--the peccary all the while gnashing its jaws, and continuing to send forth its strange sharp cries, until the woods echoed again.
The peccary will, indeed, attack man or beast without hesitation, its assaults being not the less dangerous because it seems utterly ignorant of the danger it runs itself.
The peccary is common in the valleys and low ground along the coast; while the waree, or wild hog, runs in large droves in many districts.
It and the peccary are the only two Pachydermata, or thick-skinned animals, indigenous to the southern continent.
The white-lipped peccary herds in large numbers, migrating apparently in regular order in companies sometimes a thousand strong.
The Peccary belongs to South America where it is indigenous.
There are two species, the Collared Peccary and the White-lipped Peccary.
The collared peccary is a timid, inoffensive animal about three feet long, and distinguished by white bands which traverse the shoulders and meet at the neck.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peccary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: animal; antelope; armadillo; bat; elephant; hare; horse; kangaroo; mammal; opossum; pig; rat