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Example sentences for "hoofs"

Lexicographically close words:
hoof; hoofbeats; hoofed; hoofmarks; hoofprints; hook; hookah; hookahs; hooked; hookers
  1. And the steed it shall be shod All in silver, housed in azure, And the mane shall swim the wind: And the hoofs along the sod Shall flash onward and keep measure, Till the shepherds look behind.

  2. I heard their echoing hoofs Past the walls of mossy stone; The roan flew on at a staggering pace, But blood is better than bone.

  3. Then the Kings rode out of the city gate, With a clatter of hoofs in proud array; But they went not back to Herod the Great, For they knew his malice and feared his hate, And returned to their homes by another way.

  4. From the celestial hoofs The atmosphere in flaming sparkles flew; And, where the burning wheels Eddied above the mountain's loftiest peak, Was traced a line of lightning.

  5. Thus passed three more miserable hours; then the clang of the iron gate at the foot of the avenue fell on her aching ear; the tramp of horses' hoofs and roll of wheels came up the gravelled walk.

  6. His horse's hoofs were almost upon him; he reined him back an instant, and glared down at his old foe.

  7. Pyke waited a moment listening to the clatter of its hoofs mingling with the rain and the thunder, then quickly retracing his steps returned to Blair.

  8. That night, an hour or two after midnight, in my hotel by the water-front, I awoke to the steady clatter of hoofs on cobblestones and the rumble of wheels.

  9. While I still wrote, I heard horses' hoofs and, looking up, saw the Cullens returning.

  10. The steers were bellowing and throwing their heads high in the air as they advanced, and the noise of their hoofs seemed a perfect Niagara of sound.

  11. The sheriff of Calabazos was sitting on the stoop outside the Government Assay Office early the next day when he was startled by a loud clatter of hoofs up the mountain side.

  12. Their ponies' hoofs could also be seen as they flashed in and out under the cloud of dust.

  13. Oh, hark," she said, abruptly, as the cadence of hoofs began to make itself audible from the end of the side street.

  14. He heard the hoofs upon the asphalt again.

  15. She heard the front door close, and then the sound of the horses' hoofs on the asphalt by the carriage porch.

  16. There was no conversation; only the pounding of hoofs and the jangling of accoutrements.

  17. The muffled thudding of hoofs came faintly for a minute against the sea wind.

  18. Suddenly the hoofs of Crowfoot's gray and the lieutenant's bay thundered upon a plank road whose hollow noise, when we all reached it, should have been heard far.

  19. Then I heard above the sound of our hoofs the voice of the veteran of the war.

  20. I remember well how the hind hoofs of the orderly's galloper threw away great chunks of earth as he splashed diagonally across the open.

  21. When Dodger's horns gouged him and his hoofs cut him Nimble butted and thrust and struck all the faster.

  22. It roused the Student Hieronymus from his dream; and rang in his ears, like the iron hoofs of the steeds of Time.

  23. The tramp of horses' hoofs sounds from the wooden bridge.

  24. It was broad daylight; and he heard the postilion, and the stamping of horses' hoofs on the pavement at the door.

  25. The blue in Campbell's eyes deepened; then, with an imperious gesture of the head, like that of a horse that hears the sound of galloping hoofs a mile away, he saluted.

  26. Motor-cars were passing through Sloane Square, with glaring lights, sliding and skidding like inebriated dragons; and the clattering hoofs of horses drawing vagabond cabs sounded annoyingly loud in the damp-charged air of Sloane Square.

  27. Here the strand was hard mud, dried by the sun, and broken up into innumerable holes by the hoofs of cattle and horses which had come down to drink from the pasture, and had to go through the mud into which they sank when it was soft.

  28. They did not hear the hoofs till he was close, for they were on a flint heap, searching for the best to throw.

  29. Hearing the quick clatter of hoofs they ran out, and saw a labourer riding a pony bare back.

  30. My long mountaineer's legs are swifter to move now and even more tireless than the slow hoofs of any stupid borrico.

  31. Came a sudden clatter of horse's hoofs out in the village; then the loud shaking voice of a man: "Alto!

  32. Around the bend up the road drove into view like a lean racing terrier a wiry rough-coated pony, hoofs pounding in a quick rataplan, barrel low to the dust, and ears flattened sharply back.

  33. What time the stony defile echoed and reechoed with the distance-dimming clangor of pounding hoofs and turbulent shouts, he sped, on his long mountaineer's legs, up the convolutions of the goat path to the empested barrio.

  34. His long mountaineer's legs were swifter to move and even more tireless than the slow hoofs of any stupid borrico.

  35. Have you the sharp hoofs of the ibex to gallop you from crag to crag, across gorges and gargantas and all?

  36. They did not hear the clatter of a horse's hoofs approaching up the gorge.

  37. Rubinstein understood it admirably, and explained its resources scientifically to his pupils, in the hope that having once learnt its secrets, they would lay it aside for ever.

  38. I am astounded, and do not know how to express all my respect for your artistic temperament.

  39. Lately I have felt drawn to Sasha, Leo, and their children, and have now decided to spend the summer with you at their house.

  40. The remaining successes of this period relate to his compositions.

  41. The Tchaikovskys frequently took the children to the opera and theatre.

  42. Externally he differed greatly from his brother Anton.

  43. I have promised Rubinstein my overture shall be performed here before I send it to Petersburg.

  44. Jurgenson was the first Russian publisher to bring out the works of the classical school in cheap editions, and also the compositions of young native composers, including those of Tchaikovsky.

  45. Hubert, who, partly from ill-health and partly from indolence, neglected the duties he had undertaken.

  46. Tchaikovsky became very friendly with him, and hoped this friendship would prove very useful in the future.

  47. He held on however with a grip of iron, swinging himself up so as to escape the lashing hoofs and at the same time making the animal bear his whole weight.

  48. The thunder of approaching hoofs made itself heard, and they looked at each other questioningly.

  49. The bullets pattered under the hoofs of the flying pony, but he was unhurt, and his rider pressed him to his full speed.

  50. They first went back to the spot where they remembered having last seen him, but there was not a sign of him; not even the track of his horse's hoofs could be seen.

  51. In a moment the very earth seemed to tremble under the sharp clatter of the hoofs of the now thoroughly alarmed beasts, and the sound as they dashed away was like distant thunder.

  52. As (this) white horse plants firmly his fore hoofs and his hind-hoofs, so will the pillars of the Great Palace be set firmly on the upper rocks and frozen firmly on the lower rocks.

  53. From the flames a colt arises, Golden-maned and silver-headed, Hoofs are formed of shining copper.

  54. The clink of shod horse hoofs came upon the wind through the swirl and roar of the fast-swelling river.

  55. At this juncture the sound of horse hoofs outside cut short his meditations.

  56. The sound of many hoofs clattering up the road over beyond the nek was borne to their ears.

  57. Hank sat in the front seat with Betsy, so that he could rest his front hoofs upon the dragon's head.

  58. Hank's hoofs were resting upon some smooth substance over which he slid with the swiftness of the wind.

  59. The clatter of horses' hoofs was heard; the carriage was approaching rapidly.

  60. Again a few seconds of terrible silence; only the dogs and the horses' hoofs were heard.

  61. Shouts, curses, and the clatter of horses' hoofs came from beyond the river.

  62. The procession passed; fainter and fainter grew the strains of the Oginski polonaise; with shouts and laughter the masks got back into the sleighs, hoofs clattered and whips cracked.

  63. I heard the nimble stepping of the pony's hoofs on the worn turf.

  64. I was stooping in the wayside ditch in one more attempt to ease my foot, when once again I heard hoofs approaching.

  65. For when you peer close into this London, it takes the shape of a tusked, black, hairy boar, sprawling with hoofs outspread, fast asleep.

  66. The clank of metal chains, the beat of hoofs upon the good road-bed, sounded smartly on the ear.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoofs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.