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Example sentences for "mule"

Lexicographically close words:
mulched; mulching; mulct; mulcted; mulcts; muleback; mules; muleteer; muleteers; mulga
  1. The big mule and the horses steamed and puffed a little, but Polly stood as calm as a rocking-horse.

  2. Harry hired Grits and another mule at a low rate, as there was not much for mules to do at that time of the year.

  3. Aunt Judy said ye wanted Jim, an' Nobleses mule; but dat dar mule he back hindwards jist about as much as he walks frontwards.

  4. Well, tell Jim to get a mule and come to Aunt Judy's just as quick as he can.

  5. There was never such an astonished little mule in this world!

  6. As they galloped along Harry shouted to Harvey, who kept ahead most of the time, for his mule was faster than Selim: "Hello, Harvey!

  7. I want a boy, on a mule or a horse, to go as fast as he can.

  8. He kin borrer a mule and go fur you, Mah'sr Harry, I 'spects.

  9. There was another mule in the village, which the boys could have if they wanted her; but they did not want her--that is, if they could get anything else with four legs that would do to go in their team.

  10. But they always attended punctually if there was a horse or a mule to be had in time, and made no trouble when they came.

  11. At table a dispute arose about precedence, the mule claiming the higher place in right of his parent the horse, which the ox and others disputed, asserting that the mule had no just pretensions to the dignity claimed.

  12. Soon after our arrival at that place, a favourite officer of his guards brought a present of twelve mule loads of fruit.

  13. He could be as obstinate as a mule when he liked.

  14. To reach Tolima, Bogota's nearest neighbour in the upper Magdalena valley, it is necessary to descend thousands of feet of steep mountainside, along which the sure-footed mule can hardly climb.

  15. The mule who worked this particular wheel acted as if he too were a Moorish survival, unaccustomed to modern inventions.

  16. Just before the conflict the Greeks met a mule train laden with selinon, or wild celery, the plant used at funerals.

  17. The stout Abbot and his jolly monks, us setting off afoot with a mule train, the prayer delivered over us as we start.

  18. But by his side, over a pack on the mule with which he had been keeping pace, hung a coiled lasso.

  19. Now the crazy man will leap upon his mule and come galloping at once to our gates,' said I to myself.

  20. Don Ernesto, too, laughed, and leaping from his mule embraced the good priest, at least embraced as much as possible of his ample form.

  21. For these latter they have raised the price very greatly during the last month: then a good mule could be bought for fifteen dollars, now they charge thirty-five and forty.

  22. The preserved vegetables, tea, sugar, and salt, amount together to under six ounces per diem per man; and one mule would therefore carry the rations of 500 men of these articles.

  23. One mule falling puts a stop to a whole train, and this was exemplified in our case, for we were following a long line of mules when they suddenly came to a stop.

  24. The mule ridden by the King, and those of the principal personages, all had the gay green-and-red embossed leather trappings I described as adorning the mule ridden by the ambassador who came in to Attegrat.

  25. Three officers are to sleep in each bell-tent, and one mule is allowed for two bell-tents.

  26. I know that we have barely animals enough with us to carry our food, and every available mule in the rear is coming on with Staveley's Brigade.

  27. Every mule fit for the purpose would have come in, and by paying 900 per cent we can obtain no more.

  28. Next to the Ambassador of the great King rides the Archbishop, upon a mule similarly caparisoned.

  29. This fault they have done their best to remedy by purchasing every mule they could get.

  30. If an officer had his mule merely to carry his baggage it would be ample, but this is very far from being the case.

  31. You see the hired hands on the great plantations, driving four-mule teams, working in the gins, coming for directions about breaking ground.

  32. He sticks on, and everybody cheers him, and the owner of the mule begins to get mad and to make it do more things to shake the country-jake off.

  33. We were accompanied by a guide, and a pack-mule for my companion's portmanteau.

  34. Walking fearlessly through the crowd upon the dock, dodging under horses' heads and around mule packs, they brought the food to the cavalrymen, and even waited upon them.

  35. A little farther back, sitting on the ground, was Harry Riley, holding the big bay mule he had been riding since reaching the island; he was quiet, but the mule was not.

  36. Far away on one side of the camp a mule would raise his silvery voice to heaven; somewhere from the headquarter's mules would come an answering bray, and in a moment the chorus would resound throughout the camping grounds.

  37. There the two cavalry troops and the tremendous mule train went into camp again.

  38. At one o'clock the cavalrymen passed through Santa Isabella, where a half hours stop was made to bring up the stragglers of the mule train, and to take a turn at the hard tack and dried beef.

  39. An American family returned home a few days ago, having left the mangled corpse of their son, a lad of twelve years, in some frightful gorge into which he had fallen while riding on a mule in the midst of the Alps.

  40. I got a mule and a guide, and the young men were ready to walk.

  41. It is, see you, that I am delivering a mule load of charcoal at El Quiss on the very day that Don Sebastien hires the priest.

  42. If he had looked northward it would have been possible to see Sebastien at the head of the mule train which was wriggling like a mottled brown snake across the wet green pastures.

  43. Seyd shouted; but as he swung his mule out to go by the burros he almost ran into a horseman who had just reined his beast to one side of the trail.

  44. That he escaped injury was simply due to the hereditary hate between the mule and the ass which suddenly turned Peace into a raging fiend.

  45. With him, however, action invariably preceded thought, from instincts almost as acute as those which had brought the mule to a stop.

  46. But, serious as it was, when, halfway to San Nicolas, he met Paulo riding at the head of a mule train loaded with fagots it was wiped altogether out of his mind.

  47. Less than that--if your mule should happen to slip and take it sideways.

  48. I go now with every man and mule I can muster to raise and strengthen it.

  49. Walking to the window which overlooked the patio, which was now thronged with a motley mixture of peons, mule-drivers, and serving women, she watched him mount and ride away at the head of the mule train.

  50. At last, by the end of June, there was nothing to eat except mule meat and a kind of bread made of beans and corn meal.

  51. Why association with the mule should thus demoralize a man, has always been a puzzle to me, for while the mule, as Col.

  52. It is beyond dispute that a full-grown and active lioness once attacked a mule in the grounds of the Cincinnati Zoological Garden, and was ignominiously beaten, receiving injuries from which she died shortly afterward.

  53. Gap, and all that the Army used had to be hauled that distance by mule teams over roads that, in their best state were wretched, and which the copious rains and heavy traffic had rendered well-nigh impassable.

  54. There is no man who can get as much speed out of a mule as a teamster falling back from the neighborhood of heavy firing.

  55. His first impulse, when anything occurs to jar upon his delicate nerves, is to cut his wheel-mule loose and retire with the precipitation of a man having an appointment to keep and being behind time.

  56. In winter, you have a mule for this whole journey at the rate of twenty livres; and the guides are payed at the rate of two livres a day, reckoning six days, three for the journey to Coni, and three for their return to Nice.

  57. The morning we set out from thence, the whole city and adjacent plains were covered with so thick a fog, that we could not distinguish from the coach the head of the foremost mule that drew it.

  58. For fatigue and discomfort, amounting at times to sheer physical pain, commend me to a Chinese mule litter, which is simply a kind of box or covered chair, hung on two long and slender poles.

  59. The same afternoon, while we were busily engaged fixing our heavy baggage to the mule packs, two of the most extraordinary beings I ever beheld rode up to the hotel gate.

  60. With these trifling exceptions, the mule litters have no discomforts, always excepting the vermin that infest them.

  61. There is no rule of the road in Pekin, and it took one all one’s time to steer safely through the carts, sedans, mule litters, and camel caravans which thronged the streets.

  62. He eyed our whisky bottle wistfully as he passed us, and reined up the melancholy mule with a jerk.

  63. There being then practically neither roads nor carriages, the demand for draught horses is very small, while for riding purposes Chinamen prefer either the taller and more dignified mule or the ambling pony.

  64. To such an indescribable state are the streets reduced by heavy rains that I actually remember a mule being drowned in the shafts by the side of one of the main thoroughfares in the very heart of the city.

  65. He made haste to the spot, and found a little man struggling with a Frenchman, and holding the bridle of the mule he was in charge of in his teeth.

  66. Just as Edgar came on the scene the Frenchman struck down the little man with a dagger, which he seemed to have taken from him, and was trying to drive the mule further into the thicket.

  67. You must be well mounted, and I suppose you will want a mule for your baggage.

  68. More than once my mule slips dangerously, and I am debating within myself whether I should not be safer on foot, when I hear a cry in front.

  69. Early next morning we started on an excursion to the valley lake, each of us mounted on a fine mule from the abbé's stables, and attended by an arriero.

  70. Angela and myself were mounted, and I assigned a mule to Kidd.

  71. His ebon skin has turned ashen gray, he shivers continually, can hardly speak, and sits on his mule with difficulty.

  72. So she gave a great deal of money to the priest from Palos, in order that Christopher Columbus could buy a mule and sufficient clothing to appear at court.

  73. A courier was sent post haste after the sailor from Genoa, who was then ambling along upon his mule and was crossing the bridge of Pinos, some six miles from Granada.

  74. As they wound through the thickets, Father Antonio’s mule startled every one with a series of the most ear-piercing brays, which caused an instant panic among the Indians, coupled with loud laugher from the soldiers.

  75. The squaw rode her mule after the fashion of her people, and that was just as if she had been a brave instead of a squaw.

  76. Old Too Many Toes had been conspicuous in shoving small Indians into the water, and when at last she finished packing her little borrowed mule and a borrowed pony, there was a perfect swarm of "divers and duckers" around her.

  77. It did seem, too, as if there were more and more wretched-looking dogs following after that forlorn mule than behind the ponies of any chief's family in the whole band.

  78. Some ponies had more to carry and some had less, but there was one poor little, long-eared, patient-looking mule who had more than his share.

  79. Rita, was there ever such a mule as that?

  80. There was something very bad in that, according to all Indian notions; but Rita only said, "What would that mule do if she wanted him to run?

  81. The mule will scarce keep up with us, for we shall certainly travel fast, so you had best hand it over to someone who you think will treat it kindly.

  82. He wore his broad hat with feather; his helmet and armour being carried, together with his valises, on a sumpter mule led by Paolo.

  83. The negro who had spoken first approached the stall cautiously, but the mule heard him coming, and, with ears laid viciously back, lashed out at him with flying heels.

  84. The mule struggled to his feet with his tormentors clinging to him.

  85. I don’t think I’ll ever forget how funny Mose looked streaking for the fence with that mule snapping his teeth right behind him.

  86. With a frightened snort the mule jerked his head up, and at that second Mose slipped the heavy collar over his neck.

  87. But dat mule doan always calculate to do jest whut we wants him to.

  88. That mule would never be worth a cent to us again if they let him win.

  89. Mule teams, horse teams, and big rumbling automobile trucks came and went, getting in each other’s way and giving rise to short but forceful arguments on the part of their drivers.

  90. With the other negro clinging desperately around his neck, it was a ludicrous spectacle, and as Mose cleared the fence in a wild scramble with the mule not ten feet behind him, the boys shouted with laughter.

  91. Looks to me as though the mule had won the decision,” said Bobby.

  92. But the mule was not to be caught napping, and he made a wicked nip at the negro’s hand.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mule" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animal; antelope; armadillo; ass; bastard; bat; bigot; camel; cross; dogmatist; donkey; dromedary; elephant; fanatic; hare; horse; husky; hybrid; intransigent; kangaroo; mammal; maverick; mestizo; mongrel; mulatto; mule; octoroon; opossum; pig; positivist; purist; quadroon; rat; reindeer; spider; spinner; spinster; stickler; sumpter; zambo

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    mule deer; mule team