I will mention one or two places where one can find some sport where it will not require the hardship nor expense, and at the same time will find deer and some other game quite plentiful, with a fair sprinkling of the fur bearers.
We will mention, in the last place, the settlement at the bridge of Thiele, on the water-course which unites the lakes of Bienne and Neuchatel.
We will mention here a carved head which was found in the cave of Laugerie-Basse by M.
To give you some idea of the activity of his mind I will mention a few circumstances that may interest you and Colin.
When I see you in London I will mention to you a piece of secret history which will show you how important our connection with this work may possibly become.
We will mention in this case the Blue Pentatoma, which kills the Altica[21] of the vine.
The family of the Lycaenidae comprises a great number of species, some of which we will mention.
I will mention, later on, the bad effects which the habit of eating too quickly often produced on the Emperor's health.
In support of what I have said of the incredible preoccupation of the Emperor, I will mention an occurrence which comes to my memory.
In reference to this subject, we will mention a fact which may seem hard to believe, but which I attest as an eye-witness.
I will mention in illustration a certain suit brought against the heirs of a rich landowner in Podolia, who was deeply indebted at his death to the imperial bank of St. Petersburg and to several foreign bankers.
One of these divorces I will mention, which is perhaps without a parallel in the annals of the civilised world.
In order to give some idea of the violence of the hurricanes to which the country is subject, I will mention a phenomenon of which I was myself a witness.
Of these I will mention two, one of whom I knew personally.
As an instance of the strength of the medicines prescribed by Hahnemann, I will mention carbonate of lime.
Trafalgar I will mention, if you will give attention, It long has been recorded where brave Nelson fell and bled, The officers around him, all human aid was found, But were affected to the heart to find that he was dead.
To show the full force of this prejudice we will mention a curious circumstance that happened to one of his daughters.
The words are these: I will mention a certain arcanum respecting the angels of the three heavens, which has not hitherto come into any one's mind, because degrees have not been understood.
These means are many, only a few of which I will mention.
Firstly, I will mention a sort of camp that was described in a sportsman's paper, and has since been largely quoted and used.
I will mention further on the ox-gall and the sprinkling water, which are indispensable on account of their binding and expanding powers for the purposes of marbling.
To explain this I will mention a few examples; the saturated alum solution will cause glycocholic acid to curdle.
Before speaking of the different kinds of edges, I will mention something of the harmony of colors, as in drawn edges the real harmonious combination of colors is of great influence on their beauty.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will mention" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.