Other religious ceremonies of a less formal nature occasionally called nuns, in a body or individually, out of their cloister.
He proceeds to forbid the reception of friars or other religious men to lodge in the abbey, though food might be given them in alms[1261].
He insisted that it must be sung in choir, as was the rule in other religious orders.
Foiled in his first attempt to gain control over Sonnenburg, Cusanus now devoted his attention to other religious communities.
It will make a difference to the individuals of these, whether they be respected, as a body, by the individuals of other religious denominations, or by the government under which they live.
It has often been observed of the Quakers, that they shew no spirit of persecution, and that you seldom hear them talk with bitterness, with respect to other religious societies.
Although Ezra Cornell was educated as a Friend, he was expelled from that body, and connected himself with no other religious sect.
He was, therefore, a conservative Unitarian, but with a generous recognition of the good in other religious bodies.
The decline of true Buddhism in India was due in a great measure to the munificence of King Asoka, who erected and enriched monasteries and other religious institutions.
Karma" is undoubtedly one of the so-called mysteries of Buddhism; but is it in any sense more fantastic than any other religious mystery?
Nevertheless, the discovery in other religious systems of a correspondence with one's own particular persuasion must assuredly tend towards the attainment of that attitude of mind commended by St. Paul of "being all things to all men.
But it was in regard to the election of Editor that the greatest interest was taken, not so much amongst the Canadian section of the Methodist people as amongst the members of other religious bodies.
Among the regulations suggested by George Fox, and adopted by his followers, it was determined that persons, belonging to the society, should not intermarry with those of other religious professions.
Persons of other religious denominations, who exert themselves in the ministry, are liable to the same charge.
In such matters as these he seems to have been his own director; but in other religious practices he governed himself a great deal by the advice of Dr.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other religious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.