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Example sentences for "deceiued"

Lexicographically close words:
deceitfull; deceitfully; deceitfulness; deceits; deceiue; deceiuing; deceivable; deceivableness; deceive; deceived
  1. Here comes the man that hath deceiued vs all: How now daughter, where haue you bin?

  2. Shee saw there was one which had deceiued hir, shee nameth him a serpent; whence had she that name for the deuill whome shee had not imagined to bee?

  3. This day Master Iugman did see land East Northeast from vs, as he did thinke, whether it were land or no, I cannot tell well, but it was very like land: but the fogges haue many times deceiued vs.

  4. The captaine of our ship solde all his cloth for ready money for fore hundred and fifty reys the cubit, and thought that he had made a good market, but he hath deceiued himselfe.

  5. And by the situation of the Riuer, and the height which I tooke, I finde that that which the Masters and Pilots of the Marquesse tooke is false, and that they were deceiued by 2 degrees, and I haue sayled beyond them aboue 4 degrees.

  6. From Welles they went to Salisburie, and from thence to Winchester, and so to Kent, where they hoped to haue had great aid, but they were deceiued in that their expectation.

  7. This yeare also two pardoners were set on the pillorie in Cornehill three market daies, for forging of false pardons, wherewith they had deceiued the people, & got much monie.

  8. Or if he sailed any thing neere the shore, yet he (being ignorant) might be deceiued by the doubling of many points and Capes, and by the trending of the land, albeit he kept continually alongst the shore.

  9. Certes I am deceiued if this riuer be not called Isis, after it is past Isefield.

  10. And so thereby king Henrie as well as his father king Iohn, was oftentimes deceiued of his vaine conceiued hope.

  11. But the same day after dinner vpon repentance of that which he had doone, he deceiued his keepers and stale awaie, sending knowledge backe to the king that he would not stand to the couenants, which were concluded vpon betwixt them.

  12. The Spanyards thought the same to be a straight or passage into the South sea, to passe vnto the Maluccos and spicerie, but they were deceiued although they beléeued the thing that they desired.

  13. Such, so great & straunge was this temple of Mexico, for the seruice of the Diuell who had deceiued those simple Indians.

  14. Tell me then what it is hardlie (said the gentlewoman:) for you shall neuer bee deceiued of mee.

  15. As this deceiued Oratour was framing his excuse, and about to moderate the iust wrath of his Ladie, displeased vpon good occasion, she not able to abyde any more talke, sayde further.

  16. All which Andreuccio beleeuing, and taking pleasure that he was with his sister, (deceiued though he were of his false beliefe) was wel contented to tarie.

  17. Notwithstanding, if I haue bin deceiued herein, it was you by whom I haue bin deceiued: wil you then say that I couple myselfe with a man of base condicion?

  18. The other gentleman made excuse (although he was blame worthy) that he was deceiued by the same false practise, that the Lorde himselfe was.

  19. Ah wretched caitife that I am, abandoned and forlorne of all good fortune: nowe I doe see that with the eies of my minde, which with those of my body daseled and deceiued I could not see or perceiue.

  20. Openlie and apparantlie meaning by such words that by the meanes of some of the nobilitie he was deceiued and brought to confusion.

  21. I thought no more to offend you, than the man which you neuer knew, although you haue bene deceiued by colored words, vttered by those that be enuious of my happe, and Enimies of your ioy, who haue filled your minde full of false report.

  22. Lo howe you be deceiued Gentlewoman" (quod Gracian) "for vnder coloure of dissymulate seruice, he and sutch as he is doe abuse the simplicity of young Gentlewomen.

  23. But that trust deceiued them, and procured the more displeasure against them, for that they would not sue for fauour at the abbats hands in time, by submitting themselues vnto his will and pleasure.

  24. The mayster of the house opened the chamber dore, thinking to haue gained mutch, and supposed to insinuate himselfe the better into the fauor of the Duke, but immediatlye hee saw himselfe farre deceiued of his accompt.

  25. But now madame, omittinge to speake of the greatnesse of your estate, let vs consider that we be both man and woman, the most deceiued of the world, and betrayed of them which we haue most dearely loued.

  26. But their trust deceiued them, for at the queenes departing from saint Albons, they were both beheaded; though contrarie to the mind and promise of hir husband.

  27. But there is no doubt but that priests being many times deceiued in iest by the lay men for pastimes sake, haue on the other side more often times beguiled them in earnest.

  28. But they were no lesse deceiued with the common sorte now, that when they thought Christ would raise vp an outward and earthly kingdome, in which they should be chiefe.

  29. Hearing is also deceiued when we thinke we heare thunder, and it is indéed but the rumbling of some Carte.

  30. Do you thinke I am so farre Deceiued in him Cap.

  31. Plesse my soule: how full of Chollors I am, and trempling of minde: I shall be glad if he haue deceiued me: how melancholies I am?

  32. This olde manne his sonne tracking the Foxe so running away, came to that pit whereof I spake, and in the bottome thereof he found many bones of dead men, deceiued by the deuill after that sort in time past.

  33. But in our course we were very much deceiued by the currents that set into the gulfe of the Red sea along the coast of Melinde.

  34. I come now to other superstitions and ceremonies, that you may see, deare brethren, that which I said in the beginning, how subtilly the diuell hath deceiued the Iaponish nation, and how diligent and readie they be to obey and worship him.

  35. Towrson was in like maner deceiued with the currant.

  36. Larine, great fat hennes for a Bizze a piece, which is at the most a pennie: and the people told vs that we were deceiued the halfe of our money, because we bought things so deare.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deceiued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.