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Example sentences for "obserued"

Lexicographically close words:
obsequiousness; obsequium; obseruation; obseruations; obserue; obseruing; observable; observance; observances; observant
  1. True it is that in England (where liberty is so honestly obserued as being alone or secrete conuersation gyueth no cause of suspition) the same mighte haue bene borne withall.

  2. And thus foote by foote I went forward bowldly, examining and behoulding what direction and arte of painting hee had obserued with a pensiled distribution to make whole proportions in a smoothe and flat playne.

  3. Lastly, they offered a precious drinking cup, and so obserued in the rest.

  4. And this course is to be vnderstood to be obserued and kept, if thou depart from Lisbon in October or Nouember.

  5. Thus to make an end, I have heere set downe the summe of all the chiefest things that I haue obserued and noted in my seventeene yeres trauell in those parts.

  6. The same day we also obserued the rising of the moone, being one day after the full, which rose at East northeast.

  7. The things that we obserued and noted in the time of our being at Santos, were these.

  8. And that both these doo happen eft among, I refer me to such as haue not sildome obserued it, as also the sensible chopping in of three or foure tides in one naturall daie, wherof the vnskilfull doo descant manie things.

  9. Blase, then shall all and euerie court daies be obserued in order, as they may be kept conuenientlie.

  10. But bicause the good writers of our time haue obserued these phrases and such like with their causes and descriptions, in their infinite and seuerall treatises, I shall not need to discourse anie farther vpon them.

  11. Certes the like hereof is yet obserued in Venice.

  12. This law was receiued by the same Keneth in Scotland; and as well there as in England is obserued to this daie: which prooueth also that Scotland was then vnder his obeisance.

  13. He also required to haue Gregories aduice touching certéine ordinances to be made and obserued in the new church of England.

  14. Melitus at his returne brought with him from the pope, decrees commanded by the said pope to be obserued in the English church, with letters also directed to archbishop Laurence, and to king Ethelbert.

  15. The king himselfe, to render vnto God his most humble & hartie thanks, caused solemne processions to be obserued and kept fiue daies togither in euerie citie and towne.

  16. Neuerthelesse, it is not so decent in a meaner person, as I haue obserued in some counterfet Ladies of the Countrey, which vse it much to their owne derision.

  17. But the Hebrues & Chaldees who were more ancient then the Greekes, did not only use a metricall Poesie, but also with the same a maner or rime, as hath bene of late obserued by learned men.

  18. Or as I haue obserued in many of the Princes Courts of Italie, to seeme idle when they be earnestly occupied & entend to nothing but mischieuous practizes, and do busily negotiate by coulor of otiation.

  19. Now for the distances vsually obserued in our vulgar Poesie, they be in the first second third and fourth verse, or if the verse be very short in the fift and sixt and in some maner of Musickes farre aboue.

  20. Which the subtill Italian well obserued by the successes thereof, saying in Prouerbe.

  21. Orders agreed vpon by the Captaines and Masters to be obserued by the fleet of Sir Humfrey Gilbert.

  22. Then to giue good Orders to bee obserued of the whole company on shore.

  23. Articles and orders to be obserued for the Fleete, set downe by Captaine Frobisher Generall, and deliuered in writing to euery Captaine, as well for keeping company, as for the course, the 31 of May.

  24. Sidenote: Circumstances to be well obserued in our Generall, importing the Ore to be of a Siluer mine.

  25. Also here may bee seene a good example to be obserued of any priuate person, in taking notes, and making obseruations of all such things as are requisite for a Discouerer of newe Countries.

  26. Grauesend, by the castle or blockehouse, we obserued the latitude, which was 51.

  27. Also some obserued the eleuation of the pole, and drewe plats of the country exactly graded.

  28. And this is the summe of that which I obserued in Island.

  29. Immediatly we agreed vpon the maner of our course and orders to be obserued in our voyage; which were deliuered in writing vnto the captaines and masters of euery ship a copy in maner following.

  30. So I obserued it till I found it at the highest, and then it was eleuated 52.

  31. He had preached heretofore of this text, and had in that sermon obserued out of this place that the duty of a Christian and a fitt minister are severall and distinct.

  32. Joshua sent two spies; Christ obserued the same number, and alwayes sent two disciples togither.

  33. It hath bin obserued that as well the influence of the heauens as the fertilnes of the earth is decayed, and that the whole world is the worse for wearing, the heavens themselves growing old as doth a garment.

  34. And it is likewise obserued by strangers, that the Cornish miles are much longer then those about London, if at least the wearinesse of their bodies (after so painefull a iourney) blemish not the coniecture of their mindes.

  35. Lykewise all houshold duties and offices appointed in gods worde must be obserued / els shall he offend / for as Paule saithe: [[1.

  36. Morouer them which do obiecte this consider / that by the same reason that they accuse these princes we may accuse God: for he doth propounde his lawe / which is moste perfyte to be obserued of all men.

  37. Those thinges might therfor be keapt and obserued for a tyme / so that men did not vse them with that mynde (as I sayed) to be iustified by them.

  38. He that hathe obserued the whole lawe / and dothe offend in one / is made giltye of all.

  39. All these indifferẽt thinges / might somtyme be well obserued / somtyme be as well left vndone / as most serued for edifying in godd.

  40. He to whom the same ring was left, obserued semblable order in his posteritie, and did the like that his predecessor had done before him.

  41. It was a custome amonges the Falisques (obserued also in these oure dayes) to haue their children instructed by one Scholemaister, and him also to vse for their guide and companion in all games and pastimes.

  42. And that both these doo happen eft among, I refer me to such as haue not sildome obserued it, as also the sensible chopping in of thrée or foure tides in one naturall daie, wherof the vnskilfull doo descant manie things.

  43. It hath bin often obserued in Guilde Halles where Aldermen sit, that when one of those Aldermen was at the point of death, there was heard some ratling about his seate, or some other certaine signe of death.

  44. Friday (17) I went on shoare and obserued the variation of the Compasse, which was three degrees and a halfe from the North to the West: the latitude this day was, sixtie nine degrees ten minutes.

  45. I obserued certaine wordes of their language, which I thought good to set downe for their vse, that hereafter shall haue occasion to continue this voyage.

  46. Instructions giuen to the Masters and Mariners to be obserued in and about this Fleete, passing this yeere 1577.

  47. But he neither regarding what he had sworne, neither weieng the force of an oth, obserued afterwards none of those things, which by his oth he had bound himselfe to obserue.

  48. The king neither allowed of them nor obserued them, although he had confirmed them with his seale, and sent them to all cathedrall churches and counties, to be registered in perpetuall memorie thereof.

  49. From thence vntil noone they sayled South nine leagues, then the latitude obserued was 42.

  50. Certaine briefe aduises giuen by Master Dee, to Arthur Pet, and Charles Iackman, to bee obserued in their Northeasterne discouerie, Anno 1580.

  51. April the variation of the compasse obserued in Astracan was 13.

  52. South and by West seuen leagues and a halfe, the latitude then obserued 43.

  53. Instructions and notes very necessary and needfull to be obserued in the purposed voyage for discouery of Cathay Eastwards, by Arthur Pet, and Charles Iackman: giuen by M.

  54. This gentleman hath obserued many other rare things concerning those partes, which hereafter (God willing) at more conuenient time and laisure shall come to light.

  55. South by West seuenteen leagues and a halfe, then the latitude obserued was 41.

  56. But the trueth is, as this Deponent saith, that the saide mightie prince the Emperour of Russia is the chiefe lord and gouernour of the saide countrey of Lappia, his lawes and orders are obserued by them, hee takes toll and custome &c.

  57. Whiche Peter the Apostle instituted to be obserued in Decembre, with fasting and praier, thre wiekes and a haulfe before Christemas, when we close vp the last.

  58. All the feastes and holydaies, throughout the yere, which the churche hath commaunded to be obserued and kept: beginne at the Aduente, or approache of Christe our Lorde.

  59. And if this our demand be not obserued & doone, we shall haue the heads of as manie as we can get of them.

  60. A thing specially obserued by vs as also by the naturall inhabitants themselues.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obserued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.