As likewise all kinde of practicques, freites, or other like extraordinarie actiones, which cannot abide the true toutche of naturall reason.
And griefe's a naturall sicknesse of the bloud, 30 That time to part asks, as his comming had; Onely sleight fooles griev'd suddenly are glad.
Teares please me better Then all lifes comforts, being the naturall seede 105 Of heartie sorrow.
And of trueth, almost in all the whole countrie, you shall not finde any ground that is barren or without profite, what by the naturall vertue of the country, and also by the manuring and helping of it.
My hope springs out of three stems: your Honors naturall benignitie; your able employment of such servitours; and the towardly likeliehood of this Springall to do you honest service.
In the seconde yere of the reygne of our most naturall souerayne lorde kỹge Henry the eyght.
By this agreement the children are to remain "att the free and proper and onely dispose of theire owne naturall parents, as they shall see good to dispose of them.
Compare 'the naturallpeople of that Countrey', Greene, News from Hell (ed.
We are so far from that naturall Balsamum, as that we have a naturall poyson in us, Originall sin:' &c.
The Naturall are begotten in the Liver, and thence dispersed through the Veines, to performe those naturall actions.
This ingageth me to explaine the intire sequel, and naturall dependances of our Ideas, and the manner of their forming; of which the world hath yet receiv'd a very imperfect account.
These are not naturall euents, they strengthen From strange, to stranger: say, how came you hither?
I might call him A thing diuine, for nothing naturall I euer saw so Noble Pro.
For it is much against reason that receiuing thy naturall lyfe by thy contrey, to deliuer it agayne to nature when she compelleth the, and not to geue it to thy cõtrey when she desyreth the.
The seconde forme, is an expression of naturall propensitie, and inclinacions to naturall affeccions, as of the fathers loue toward the chyldren .
By thys the barbarous tonge is seperated from the verye true and naturall speche, as be the fyne metals from the grosser.
I doe will and devise unto her the house with thappurtenaunces in Stratford, wherein she dwelleth, for her naturall lief, under the yearlie rent of xij.
And with an excellent disposition and artificiall, betwixt the greene leaues and the grosse vaynes, so precious hunge downe the clusters of grapes made of stones, agreeable and fitting to the naturall coulers of Grapes.
His rigged large ears like a Fox-hounde flappingly pendent, whose vast stature was little lesse, then a verye naturall Olyphant.
The fruit of theyrnaturall bignesse heere and there aptly placed, their sides cut open, and in place of kernelles they were full of most perfecte Rubyes, as bigge as the kernels.
Thys woorke and musaicall painting, was rightlye placed in order, as the beginning and end of the historie required with fictions in theyr naturall coulers, theyr actions and degrees tightlye expressed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "naturall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.