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Example sentences for "amonges"

Lexicographically close words:
amoena; amok; amomum; among; amonge; amongest; amongs; amongst; amont; amor
  1. But thei han grete men amonges hem, of oure stature, that tylen the lond, and labouren amonges the vynes for hem.

  2. And of the men of oure stature, han thei als grete skorne and wondre, as we wolde have among us of Geauntes, zif thei weren amonges us.

  3. Therfore mesure is muche worth, 9060 It may noght be to deere; For the meschief and the meschaunce Amonges men of Sodome, Weex thorugh plentee of payn, And of pure sleuthe.

  4. For muche murthe is amonges riche, As in mete and clothyng; And muche murthe in May is Amonges wilde beestes, And so forth while somer lasteth Hir solace dureth.

  5. And I loked in his lappe, A lazar lay therinne Amonges patriarkes and prophetes Pleyinge togideres.

  6. And if men lyvede as mesure wolde, Sholde nevere moore be defaute Amonges cristene creatures, If Cristes wordes ben trewe.

  7. Amonges al this prees, Rewe on this olde caitif in destresse, Sin I through yow have al this hevinesse!

  8. And thei senten azen dyverse answeres; and amonges other, thei seyden thus: Potentiam tuam summam, circa tuos subjectos firmiter credimus.

  9. And thei sette no prys be no richesse, but only of a precyous ston, that is amonges hem, that is of 60 coloures.

  10. And oure lady cam to hem, and bad hem tournen azen: and fro this forewardes nevere entred suche filthe in that place amonges hem, ne nevere schalle entre here aftre.

  11. And so trowed the Jewes for to have pes, when Crist was ded: for thei seyd, that he made discord and strif amonges hem.

  12. There ben othere, that ben clept Surienes; and thei holden the beleeve amonges us, and of hem of Grece.

  13. Thomas was entreted amonges hem, and so he ded.

  14. Also power of realmes, is not thilke grettest power amonges the worldly powers reckened?

  15. For how shulde it nat yet, amonges so greet plentee of people, ben many shrewes, sithen whan no mo but eight persons in Noes shippe were closed, yet oon was a shrewe and skorned his father?

  16. In your temporel tyme is no suche presence as in the tother; for 140 your present is don whan passed and to come ginnen entre; whiche tymes here amonges you everich esily foloweth other.

  17. But if thou were the oon sheep, amonges the hundred, were lost in deserte and out of the way hadde erred, and now to the flocke art restoored, the shepherd hath in thee no joye and thou ayen to the forrest tourne.

  18. Trewly, were it leful unto you, to al the goddes wolde I playne, that ye rule your devyne purveyaunce amonges 130 your servantes nothing as ye shulde.

  19. Is not fyr gentillest and most comfortable element amonges al other?

  20. Yet amonges you men, er it be in your presence, it is movable thorow liberte of arbitrement.

  21. Lo eke an olde proverbe amonges many other: "He that is stille semeth as he graunted.

  22. Howbeit as thinges, both good and ill amonges men, bee not still durable and perpetuall.

  23. I beseech God that your maiestie may euermore raigne amonges vs.

  24. This was the aunciente order amonges the Romaines, that neuer were pleased by the cowardly ouerthrow of other, to winne fame and glorye.

  25. And amonges hem, oyle of olyve is fulle dere: for thei holden it for fulle noble medicyne.

  26. For the Pissemyres wole suffren bestes to gon and pasturen amonges hem; but no man in no wyse.

  27. But o griffoun hathe the body more gret and is more strong thanne 8 lyouns, of suche lyouns as ben o this half; and more gret and strongere, than an 100 egles, suche as we han amonges us.

  28. And natheles I told hem, of als gret a marveylle to hem, that is amonges us: and that was of the Bernakes.

  29. And aftre that, as preestes amonges us syngen for the dede, Subvenite sancti Dei, &c.

  30. For of alle other bestes, thei han enclosed amonges hem, saf only the fox.

  31. And therfore thei suffren, that folk of alle lawes may peysibely duellen amonges hem.

  32. There dwellen gode folke and resonable, and manye Cristene men amonges hem, that ben so riche, that thei wyte not what to done with hire godes.

  33. For he hathe amonges hem many of the prophetes, and alle weye hathe had.

  34. And amonges the riche men of his contree, is a passynge riche man, that is no prince, ne duke ne erl; but he hathe mo that holden of him londes and other lordschipes: for he is more riche.

  35. For of all o[th]ere bestes [th]ei han enclosed amonges hem, saf only the fox.

  36. By whos tenure amonges al other blessed spede and gracious tithynges.

  37. Wher-so thou come, amonges hye or lowe, Kepe wel thy tonge, and thenk up-on the crowe.

  38. Thus preiseth he yet the bountee of man: "Amonges a thousand men yet fond I oon, But of wommen alle fond I noon.

  39. And more shame do they to Crist, than dide they that him crucifyede; for god loveth bettre, that frendshipe be amonges folk, than he dide his owene body, the which that he yaf for unitee.

  40. Amonges othere Daniel was oon, That was the wysest child of everichoon; 3345 For he the dremes of the king expouned, Wher-as in Chaldey clerk ne was ther noon That wiste to what fyn his dremes souned.

  41. And understond wel, that the gretteste and strongeste garnison that a riche man may have, as wel to kepen his persone as hise goodes, is / that he be biloved amonges his subgets and with hise neighebores.

  42. He that me kepte fro the false blame Whyl I was on the londe amonges yow, (730) He can me kepe from harme and eek fro shame In salte see, al-thogh I se nat how.

  43. Amonges alle his gestes, grete and smale, Ther was a monk, a fair man and a bold, 1215 I trowe of thritty winter he was old, That ever in oon was drawing to that place.

  44. Thei farther send befoir thame certane practisaris (amonges whome the Lord Seatoun,[284] who had departed with the Frenche out of Leyth was one) to rouse up new trubles within this Realme.

  45. Antonius 35 comaundede that knightes slowen with hir swerdes Papinian his familier, which Papinian hadde ben longe tyme ful mighty amonges hem of the court.

  46. For which it bitydeth that, as to the wyse folk, ther nis no place y-leten to 205 hate; that is to seyn, that ne hate hath no place amonges wyse men.

  47. And certes, amonges thise thinges I ne trowe nat that the prys and grace of the poeple nis neither worthy to ben remembred, ne cometh of wyse Iugement, ne is ferme perdurably.

  48. Forwhy faire ne precious ne weren they nat, for that they comen among thy richesses; but, for they semeden faire and precious, ther-for thou haddest lever rekne hem amonges thy richesses.

  49. And power, 70 oughte nat that eek to ben rekened amonges goodes?

  50. Now yif thou saye a mous amonges other mys, that chalaunged to him-self-ward right and power over alle other mys, how greet scorn woldest thou han of it!

  51. Amonges thise thinges sitteth the heye maker, king and lord, welle and biginninge, lawe and wys Iuge, to don equitee; and governeth and enclyneth the brydles of thinges.

  52. And yif a wight whylom hadde the office to taken hede to the vitailes of the poeple, as of corn and other thinges, he was holden amonges grete; but what thing is now more out-cast 60 thanne thilke provostrie?

  53. Certes, yif that honour of poeple were a naturel yift to dignitees, it ne mighte 45 never cesen nowher amonges no maner folk to don his office, right as fyr in every contree ne stinteth nat to eschaufen and to ben hoot.

  54. Thanne folweth it,' quod she, 'that we adden cleernesse of 50 renoun to the three forseyde thinges, so that ther ne be amonges hem no difference?

  55. Wherefore not to staye thee from the discourse of those straunge and Aduenturous women, diuers be of diuers opinions for the Etimologie of the word: whereof amonges the Graetians be diuers iudgementes.

  56. Amonges which troupe of Sciences, the knowledge and search of Histories deserueth a place in the chefest rank, and is for example of humaine affayres, a Christal light to shew the pathes of our Auncestors.

  57. And amonges other thinges he tolde him of the beautie of this Ladie, who sent his Painter called Iohn of Paris, to bring him her counterfaicte: which with the consent of her husband, he did.

  58. And bycause I am assured, that curteous Myndes will delyght in deedes of Curtesie, I haue amonges other the Nouelles of Bandello, chosen by Francois de Belleforest and my self, discoursed thys, albeit the matter be not of great importance.

  59. So that now amonges them all thynges for Money are venalia, ready to be solde, and yet the same vnknowen to the Emperour him selfe.

  60. Nowe the Nighte was somwhat cleare, which was the cause, that the Knighte amonges the thronge, knew the Gentlewoman, besides whome rode the Miserable Wretche that hadde stolne hir awaye.

  61. And amonges other thinges they prepared a Triumphe at the Tilt, where none was suffred to enter the lists, but yong Gentlemen, sutch as neuer yet had followed armes.

  62. Ther is moore mys-shapen peple Amonges thise beggeres, Than of alle manere men That on this moolde walketh.

  63. If I dorste," quod I, "amonges men This metels avowe!

  64. For-thi is he holden I hope To have me in his masse, And mengen in his memorie Amonges alle cristene.

  65. Ac murthe and mynstralcie Amonges men is nouthe Lecherie, losengerye, And losels tales, 5700 Glotonye and grete othes, This murthe thei lovyeth.

  66. God is muche in the gorge Of thise grete maistres, Ac amonges meene men His mercy and hise werkes.

  67. Sholde noon harlot have audience In halle nor in chambre, Ther wise men were, Witnesseth Goddes wordes, Ne no mys-proud man Amonges lordes ben allowed.

  68. For they, amonges al the pres, Shul thus be shamed gilteles!

  69. The excellence of the spere solide, amonges other noble conclusiouns, sheweth manifeste the diverse assenciouns of signes in diverse places, as wel in the righte cercle as in the embelif cercle.

  70. This Steward, forto telle soth, Amonges al the men alyve A lusti ladi hath to wyve, Which natheles for gold he tok And noght for love, as seith the bok.

  71. Ther is a peine amonges alle Benethe in helle, which men calle The wofull peine of Tantaly, Of which I schal thee redely Devise hou men therinne stonde.

  72. The Philosophre amonges alle Forthi commendeth this science, Which hath the reule of eloquence.

  73. The Gray Freiris gapped, the Blak Frearis blew, the Preastis panted, and fled, and happy was he that first gate the house; for such ane suddan fray came never amonges the generatioun of Antichrist within this realme befoir.

  74. But such as with thare eyis saw the hole progresse, knew that to be a lye, and dois repute it amonges the veniale synnes of that race, which is to speake the best of thameselves thei can.

  75. Thare mycht have bein sein so suddane a fray as seildome hes bein sein amonges that sorte of men within this realme; for doun goes the croses, of goes the surpleise, round cappes cornar with the crounes.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amonges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.