But because the said description was translated and published out of Spanish into diuers other languages, we will here onely make an abridgment or brieferehearsall thereof.
A briefe relation of William Esturmy, and Iohn Kington concerning their ambassages into Prussia, and the Hanstownes VI.
A briefe description of the iland of Cyprus Sub-section 1 In Turchas precatio XLIX.
A briefe relation of the notable seruice performed by Sir Francis Drake vpon the Spanish Fleete prepared in the Road of Cadiz: and of his destroying of 100.
A briefe and true report of the Honorable voyage vnto Cadiz, 1596.
A briefe note concerning an ancient trade of the English marchants to the Canarie Ilands, &c.
A briefe remembrance of things to be indeuoured at Constantinople, &c.
William Stafford, whose Compendious or briefe Examination of certain ordinary Complaints (otherwise called A Briefe Conceipt of English Policy) appeared in 1581.
Alberti (Briefe betreffend den Zustand der Religion in Gross-Brittannien) wrote in 1752 that the Discourses were even in that day somewhat rare, and seldom found together.
The Briefe uber Merkwurdigkeiten der Literatur were republished by A.
Ossian in a letter [by Sturz]: Briefe eines Reisenden vom Jahre 1868.
Riemer (1846); Goethes Briefe an Frau von Stein, edited by A.
It was translated from the Italian into English by John Florio, and appeared under the title, A Short and Briefe Narration of the Two Navigations and Discoveries to the Northweast Partes called Newe Fraunce, London, 1580.
The Lenox bibliography begins the series of allied works with A Shorte and briefe narration of the two Navigations and Discoveries to the northweast partes, called Newe France, London, 1580.
A briefe relation of two sundry voyages made by the worshipful M.
And because it shalbe knowen wherefore it was that I was so punished by the Clergies hande, as before is mentioned, I will in briefe words declare the same.
A briefe collection of certaine reasons to induce her Majestie and the state to take in hande the westerne voyadge and the plantinge there.
Loe here in briefe the description of our Fourtresse, which I named Caroline in the honour of our Prince King Charles.
A briefe and summary discourse vpon the intended voyage to the hithermost parts of America: written by Captaine Carlile in April, 1583.
Thus you see in briefe that which happened to them which Captaine Iohn Ribault had left in Florida.
Neuerthelesse albeit hitherto the successe hath not answered our expectation through our owne default, as is abouesaid, yet I was very willing to set downe in briefe and homely stile some mention of these three voyages of our owne men.
Goite, whereof I find this short and briefe description.
Who would thinke that two fragments of Wilshire were to be seene in Barkeshire vpon the Loden, and the riuer that falleth into it: whereof and the like sith there are verie manie, I thinke good to giue this briefe admonition.
Howbeit to the end our exact order herein shall appeere vnto all men, I will set downe some short rehearsall thereof, and that in so briefe manner as vnto me is possible.
But I not contented with this so short a discourse of so long a riuer & briefe description of so faire a streame, will ad somewhat more of the same concerning his race on the English side, and rehearsall of such riuers as fall into it.
The Janicula appeared in its new form, much abridged as well as translated, in 1605, under the title of A Briefe Extract of the former Latin Grammar.
A briefeextract of the former Latin Grammar, done into English for the easier instruction of the Learner.
At the end are found "briefe directions for such as desire to learne the French tongue," giving a succinct treatment of the pronunciation of the letters, followed by a description of the various parts of speech.
A] "A Briefe Declaration of the Plantation of Virginia during the first twelve yeares, when Sir Thomas Smyth was Governor, of the Companie, and downe to this present tyme.
The substance of these will be found in the paper, "A briefe Declaration," &c.
These obstacles removed, the Speaker, who a long time had bene extreame sickly, and therefore not able to passe through long harangues, delivered in briefe to the whole assembly the occasions of their meeting.
Briefe aus Philadelphia (1876) an eine Freundin (Letters from Philadelphia to a Friend).
Catalogue of the severall Sects and Opinions in England and other Nations, With a briefe Rehearsall of their false and dangerous Tenents.
So in briefe hee was put out of the doores, for they were no company for him.
Briefe I pray you, for you see it is a busie time with me Const.
Not till monday, my deare sonne, which is hence a iust seuen night, and a time too briefe too, to haue all things answer minde Prince.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "briefe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.